Up To You Of Course!

There are infinite states of consciousness.  I AM rich, poor, sick, healthy, strong, week, butcher, baker, candlestick maker. Whatever you can imagine being. However there are states that are buried within you that erupt and take you to the next one until you reach the final state of consciousness you will wear. The teacher/carpenter aka Jesus.

Paul is a man wearing the state of Jesus teaching and he uses his imagination to consciously create out of consciousness like a carpenter does out of wood.

The Bible is an allegory so it is telling you a complex concept in story form so all can understand it.  It begins with Abraham and civilization. Abraham becomes aware there is only one I AM. One Consciousness. Abraham becomes aware that if he uses his imagination then it comes to be. He weds Sara and he cleaves to his wife. She represents his imagination. He takes Hagar who represents his enslavement to the physical world – a slave to rational man, worrying about lack of, fear, greed. He has a son of the flesh with Hagar and a son of his imagination with Sara.

Whether it is the Old or the New it is the same story told differently for the culture at the time. Shakespeare did this as well as all his work tells the same tale as the Bible. It’s the same story as the Minoan’s labyrinth and Isis, Osiris, and Horus of ancient Egypt. It is the same story as the Hermetica. When you look closely, it is the same story – always.

The writers of the Bible did not know how to explain that everyone, man, woman, would have a child born to them from spirit. Consciousness, Imagination, photons cannot be seen but you know they are there so they are spirit.  They did the best they could with what they had and they made up stories telling the tale.

The majority love to get lost in the details.  Chopping down trees so they can see that darn forest. We all do it for a time. If all you can perceive at this time is a historical Jesus then that is ok. You are in division and still learning.  When the Bible states to repent it means have a radical change of mind and that means stop believing all this silliness that Rational man tells you and start believing in your imagination.

Are you still stuck believing the body is the be all end all? It’s not you. So many don’t realize this is a boot camp. You are going to wallow in hell until you realize it is you that makes you live in hell. It’s psychological here.  100%

So if you wish to live in 1984 or the Cold War or the plague go for it! Be the best you can be and play your role to the best of your ability. We all play Saul before we play Paul.  Sure, you will ‘die’ but not really.  Only the ones left behind experience death. If you die like a man rest assured you will not know it. You will just step into a new younger body, costume, to continue your journey. Maybe here, maybe somewhere else like it but the journey is yours and yours alone.

Are you tired of being slapped, spanked, that you are hurting yourself when you malign others?  Everyone around you you called. You made them out of you and you sent them to you. All the world is a stage and all the men and women are merely players in your play.

They all do as you wish. You are the only one fighting you.  You are the only one being mean to you. It is all you. Most do not wish to accept this and that’s ok too. We all do it and we will all come to this realization no matter what traps we set for ourselves.

So you can be your Savior or you can be your Devil up to you of course. There are infinite ways to the same end. You are burning off the perceptions of man until all is left is the perception of God – Conscious Imagination.

The world, the universe all of it is you. You are amazing. Look around. Isn’t it lovely?  It’s yours and you made it for your journey.

Call it whatever you wish a miracle, law of attraction, caca happening to me – that is how you vibrate the frequency to get your imaginings.  Imagination. Imagine the end. You have your desire.  You are saved. Feel it. Isn’t it wonderful? Oh yes, thank you, thank you.

You choose. You can imagine and plan for what you fear or you can imagine and plan for what you desire.  Up to you of course. Imagination is going to bring it to you in some natural magical way.

Faith is not a religion. Faith is knowing the unseen will be seen.  Have a little faith and expect your good. Accept it. Forgive yourself – you deserve the best.  It is all good.

It’s all a show. A play, You keep playing your part with passion if that is what you wish and it is that passion that burns away the judgement until the day comes when it burns out. You are at peace. You desire nothing because you know it is all yours and it is all good.

It’s your world and you can make it a hell or heaven. Up to you of course.

All my work is reader supported and I thank you!  Thank you for spreading the good news!

4 thoughts on “Up To You Of Course!

  1. Hi Rita, I’ve been reading through your blog for the past few days, it’s a great read. I’ve been doing the imagination sessions mainly before I go to sleep for a few weeks and overall I feel a lot less negative and have had a few minor instances of people telling me things I imagined and stuff like that. What I was wondering was should the “feeling” be a constant effort all day or just before sleep? Also, I am able to get the feeling as if I am what I’m thinking about a lot of the time, but sometimes I can only get as much as a smile, which doesn’t really feel like “I Am that” – any suggestions on how to get past that seeming block or is just more time/practice needed? Thanks for reading and for the blog posts.

    p.s. ignore my Twitter name lol

    Liked by 1 person

    • Wow! My wordpress just started showing me all these comments! I am honored and thank you! If you are doing fine great and if you still need some help just let me know! Looks like this is working now! LOL Blessings to you!


  2. LOL ok I shall.

    The feeling should be maintained as much as possible. If it was relief and happiness just be happy. If you have your desire you would be happy. So when you are happy you are saying I have my desire.

    You don’t think of it, you think from it so if you have it then you are happy and not thinking about the desire anymore.

    Hope this helps you darling! Blessings to you!


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