Imagination Creates Reality

That is the Law. If you vehemently deny this then prove me wrong. If you are desperate, then try it. It costs you nothing but a moment of your time. I would love to hear what happens.

How, you ask? You do it all the time but you deny it. You deny your harvest. It is easy.

Feel the end. Imagine the end and feel it and hold that feeling. Do it as you fall asleep or when you quiet your mind. Or pray. Prayer is giving thanks for what you want, as if you already have it, the end. Thank you for XXX, hat, prosperity, new roof whatever you want.

Now forget about it which is what we do most of the time hence the denial when it arrives or walk in the assumption, faith, that you already have what you imagined. Faith is knowing you will see the unseen, your end, your desire. It will show up. How it shows up no one knows because the Law of Attraction determines that but it will show up. That is the Law in the Bible, the Hermetica, the ancient texts.

You hear about the awakening. That is happening now. What is it? It’s not energies or this or that from the universe. The universe is inside you.

You are asleep and are dreaming the dream of you.

In your dream you have amnesia and believe you are the person, the body, the costume, you wear and that is the journey. It is waking up from this deep sleep, this amnesia, knowing who you are. Waking up is knowing at last who you are and the memories of the journey flood in just as a human who recovers from amnesia has the memories flood in. It feels as if you have been asleep for so very long.

Your memories are of the true you, your journey and the end of that journey.

You are I AM and that is God’s name forever and ever. You are being made into the image of God.No one fails. All succeed.

That is the Promise but you cannot begin without using the law and believing that God, I AM, is providing it all and it is all for a purpose and that purpose is to bring all the pieces of God back together again.Resurrection.

Humpty Dumpty is saved and better for the experience.

So forgive yourself and the monsters you created. Love them and see the good side of it and that energy comes back to you.

Forgive them, they don’t know what they are doing. They have amnesia. They are asleep.

Energy never dies and neither do you.

Let’s Go Costa Rica!

Costa Rica does not have a military. Threw them out. They have an almost 0 carbon foot print. They have invested in their natural environment and they rock. We should look to Costa Rica on how to change our countries and the world.

The current establishment, read Tragedy & Hope and Rules for Radicals, believe they are the ones who would control the rest of us for the foreseeable future. They believe they will profit forever and ever in this manner, ruling over the rest of us. They believe they need to use fear, greed, envy and pain to keep us in our place. They believe there is only lack when there is plenty for all. They believe that everyone is ugly and jealous and out to get them. That’s their story.  LOL That is silly.

The people believe they are victims and they are getting sick of it. LOL silly.

There are always two sides to everything. You cannot have a bad without a good.

You have been conditioned to believe you are no good and will be taken care of by the state. They use you to envy the productive so you remain dependent.  They suck out the life of the producers and turn them into dependent people to be controlled in any way they want or to just leave.

They understand their role and that is ok. We all have to learn lessons, including them. No one is smarter than anyone else about you.

They answer to the rest of us. We don’t answer to them. Ultimately, it is what the rest of us believe that matters and they know it. Getting you to be afraid and fall into line is easy so that is what they do. We are the ones acting like victims. They just showed up to prove it to us.

No one is buying that anymore.

Let’s all share in the world and take the economies away from the rulers. An economy is nothing more than sharing and giving and receiving the things you want and love. Money is just a medium of exchange to do this. They tell you it is a necessary evil and your belief in this is what keeps money away from you. Don’t believe it. They have their own road to walk and you have yours. There is plenty for all and they know that too.

The world is changing radically and the large one world government fits all is falling away. We will become a world of small countries that join together in free trade to become one. Free trade does not need treaties it is free to all.  Do we really need someone to tell us what is good and bad for us?  Good and bad are perceptions so get over it and look at it. Only you know what is good or bad for you.

Illness is up. Well no wonder with all the ads for are you sick with this that or the other. You are thinking about it all the time and worrying about it and then bam you get it. You imagined yourself ill and they know about that too.

I don’t care if others want to take drugs or have abortions. I don’t care if others just want to live their lives. I don’t care if tobacco is smoked or chewed. I don’t care what religion they practice as all religions are just another establishment creating rules that make no sense. Heaven is inside you so says the bible so why do they teach it is outside of you? Silly.

Violence only begets more violence and governments are violent. Do you want drone attacks on your property killing your family, friends, neighbors because you are suspected of being something some government in the world dislikes?

You reap what you sow.

In truth, there is only one law. It never changes and it is always in motion. That is universal law. The Law of Imagination. Use it wisely and you will see miracles. Use it without thinking and you will see horrors.

Let’s not jump into the fire as we leap from the frying pan. Let’s stop and think.


We are all on the same journey taking different roads to the end. We are all doing the best we can with what we have and know and that includes the leaders of the establishment.

We created the governments and we can change them.

If others want to kill themselves over something I don’t care and I don’t think I should interfere. It is their road not mine and to interfere is to become part of that road and it will always end badly because it is not my road.

We can all be Costa Rica. It is a challenge but if they could do it, so can the rest of us.



The Fall of Centralization & The Rise of Decentralization

If you vote Hillary then you want centralization and globalization. You are for never ending war and giving people what they want by taking from one group and giving it to another.. If you vote Trump then you want decentralization and peace and teaching people how to think for themselves.  You get to keep what you make and you get to spend it how you wish.

If you want Hillary then you want someone telling you what to do. You want someone to tell you eat this, take this pill for that, exercise because we said it is good for you, don’t eat that for 15 years and then we discover we were wrong about it you can eat it. You believe in lack of. That there is not enough. You believe you must make life fair and if even one person yells ‘I don’t like this. It’s not fair’ you give them whatever attention they wish. You listen. You allow others to think for you.

If you want Trump then you believe in personal responsibility. You know life is not fair. You know there is abundance for all. You know when life gives you lemons you make lemonade. You already had a set of parents that taught you well so you don’t need or want anyone telling you what to eat or do. You know the government, the doctors, the establishment is guessing at best so you know only you know what is best for you. You read. You think for yourself.

Black Lives Matter is getting lost in the details.  An unarmed man shot to death, shot in the back, is not acceptable. It does not matter what color his skin his and to bring up skin color in and of itself is promoting more hatred and division.

I am not sure where all this fear of each other came from but we are One being made up of many so there is nothing to fear but fear itself and even that is not to be feared. It just is.

Eventually we will become one made up of many on this earth. One world made up of many countries and all will trade freely. Trade agreements indicate something is being left out or something. They are not needed if trade is free.

Centralization is embracing the marriage of government, corporate and military leading our lives. It means perpetual war.In the past that was called Fascism or Nazis.

Decentralization is embracing freedom and responsibility. It is the separation of power with no one entity of the government having more power than another. It is dismantling the military industrial complex. It is a major downsizing in the military because we know no one can hurt us because we are One. We will use our guns to protect our country until we build up the military to what we need.

We did it before and we will do it if needed.

To have a large military means you are afraid. We have nothing to fear.

To have a small military means we are safe and secure.

Which do you want? It is your choice.



We Are Better Than This

The Wall Street Journal reported the US air lifted 1.7 Billion, yes billion, of our money, yes our tax dollars, to Iran to settle a dispute, seal the nuclear deal and get our sailors back. 400 million was a cash payment to Iran and the government for some reason did not want the rest of us to know about it.

Why could the American public not know this at the time of this supposed historic deal? Is our government ashamed or embarrassed? It is not transparency. If you hide something you are either ashamed or embarrassed and since it is not the government’s money but our money to run the government shouldn’t we know at the time of the deal and not afterwards?  It is neither good or bad it just is. It is good we got the sailors back and the deal was done and economic sanctions lifted. It is bad that we paid to get that done rather than a mutual agreement. Either way it just is and we are better than this.

I love my country and I love everyone because I know they are all doing the best they can with what they have and know. ‘Bad guys’ think they are doing good. Everyone thinks they are doing good but your good could be my bad so it is all a matter of perception aka belief.

Since the administration believes they know what is best it is a shame they have forgotten their role. They don’t rule us. We rule them. The establishment wonders why Trump is doing so well. This ‘lords over labor’ behavior and the constant be afraid mentality from the media via the government is what makes Trump popular. Americans are sick of being afraid.

Black Lives Matters wants reparations for having tough lives. Who told them life was fair? Whoever it was was lying. Life is not fair. Life is about cornering yourself. Enslaving yourself until you, in desperation, turn to yourself and imagine a better place. Imagine a better end than what you are currently experiencing.

Although most will not believe, because they are conditioned so well into the slavery, who they are and why things are the way they are, it is true. The truth does set you free. You are I AM and that is God’s name forever and ever. It is not blasphemy to know who you are and to claim it. God is dreaming the dream of you. This is all imagination. You can change it. Believe imagination creates reality because it does. You don’t even have to believe it because it is universal law. You will get what you imagine.

An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. We forgot what it means. It means if you imagine taking another’s eye your eye will be taken. If you imagine knocking out teeth your teeth will be knocked out. That is how it works. We are one being made up of many so to malign another is to malign yourself and you will get what you are asking for even though you believe it is aimed at another.

Matter is made up of energy and energy never dies. If you create a monster the only way to get rid of it is to love it and redeem it. Paying people to act like you want them to act is not going to work. There is no love there.

Teaching others to fish rather than giving them reparations or payoffs is the answer but those who want reparations and payoffs are angry and imagine awful things about others. They think it is over skin color or religious belief or cultural differences but what they don’t realize is the world is you pushed out. Whatever you believe is being shown to you. If you believe the neighbor is  a jerk he will be a jerk to you. If I believe he is awesome he will be awesome to me. If you believe your skin color keeps you down then you will experience that. Why would you want to experience that? That is your monster.

We wake from one dream only to be in another dream, like a Russian nesting doll, until we realize all that matters is what you individually believe. When you join a group, a church, an ism, you enslave yourself to another’s belief. Eventually it will not work anymore and you will cry.

There is only one Savior and that is you. You save you. That is why a prostitute or thief will enter the ‘kingdom of heaven’ before a rich man. Heaven is inside you. Where inside you are all things possible? A rich man or country can pay the way and not have to go to imagination to save himself. That is fine; his road is his. The kingdom of heaven as the Bible states is inside you and that is your lovely imagination where all things exist and where anything is possible. You either moan and groan and get more ugly or you relax and imagine wouldn’t it be wonderful if… and you get that and are saved.

Most of us are in a place where it is time to imagine a better ending.  Let’s imagine a better place. It doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks or does. All that matters is a moment of your time to imagine a better place. Together we made this world through universal assumptions that feels like laws but they are not law. Law never changes.

We are better than this. No one is out to get us. No one is out to hurt us. We are one being made up of many. Let’s imagine a better world one with love instead of Coke bringing us together.


Imagine A Better Place

The USA is a friendly and lovely place full of people who diligently work to bring love and peace to the world. They are innovative and creative and small business is growing while large military industrial companies are changing to take on the new economy. The Peace Economy. We embrace the Biology of Belief and teach others how to use it heal themselves. Our hospitals and doctors now know how to heal another and they imagine all their patients as healed. Not one says, you are terminal anymore.

Shame on us. We know better. A War on Terror is madness. Crazy! Absolutely insane! Doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different outcome is the definition of crazy so why are we doing this? Do you really expect ‘terror’ to end? Terror is nothing more than fear. If you wish to live your life in fear go ahead but I know there is no such thing as fear. There is no such thing as good or bad. That is just you judging and maligning another and that will come back to haunt you in some way, disease, physical injury, something. That is Law and the Law is absolute. It never changes.

The fire burns and the fire heats. It is neither good or bad. It is just fire.

You don’t have to buy what they are selling you. We did figure it out in Vietnam. Now our Secretary of State came from that war and was a protester yet he encourages the war on terror. Why? Because the military industrial complex Eisenhower warned us about makes money making war. They sell not only to us but to the world so war is a good thing for them. As long as we buy what they are selling we will continue to lose lives and have damaged people return all because we are judging and maligning others.

Are you ok with that? Shouldn’t we turn the other cheek and say enough?

Do you think healthcare is expensive? Well multiply that by 1 billion maybe and you get the idea of what weapons cost. A lot.

Violence only gets you more violence so why are we committing so much violence around the world? We are better than that. Don’t deny it. You know in your heart that is what we are doing, terrorizing the world. We joined them when we admitted we are afraid. They already won. The TSA proves that.

They are keeping us safe. No they are not. They are making us vulnerable. Besides, no one can keep you safe but you.

They are heroes. No they are not. They chose to play the role so they played it. Just because you became a soldier does not mean you are any more special than the rest of us. We are all precious.  Now there are heroes but just because you wore a uniform does not make you a hero.

Costa Rica said enough and threw out their military and are surviving just fine thank you very much. Why can’t we do that? Think of all the money we could save and use in other areas. Think of all the lives that could be something that helps rather than destroys.

Shouldn’t we be the leaders to a peaceful way of life?

We are drowning in oil so it is not a national security issue. Besides, we need to start using new methods for energy like a clean unlimited supply that Rodan devices can bring us.

We are becoming the enemy we defeated in World War II. Fascists. Corporations, military and government working together to tell the rest of us when we can work, what we can work on, what to think, eat, and do and lives to give up. Charities are everywhere to help the vets. Shouldn’t we be doing that as a government? Screw going to Mars or the Moon. Spend that money on vets.

Let’s tell a new story.

The USA is a friendly and lovely place full of people who diligently work to bring love and peace to the world. They are innovative and creative and small business is growing while large military industrial companies are changing to take on the new economy. The Peace Economy. We embrace the Biology of Belief and teach others how to use it heal themselves. Our hospitals and doctors now know how to heal another and they imagine all their patients as healed. Not one says, you are terminal anymore.

It is easy to imagine. Just sit back and relax and imagine it.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you!

Now it will happen. I don’t know how or when but I do know because we imagine it it will happen.

There is not one thing in this world that was created before it was imagined.

Time to Act! Time to imagine!