The 12 Universal Laws of Mind

These are not laws of the universe. They are universal. They are Laws/Principles of Mind and we all say I AM and have One mind which is inside One mind inside One mind – like a Russian nesting doll.  If you take care of your mind, the rest follow.
These Laws do not deviate. They are Law. They are always working and they work for all no matter the state of anyone’s being. Rich man, poor man, beggar man, thief. It doesn’t matter. If there is an exception, it is not Law – it’s a rule and rules are made to be broken.
The first two Laws are the ultimate laws and the other ten cannot work without the first two so in a way there are only two Laws with a subset of ten. You can look at it any way you wish.
In the past these Laws were presented as the 12 constellations, the 12 tribes of Israel, and the 12 disciples.
By being conscious of these laws and using them consciously you learn it is all you and whatever you believe, imagine and give unconditional love to. Attention. One end of the scale of attention is love and the other is hate. To give it attention is to feed it and make it grow. Understand how these Laws work and you can consciously use them to live life rather than survive it. It’s all you.
The Law of One
There is only One. One Mind inside you and it has two parts.  Conscious and Subconscious.  The pineal gland is above these two in the physical form of the brain. It is the seat of imagination. The Ark of the Covenant is your imagination. A secret place inside you that only you can enter and there you make the two parts of the one mind agree.
The subconscious mind is the seat for life. It regulates all your bodily functions and all your memories of your experiences and lessons learned are there and come to you as desires and intuition. These are deep seated memories as you do not remember these lessons learned but they are there and when you attempt to do something and that little voice inside you says don’t do it you won’t like it, been there done that and you do it anyways you discover that little voice is right . You go with your gut – instinct – intuition.
There is Only One. If you imagine ugly, an eye for an eye, you will experience the ugly not them. There is only One being here and to malign another is to malign self. You get the spanking not the other. It is to learn. There is only One. You are only hurting yourself when you think and imagine ugly things of others.
There is only One I AM and we all say it. Anything after that is the role you are playing or a label you placed upon yourself.
One Consciousness. One Subconscious, One Imagination and all come together to bring you what you declare is yours in your imagination.
You may not know who you are, when you are, where you are, but you always know you are and you always imagine. You couldn’t stop imagining if you wanted to.
Everyone and everything is you – pushed out. Everyone is a messenger showing you what you believe, bringing you messages and answers and gifts. Thank the messenger even though you may not like the message and then change the message. It’s your belief.
Blessing others is blessing yourself and it happens for them and even more for you. You are loving you.
The Law of Liberty – Salvation
Imagination creates objective reality.
The trinity is Consciousness – Imagination – Attention – yours and no one else’s matters. It’s your world not theirs. Consciousness is the gatekeeper and Imagination is the Savior. Attention is the power of unconditional love.
Love trumps all. Hearts trump all. If you are lovingly giving of yourself to another in your imagination, it will override any other obstacle that may stop it and it will be.
Anything you place consciously into your subconscious and give attention to via your imagination are seeds you planted into the subconscious mind and asked for. Everyone else, even the rocks you trip over, are you presenting the story you are telling yourself.
There is the objective world and the subjective world. You are the receiver and the projector. The objective world is nothing more than a projection of your subjective world. You will see what you consciously believe, imagine, give attention to. The objective world, being a projection, cannot hurt you – unless you believe it can and if you do you have enslaved yourself to it.
You push life around. It doesn’t push you around and this is how you are doing it.
The only free will you have is to choose what you will imagine, believe and give attention to. No one can make you believe anything. You choose. Everything else is scripted from that.
If you silence your mind – going to God Mode – imagine an end you wish to experience – consciously accept it in your imagination with thanks or a small phrase that indicates you consciously have it – use your five senses in your imagination especially touch/feeling – and say thank you to the core of your being for giving you that in your imagination then you will receive it in the objective world.
The two agreed in Imagination.
Imagination is the savior. Nothing was made that was not first desired and imagined. The core of your being sitting in your subconscious sends you angels, desires, and you go about the Father’s work by being like your Father and imagine having the end you desire. When you no longer desire it then you have it and the details start filling in.
Time and space create faith and doubt. To believe in the objective world is to doubt. Faith is not a religion. It is knowing the unseen will be seen. Faith in your subjective world.
Liberate yourself and have the life of your dreams. Be responsible and loving to all.
The Law of Tithing
This law is not about giving a tenth of your income to some charity or organization unless that entity deals with teaching others the Laws of Mind. It is fine to do this as long as when you do it you joyously give it out knowing it will raise others up.
When you give to a charity for example to end cancer you are giving life to the objective side. You are stating the objective side can fix this and it cannot. This will not come back to you a thousandfold.
If you give to help others after a natural disaster it’s not those poor people; it’s joy, riches and success for all. This money I joyously give to you as it will help raise you up to be even better than before as you are magnificent! Love to all! This will come back to you a thousandfold.
If it is say to the Phineas Quimby entities, authors that write about it or others who create films or music or whatever about love and the laws mind then you are spreading the good news. This will always come back to you a thousandfold.
If a farmer does not keep a tenth of his crop then there is no seed for the next year’s harvest. That is tithing.
So if you spend an hour giving a lecture you need to spend 6 minutes praying for the Big man to come forward and hear others say what an inspiring lecture thank you before you go forward to your lecture. It’s about time and giving to yourself and others.
96 minutes in a day should be spent in the endeavor. That equates to one day a week approximately. The Sabbath is doing this. It’s not one day a week. It is everyday in at least these increments. You do not work during these times because you are at rest physically  – imagining for others and self.
The Law of Relativity
It’s all relative to your perception. Only human beings place good or bad upon something. They are just props waiting to be as you wish and will be as you perceive it to be. Its all relative.
It’s just bacteria. It can’t hurt you or be good to you unless you believe it and/or imagine it.
If you believe in good bacteria then the other side is automatically created because to believe in one is to believe in the other and it’s just bacteria.
If one person believes in flesh eating bacteria effectively believing in the objective world and another believes it’s all just bacteria and therefore a lovely prop for the objective world and both have cuts and both go into the water one will get to experience flesh eating bacteria and one will experience the lovely water.
It’s all relative.
The Law or Perpetual Transmutation
You are changing things all the time via your imagination. It is the only constant. It’s always changing.
You can revise the past and set end points into the future.
Imagine an end in the future or refuse to accept somthing that has happened or is happening and transmute it to be as you imagine and wish.
It will change.
You don’t have to accept your car is broken down and not in the driveway. Imagine it is in the driveway and always has been and never broke down and the energy moving forward rewrites it so the objective world presents to you your vehicle in the driveway.
Little to no charge to return it to that objective state.
The Law of Gratitude
To be thankful for something is an indication you consciously accept it and love it. The more you are thankful for something the more it comes into your life.
If you are thankful for money and you joyously release it thankful for what it is giving you – it will come back to you a thousandfold. To doubt is to worry. No worries.
Be thankful. It is part of the power of love.
The Law of Cause and Effect
I AM, Consciousness Imagination and Attention, is the cause and the objective world is the effect.
You ACT or take action in your imagination and the world REACTS.
I AM the God Particle that determines the outcome of which way the photons will go. I AM the cause.  I AM the one that determines if Schrödinger’s cat is dead or alive.
Law of Opulence
The more you give of yourself, your time and your imaginations to others the more you will receive in the objective world. It becomes an avalanche of abundance.
Imagine the best of men and they will give it to you. Imagine others living in luxury and they will as will you only you receive even more.
There is always more. It’s like the air you breath or the ocean’s water. There is abundance in all.
Money, food, clothing in whatever form it takes is an idea in the mind of God. It is good. It is very good. Money is a symbol of God’s wealth. It is a medium of exchange and you are exchanging ideas and love.  There is always more. It is inexhaustible.
Law of Attraction
Like thoughts/beliefs attract like circumstances, conditions, events and people in the objective world.
Look around you and see what your thoughts have wrought.
All beliefs are self imposed and can be changed. It’s just a habit.
Law of Reflection
Everything is a reflection of you. The universe and all within it is inside you and will reflect you always.
A dog does not understand the words you say or the actions you do but does understand the feelings behind them and is always watching you. The dog will be as you believe he will be. He will be different for another who believes differently than you.
It is the same with everything in the objective world.
Change you, and the world will change to reflect that.
Law of Vibration
Everything has a different vibration and frequency. To imagine having something is to vibrate that frequency telling the photons to come forward into that form.
You are always vibrating and others can feel it too. You make the things you touch, the things you do vibrate that same vibration as well.  Your letter may say how much you love someone but if your mind and heart were filled with hate the receiver will know it.
Doesn’t matter if it is electronic or paper. They will know what you meant via the vibration and how it makes them feel.  They will know if you choose to obey the outside or the inside and will respond accordingly.
Law of Death
When you die to something then that person who believed that old whatever no longer exists and a new man is born.
If you imagined another well then you die to the man who believed they were ill and come out of the imagining knowing they are well and you do not allow anything to tell you differently.
If you imagine another well and then die to it by forgetting all about imagining them well then it shall be as to forget is to no longer desire it indicating you know it is done.
You are impregnating states of consciousness and you put them on and take them off as you play all the parts in this play so you learn.
It’s always a good day to die. To die daily for others and self is a blessing.
No one leaves the objective world before their time.
There is no death as the objective world believes. Energy does not die. Consciousness and imagination do not die. They are energy in motion and they never end as this is how life expresses itself.
Eventually we all reach the end imagined – becoming one with God one with Consciousness and Imagination bringing the joys and woes to the world of humanity and giving life and loving it.
You can’t do that until you learn – it’s all good, it’s all very good.
God is a translation for Consciousness. God is the Life Principle within you and it will express itself through you. You can distort it or encourage it.
Either way it will be as you wish! It’s all a story. The story of you and how you learned to give life.
Isn’t it wonderful?!
Blessings to all!
All my work is reader supported!  Thank you for spreading the good news!

Evolution in Man

Scientists call their guess on how Man evolves the theory of evolution. Of course those that buy it insist it be regarded as a fact when it is not a fact.  It can’t be a theory and a fact.

Your imagined thought persisted comes onto the screen of time and space.

Darwin imagined visiting new lands and seeing new life. He got it. Then he came back and told others what he believed. The wildlife became what they did due to the environment. He thought it was the physical environment. It was the mental environment. He imagined new life and new lands and he got it but being asleep he perceived it as being an evolution of the objective world which is but a projection of the inside of Man.

Consciousness evolves first. The inside changes and then the outside changes.

We love to document the physical changes on the outside and believe that is how man evolves.  It’s a belief so it is a theory. There is nothing to prove it. It can’t be proven and scientists are well aware that it cannot be proven.  This is getting lost in the details.

Scientists play the role of an authority in the objective world and most buy the scientists conclusions of the unknown. They claim if the same thing is observed many times then it is not a guess. Quantum physics states each one of us will observe differently and get what we expect. Stem cell research tells you this. Psychology is all about this.

If you believe knee surgery will fix all your knee problems and I prep you for surgery, put you under, make the cuts on the knee but do not do the surgery, you will heal just like those who did have the surgery.  That is the power of your conscious and subconscious mind agreeing to an end imagined and how belief brings it about. Once the conscious and subconscious agree, the two agree, it objectifies itself in this world. The belief cannot be shaken and so it is.

Now if a group of men, scientists, say look I thought this would happen and then it did. Come see. That scientist just influenced the belief of the other scientists he spoke to. They expect to see what he saw and so they do.  They will see the same thing he sees as they just bowed to him and gave him their belief. Ah ha!  It’s a fact.

No it’s not. It’s still a guess.  It’s just what they believe. You don’t have to believe them.

The rest of us can look at the same data and come up with a million ways to interpret it. Each one slightly different because each one of us is different. Or we can buy what the scientists tell us or rather guess but that is giving power to a another and when you do that then whatever you bought becomes the ‘reality’ and eventually one day it will fail you.

Your belief is the only belief that matters to you and your world. To believe in the created is to build on sand. To believe in the creator is building on rock. Which foundation do you prefer?

Example – you believe that bad bacteria makes you ill. We tell ourselves there is good and bad bacteria. It’s just bacteria and it will be whatever you believe it is. Only man puts good or bad upon something. Objective Man determined it was better to kill all bacteria and that would get rid of the ‘bad’ bacteria that makes you ill.

It’s all a construct, a story, and you don’t have to buy it.  It’s just bacteria and it can’t hurt you unless you believe it can hurt you. It’s all good doing it’s thing. If you believe it will eat your flesh then it will. It’s just bacteria doing as you wish.

Objective man makes a drug to kill all bacteria saying it is a miracle drug! Since the belief, bacteria will hurt you, has not changed a new bacteria comes along that is resistant to Objective Man’s drugs.  Now what?  Oh more drugs to kill all the super bad bacteria and then more and more. Never achieving anything of true value just more of the same. That is crazy.

It’s a belief in illness and pestilence we are all conditioned with from birth to imprison ourselves so we can break out of prison. It’s just a state of mind. There is only perfect health. Your body is a healing machine. It’s a machine that does exactly as you believe.  It’s an avatar. It’s just a mosquito, a virus, bacteria, a person. It can only hurt you if you believe it can.

It’s like a computer program. You get exactly what the program tells the computer. You are the program and your body and your world will give you exactly what you told it via your belief.

When you go to just being you have entered into the temple and are One with the Life Principle, then you use your senses in your imagination to consciously feel you have your desire and then you consciously accept it in your imagination with a thank you, amen, it is done, it is wonderful.  You went into the Ark of the Covenant and the power within was employed.

You basically programmed your subconscious and conscious to agree to something in your imagination and since the two agree it will be. Your belief is how the program will execute the end imagined.

Then you will return to the objective world with faith the unseen will be seen and it will be seen in some magical, natural way.

You will find things that support your belief and of course you will have the other side of it denying your belief. Time and space create faith or doubt. Up to you to hold true to your belief or doubt yourself. Whatever you choose, and it is you choosing no one else, then that is what you will see. If you doubt your belief the other side takes over and if you hang on tight to your belief it comes to be. All things are possible.

Consciousness, Imagination and Attention are the trinity, the foundation of the world and universe you alone live in.  Unconditional Love is the center of it all. There isn’t a thing without consciousness and nothing was made that was not first imagined. Not one thing. You can’t love something until there is something to love. Good or bad is a personal perception and if you give attention to something good then the other side automatically kicks in too. Will you doubt it? Will you hold true? There are two sides to everything. In the end when you remove your perception you realize it just is.

Man does not evolve physically, it is his consciousness that evolves and then that is projected, manifested, to the outside. Man has always been the vessel for consciousness and imagination. As consciousness grows, and since it is energy you can say it rises, you learn unconditional love means attention and that is all. It doesn’t mean you have to feel good about bad behavior to love someone unconditionally. It means if you give your attention to the bad behavior you will get more of it. It means if you consciously decide it is bad behavior and ignore it then it will grow and erupt later as you imagined – bad. It means if you thank it for showing you that you dislike it and revise it to be as you wish it to be, then no longer give it attention it fades away and the energy is returned to you and weaves itself as the revision you made and consciously acknowledged in your imagination.

If you cut yourself or burn yourself and then tell yourself that did not happen and imagine you did not hurt yourself and instead you did XXX making it so you did not hurt yourself and say thank you, that wound is going to heal in double time as if it never happened because it never happened in your consciousness. You revised it.

Life heals all wounds. Attention brings it forward – fast.

If your husband comes home and says the truck broke down and you revise it to be he drove the truck in the driveway, then the truck will be in the driveway and it will happen quickly.  It will be something silly and only cost you very little if anything at all to be back in the driveway because you consciously acknowledged your truck in the driveway in your imagination. – Personal experience

Scientists do not know why we laugh or cry.  When the energy builds up inside you it must be released in some way and we respond in one of two ways.  We get to choose how we will respond so you can choose to laugh about it or you can choose to cry about it. Your response indicates your belief and it shall be.

It’s ok either way as long as you understand that is what you are asking for in your life experience. We are here to experience life and learn. You have to understand life before you can join the Life Principle and give it out. It’s all Life. There is no good or bad life. It’s all beautiful.

Use your imagination to save you and others rather than enslave. That is your mission. That is your journey. You are amazing and all things are possible to you and your lovely imagination.

Believe it in.

All my work is reader supported!  Thank you for sharing the good news!


An Inconvenient Truth

It will be whatever you believe it is – for you. That’s the inconvenient truth.

You can go around crying how mean everyone and the world is to you or you can get up and admit it is all you and you are getting exactly what you believe, imagined and gave attention to. How many times have you said I knew that would happen?!

I don’t care what you believe or say or do. I love you and that’s just how it is. It’s just a person and then they say or do something you dislike. Well that is you now isn’t it not them. It’s your response.  You have judged that person as less than yourself and the trouble begins.

We repeat, doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result and that is just crazy but for a purpose. Ever notice how all of life is a spiral? That is the physical manifestation of the life principle within showing itself in it’s design and it is inside everything.

The Son of Man and God – You – Consciousness & Imagination brings life to all via Love aka Attention.

You are tightening by making a circular tightening pattern and you are moving in a spiral about to break free and the more passionate you are about something, illness, pestilence, disease, lack of – you make these things happen to you.

Truth is stranger than fiction because fiction is a forgotten memory or the story of you.

There is only you. No one else in the world is like you. You are special, amazing, unique, and beautiful. You are priceless. You deserve the best.

Look around you – what do you believe? It isn’t a secret you know. You and your beliefs do not effect me one bit unless I allow it to effect me. What you see around you is all you pushed out.

Physically you are calling upon the pineal gland that rests above and between the conscious and subconscious portions of the brain and bringing them together to manifest whatever it is you believe, imagine and give attention to. There is only One being here – we all say I AM – so you are calling everyone and everything in the world and the universe to show you what you believe. You may say you hate it but you love it or you would’t give it your attention.

Your response is all you and no one is crazy for not believing as you do. Slavery is acknowledging another’s belief.  Their I AM is not yours.  That would be putting on a victim mentality and a lot of us do that but most have learned that just isn’t fun and only brings woe and bullies. Like attracts like after all.

You can tell what horseman you are fighting. They are your arch villains that you made.  We all play Saul before we get to Paul.

It’s Life, the Life Principle within you and it believes in you and guides you and keeps you breathing and alive. The two are One. It is waiting for the day you love life and believe in it without conditions. It loves you and as you consciously pick up this or that and rate it – it gives you more of what you imagine. It doesn’t speak language – you do. It gives you desires and you are to go fulfill them by turning to the one who gave you your desire, consciously accepting in your imagination you have your desire, and then let it be. Forget about it and be happy knowing it is yours.

You get to express life and life will express itself. It is inside you and so any distorted thinking will grow with your attention and become the good or bad you think it is. It will go too far and that good will become a bad.

I don’t care that the scientists refuse to accept what’s right in front of their faces. That is their journey and I wish them well but anyone who studies the Laws of Mind such as the LOA will come to realize the inconvenient truth they are doing it to themselves and everyone else is just playing their role to bring your beliefs to you. You called them and you made them.

You can change it but to do that you have to accept you are the one doing this to you.  It’s all a story, fall in love with yourself and tell the story you wish to live and experience knowing it shall be yours just because you imagined it. Love the witch, the thief, you made them and they are giving you messages from you or gifts you asked for.

An inconvenient truth – who are you going to believe? Another or yourself? Getting hot, getting cold, or is it just right? It’s just carbon. You are the one putting a condition on it. It will be as you wish, as you believe, for you. It’s all a guess, a supposition, a narrative, a story. They all read the same data and then weave a story they think is true and you can buy it or not.

There is no bad or good unless you place it upon it. The inconvenient truth is this is a place of belief and it is not reasonable for a Man of Reason to see the pattern and deny this. We believe it in all the time. It’s just a virus, bacteria, carbon, mosquito. It can’t hurt you unless you believe it can. That’s why in the midst of plague some do not get sick. That’s why even though a man is standing in the cross fire of bullets he is not hit.

If I put you under hypnosis and place your consciousness asleep and tell your subconscious my finger is a red hot poker and touch you – you will instantly blister. If I tell you this cream will heal the blister and touch you with some cream it will instantly heal.

When you consciously tell your subconscious something, feeding it with your imagination and attention, then eventually it will come to be. Attention is power and everyone knows that. Give it attention and it grows. You are growing a monster or an angel. It’s something you believe and you don’t like it but you still give it attention thinking you have to fix it. You can’t fix the outside from the outside. The inconvenient truth is the outside is a projection.

Imagine it is fixed and whatever is needed to fix it will come to be. Imagine hearing the good news the carbon levels have fallen. Imagine hearing the good news the NFL will just play football. Whatever it is imagine the end and it shall be.

It’s ok. We all have to defeat our monsters and the only way to do that is to change your belief. No one changes a belief until they suffer enough pain to do so and are ready to face the truth. This is a place of belief. We are not separate. There is only One.

All beliefs are self-imposed and can change.

Meta-physics happens before physics just like meta-data happens before data can be pulled together and sent via digitally. The cause of all things is your mind. What you believe, what you imagine and tell yourself and give attention to. If you persist then it shall come to be in your world. Every marketer, advertiser, government official, knows even bad publicity is good publicity because it has your attention aka love. It will come to be if you love on it.

That is the inconvenient truth. Your imagination rules your world, your universe and whether you believe that or not doesn’t matter. It’s Law. It is working all the time and you are doing it all the time. You are amazing.  That is the journey – to discover this inconvenient truth. It’s all you. No one is being mean to you except you.

It boils down to states of consciousness. Which one do you want to wear? That is your free will – to choose what you will believe, imagine and give attention to. Your three Amigos.

It’s all good in the end. It’s all very good. All of it.

Life is sweet!

All my work is reader supported. Thank you for sharing the good news!

Hot Fuzz! – A Movie About The Law

Fair warning – spoilers! This movie is available on Netflix.

I love this movie! I have watched it many times and laughed my ass off each time. It’s fantastic and it is all about the Law – Imagination Creates Reality.

This movie is about Danny’s wish and how it comes true.  You think it is about Nicholas but nah. He is answering Danny’s call. It is time for all to come together to present Danny his wish.

You see the other’s wishes woven into the story – like attracts like – but it is about his wish. He is the one that has been imagining for 20 years of being the best cop ever – like the cops he sees in the movies he loves. He wants to experience what is experienced by the cops in his two favorite movies, Bad Boys II and Point Break.

He has let go, thinking that is never going to happen in his little town, and has resigned himself to it even though he imagines it every time he watches a movie.

Nicholas Angel always wanted to be the best policeman ever and so he is the best policeman in London. He is so wonderful that others didn’t want him around.  He made them feel inferior and even when they told him to slack off he didn’t. He kept on being the best policeman he could be.

Even as he excelled at being a policeman, he did not excel in being a person. He couldn’t seem to ‘let go’ and was always on the job. He wanted to be able to let go and his dream began to manifest itself as him being ‘promoted’ and sent to a force in the countryside.

Everyone he worked with in London wanted him gone and it cut him to the core.  He believed the team and his management loved his work as much as he did but he found out they did not appreciate him.  Of course, he did not appreciate them either. He was sent to a place where crime had not really happened in 20 years. A real hell for him.

He is sad, disappointed and goes into a hole.

Little did he realize it was time for him to play his role. His moment was coming as all this time in being the best and believing in doing the best as a policeman he was preparing for his role in Danny’s story. He was going to go lift another up and receive his wish – to let go.

Danny lives in the village where Nicholas is sent who is answering his call and he in turn is answering Danny’s call – like attracts like.  Danny’s Dad is the chief of police. Danny wants to be a policeman with action and adventure. He imagined like a little child as he watched cop movies but he didn’t believe he could experience that in ‘the safest village’ for the last 20 years of his life.

From the moment Danny had imagined this dream, imagination began creating and pulling all the pieces together. Sgt. Angel is one of the major role players for Danny and the story was unfolding perfectly.

Danny’s mom had died 20 years earlier when his desire was put into play.  All this time Danny had been setting the stage. Nicholas wants to learn to let go and Danny wants to learn to be the best cop ever. They come together and are partners. The final act begins!

Danny’s father has determined that ‘for the greater good’ the village must be named the ‘village of the year’ and he gets others to believe as he does. They are the neighborhood watch alliance. Their main desire is to always be the ‘village of the year’ which they have been for the last 20 years.  Then Nicholas arrives.

I won’t go into all the details in the hopes you will watch it but they learn from each other and it is hysterical how it all unfolds.

It is discovered by Nicholas that The Neighborhood Watch Alliance has been killing people for 20 years – all for the greater good. He comes to arrest the Alliance and presents his reasoning and they in turn laugh at him and explain it wasn’t the reason he thought it was – it was for the greater good and they explain what that is to them and why those they killed had to die.  It’s hysterical!

There is doubt and love and he leaves the village and Danny behind but Danny has not stopped dreaming and wanting to be the best cop ever like the ones in the movies.

Needless to say the moment comes. The moment of choice. Nicholas doesn’t care anymore what anyone says. He has chosen. He will be the best cop ever and bring them all in and he expects Danny to join him. He returns.

As he makes his way into the village he is a man on a mission. Everything goes his way. He shows up with no weapons, walks into the precinct, goes straight to the evidence room that was filled up with weapons on an earlier incident, and walks out without the Chief or anyone else noticing. All act like it is nothing.

He works his way into the town where Danny is sitting in the police car. Danny sees the shootout begin and his moment has arrived.  He chooses. He sees someone coming up shooting at Nicholas, whom he loves, and he opens the door and knocks them out silly as they run into the door.

He has chosen. Now his dream unfolds for him and he is relishing it.

He joins Nicholas. Now all the scenes that Danny has imagined being in and doing he does with Nicholas as his partner and it is amazing, lovely, and hysterical.

At the end of the movie London police want him back but he has discovered he loves his home with these people, with Danny, who has taught him how to let go.

There is a reason we all say truth is stranger than fiction. The ways of imagination cannot be seen or known until it unfolds and you will never know it unless you know the Law. It is exactly like this movie – including the irony.

It’s  a lovely story and be ready to laugh. It’s all so ironic and lovable.

Enjoy the journey. Be like a little child and dream and forget about it.

You will see it. You will live it.

Santa Claus, Imagination, Source, God, will bring it to you in a magical natural way only imagination could pull together.

It’s all good. Life is sweet. Isn’t it wonderful?

All my work is reader supported! Thank you for sharing!





The Age of Reason Naturally Leads to the Age of Belief

There is only One Life Principle. It is playing all the parts. It is the Universe and all things within it. It is inside you and me. We are blessed there is a limit to contraction in the Life Principle. It always wishes to express itself and it does this via your imagination and your attention and what you consciously believe as true.  It will be true for you.

It’s like the body itself. There a trillions of cells doing thier job. They don’t argue they just get to work. They do as you wish. They follow your lead. If you tell them I AM sick you will get sick. If you tell the energy around you the climate is hot and getting worse due to carbon you will get high pressure systems and fires and molten rock spewing from volcanoes.

It is you and your belief not the carbon at all. It’s just carbon. You are putting hot or cold or bad or good upon it. It is the Life Principle and it will be as you wish. We all deny it is our imaginations, our conscious acceptance of something imagined, our conscious acceptance of another’s belief that is making this happen. LOL We are so cute.

It is not reasonable to deny this. It is a pattern and once seen it cannot be unseen.

It’s your story so you are not hurting anyone else. They are just who they are – people. Just people playing their roles. You are the one putting a color upon them, enslaving them or yourself. You are the one believing another’s story not realizing only you can write your story. You just enslaved yourself to the created rather than loving who you are, the Creator.

So you suffer and wonder why.

It is not reasonable to think that the subconscious keeps your body going without you having to think about it and that it has no other power. You KNOW if you consciously put your consciousness to sleep and tell your subconscious this finger is a red hot poker and you are touched by a finger you wll blister. It is not reasonable to think that your belief does not bring to you the thoughts you have placed into your subconscious.  It is not reasonable to believe that thoughts placed into the subconscious via consciousness do not come into your world.

So if you are reasonable and recognize the ‘facts’ for what they are then you know it will be whatever you believe. I have had doctors tell me I had herpes. I laughed and said I don’t think so. Two years later no herpes. I have had doctors tell me I had heart problems. I laughed. Yeah no heart problems. I stopped going to the doctor. He is silly but I do love them they have a job to do.

The doctor sets the bone. The Life Principle within heals it.

It is not reasonable to deny that when the two agree it shall be.

We have been conditioned to believe the unreasonable is reasonable. That it is the outside doing this when deep down inside you know it is all you. That’s why we laugh. The irony gets to you.

Who didn’t belly laugh when the Terminator said I’ll be back. LOL

There is a limit to contraction. The date was 12-21-12 and in vortex mathematics that is 3-3-3 which is the Life Principle. Contraction means it goes down and seeds are planted in that hole while you suffer. Expansion means those seeds that were made in that hole are now expanding. We are expanding.

Stop hating on others – it is you. You are only hurting yourself no one else. You are only getting what you asked for. You can keep on maligning them and judging them but don’t cry about it when the awful you imagined for another happens to you instead. That is not reasonable. You did it to yourself.

An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth doesn’t mean I get to poke your eye out because you poked mine out. It means if I imagine hurting another, I am the one that will be hurt not the other. The other is you. So you see you are only hurting yourself.

Don’t covet what another has. You can have it too. You are the only one telling yourself you can’t have it. It doesn’t matter how you get it. What matters is you know you can have it and imagine having it. Then you forget about and get it in some way only the Life Principle within you and imagination can make out.

My husband wanted a pair of electrical pliers. He imagined having them in his hand stripping a wire. He forgot about it. He took the dog for a walk and went a way he usually doesn’t and there they were. The pliers he had imagined. He came back all excited and happy but wondering who would drop such a nice pair etc…

I asked him did you imagine having electrical pliers. Yes. Then it doesn’t matter. Someone determined it was bad and dropped it or they worried about losing them and lost them. Like attracted like. It’s all good.

It’s all a balance whether you want to be reasonable about it or not.

Bless the Age of Reason as it leads us naturally to the age of belief. It is only reasonable.

It is whatever  you believe it is so believe in the best of men, believe they are all lovely as there is only One Life Principle and therefore they are you and you are them.

You can be the Master of your thoughts or you can be a slave to them. Up to you of course. I am going to love you no matter what you say or do. I believe in you. I know you are the best and deserve the best and get the best.  All you have to do is believe it too.

Isn’t it wonderful?

All my work is reader supported. Thank you for sharing!