Armageddon – It’s Your Battle

Armageddon is literally your battle individually. There is no beast or man with the mark of 666 on his body coming to battle some entity that will be born of woman but be supernatural in being.  666 represents Man.

God’s name is I AM and that is each one of us, individually. I may not know who I am, where I am, when I am but I know I AM. We are One being made up of many. We all say I AM. We are One Consciousness, One Imagination, One Heart, One Mind, One Body and individually we are fractals of the whole.  Just as a body is made up of billions of cells that make the one body so are we individual cells that make up the One Consciousness.

Everything is consciousness and imagination.

Armageddon is the battle for what you are conscious of and your imagination aka belief. Will you believe in Rational Man aka the Devil who does the same thing over and over again expecting a different result?  Will you believe in him that if you bow to him riches will be yours? We all do it and until Rational Man fails us spectacularly and individually we will continue to do it.

I rejoice in the angst of the world! It is rapture upon us. Rational man has failed us spectacularly around the world. All cry against the money changers and international groups. All cry to break free of the chains that they placed upon themselves. You go into a hole so deep you think you will never escape but you will. You will be better for the experience.

Rational man set up all these institutions and entities and told us it was for a better tomorrow. Well tomorrow has come and it isn’t any better and they have failed us all spectacularly. UN has been raping women and children in the Congo for over 50 years. The Catholic Church hides pedophiles and ignores its victim. The EPA pollutes waters it is supposed to protect. Healthcare is unaffordable and fails most of the time. Miracle drugs create superbugs they cannot kill so not much of a miracle. Vaccines fail and make the ones vaccinated sick. Governments abuse the governed. Scientists promote their own beliefs which is nothing more than dogma since there is no proof of it. Schools promote theory as fact when it is a guess at best.

If you believe Rational Man then you are a victim and he is your bully. You are the slave and he is your master. He would have you be afraid of everything because fear is how he controls you. The air is dirty so it will kill you, the food is poison so it will kill you, the sun will kill you, the water will kill you, other people will kill you. It’s always something and it will always kill you. LOL Aren’t we cute?  No one goes before their time. No one.

Armageddon is the battle for your belief and it takes place inside you. Will you believe in the four horsemen? Or will you believe in yourself? Do you believe in death, disease, pestilence and famine?

Can you make a leap of faith? Faith is knowing the unseen will be seen. Will you trust yourself and the Law to bring you what you desire? Will you listen to others or be bold and declare who you are? Will you walk around like a zombie and believe what others tell you is the cause of your life?  The cause of all things?

Rational man tells you what he believes the cause is but he is filling in the blanks with his perception. It’s his belief and if you buy it you just sold yourself into slavery. We all have a belief or opinion so why is his more important than yours for you?  Will you believe you crawled out of the mud or will you believe you are and always have been consciousness and imagination?

Rational man doesn’t know and he tells you he doesn’t know as if he does. A study suggests, tonight’s top story, the narrative, it is believed, polls suggest, the theory is, it may, it could be, it’s possible that and blah blah blah. It’s all a story. There are two sides to everything and you will find ‘facts’ that support both sides.  In the end, it just is. It is whatever you believe it is.

Will you trust yourself and use the Law to bring you what you desire?  Will you listen to others or be bold and declare who you are? Or will you walk around like the zombies we love and believe what others tell you? Rational man only describes what happens after the fact.  He doesn’t know or understand the cause.

If you want to know the cause then you have to have faith and that is not a religion. Faith is knowing the unseen will be seen. That a greater power will make it happen because you believe XXX. You are conscious of XXX even though it is not in front of you – yet. The details will fill in if you believe.

To doubt yourself is to abort the imagined desire that was yours in your imagination for a moment, the size of a mustard seed, and you must start again. You are Jacob fighting the angel. Angels represent desires. Doubt and fear are tools used by Rational Man to keep you enslaved. Only you can break the chains.

Ask and you shall receive. As within, so without. The entire world is you pushed out. Do you think that is ridiculous? Imagination creates the world around you and that is Law. It doesn’t matter if you believe that or not. It is Law. It works for all and it is working all the time. Like attracts like to make it appear on this stage of time and space after it is imagined and you become conscious in your imagination of having your desire. That is the cause of all things in this world.

I AM the God Particle that detemines which way the photons will resolve.

It’s physics. Specifically quantum physics. You are the God particle all seek on the outside. It is inside you.

We are the walking dead. We are the zombies for as long as we listen to Rational Man. Until you realize it is you who is walking around pushing you around via the ideas planted in your head, you will continue to eat yourself up.

Armageddon is all about you and your battle to freedom. If you believe you are a slave or a victim then the world will bring others such as bullies, rapists, whatever to prove your belief to you. It’s all about you. What you say or do doesn’t matter. A dog doesn’t understand the words you say or the actions you perform. He understands the mood, the tone, the feelings you convey which comes from your imagination and belief and he will show you that. I AM THAT.  A bush on fire that does not burn is drawn out of, Moses means to draw out, of Man’s imagination.

Dis-ease only exists if you believe in it. Your body is a manifestation of the consciousness within you and was perfected just for you to continue your journey that is specific to you and only you. You are perfect. If all you do is worry about eating this or taking that or going to the doctor all the time to make sure he tells you what to do, then you are asking to be sick. If all you do is malign others and put them down and ridicule them then you are eaten up and it will manifest as cancer. If you work at something you dislike and do not believe in you will break your heart and it will manifest as heart disease. The number one killer. We are breaking our hearts.

If you wish to win this battle then there is only one way. To see things as they really are and look in the mirror instead of the looking glass.

The world around you is your mirror and everything and everyone in it. It’s all out there for all to see.

Go on a mental diet. Change the story you tell yourself and as you come to believe your new story the outside will change.

Look at the world around you. It is all in angst. Rejoice! Until we go into a hole so deep we cannot arise to become a new man, to think differently.

The Phoenix is rising from the ashes. Rejoice!  Consciousness is expanding, evolving!

We are expanding and contraction has ended and as we change the inside there is conflict but in the end if we hold true to our imagination, to being conscious of having our desire in our imaginations, it will appear on this stage as imagined.

Believe in yourself, in your new story and the world will change to match it.

Isn’t it wonderful?

My work is entirely reader-funded on Patreon. Your support is greatly appreciated! 

Bullies & Victims

It is one of the hardest things to end in your life, believing you are a victim.  Call it whatever you wish, bully, master, victim, slave, it’s all the same thing. It’s a state of consciousness. You believe you are a victim.

Bullies were victimized first and then became a bully to stop feeling like a victim. Two sides to everything.

Did you watch the Golden Globes of 2019? Did you hear the women bully the men and did you hear the men being victims, apologizing even though those particular men did absolutely nothing to them?

Once you realize you have been a victim you get so angry it is hard to not become a bully to the ones that victimized you but to take an entire group and say it is all of you is malignant and it will come back to bite you on the ass.

Don’t get me wrong. Go ahead and do that if you wish. Does it make you happy to do that? Ok go for it. You are maligning another therefore maligning yourself and you will suffer for it. That’s just how it is.

It all boils down to one thing. Love yourself.

If you love yourself you do not apologize for being you. If you love yourself you do not allow another to abuse you no matter what. If you love yourself you laugh at this silliness because you know you are awesome and they can think whatever they wish. You don’t care.

Men who go around apologizing for being men or people who go around apologizing for being a certain color are expressing a victim consciousness. You will have others show up to bully you so you can be the victim you believe you are. How’s that feel?

I know how it feels. It sucks.

No one is doing anything to you. You are doing it to you. You believe you are a victim so bullies show up to victimize you. Stop crying. Be happy you got what you asked for and now recognize that and start asking for what you really want.

Be confident. There are no conditions. You make the conditions. You are awesome just because I AM and for no other reason. You are I AM and therefore you are amazing and wonderful and perfect.

This wouldn’t be a very good play if we all thought the same way. It would be boring. Each one of us is in our own world, our own universe, and each one of us makes that world, that universe what we believe it to be.

You may win the lottery but if you believe you are a victim you will lose it all in some way. You may toss negative people out of your life but until you stop believing people are negative more are going to show up to be negative for you. Just giving you what you are asking for, what you want right?

No one is doing anything to you. Not Trump, Clinton, your neighbor, your boss, your whatever. They are doing exactly what you think and believe.

You are a projector, projecting the inside to the outside. Do you like what you see? Do you like your experience?  If no say thank you and flip your thinking.

It’s ok if you want to hate on white people. Some white person will come save you from something one day forcing you to rethink that. It’s ok if you want to hate on men.  Same thing will happen. You will hate, malign, cry against the world and the world will attack you as you believe it does.

We all play Saul. Righteous in our belief. Bullying away on those you think are awful and wrong and then bam! You realize it was all you and now you play Paul.

It’s just a state of consciousness and you can change them. Like Joseph’s robe. You are making a robe of many colors and when you are done you will be born.

You are not a human experiencing and seeking a spiritual experience. You are a spiritual being inside a human body seeking experiences to learn how to use unconditional love – your attention.

What do you give your attention to?

So in the end it is all good.

My work is reader-funded.  Thank you for sharing!

Armageddon – Your Fight

Armageddon is literally the fight for your imagination. There is no man with the mark of 666 on him coming to fight some God that is born of woman but is supernatural in being. 666 represents man. God’s name is I AM and each one of us says it. We are One mind, one body, one imagination, one consciousness that makes the whole. Each one of us is a fractal of the whole. We are the Elohim. Elohim means many making one. We all say I AM.

We never lose our identity. We shed the costume, the body, and get another one that looks like the old one only young and whole to do it all again until we learn.

Armageddon is the battle for your imagination. It is the battle inside you of what you believe and imagine. Imagination creates reality so it is the battle of belief. Do you believe Rational Man or do you believe in yourself? Will you trust in yourself and use the Law to bring you what you desire? Will you listen to others or be bold and declare who you are?!

Or will you join the multitudes of zombies that walk the earth and believe what others tell you?

Rational man goes around describing how something works. He does not know the cause and so demands all believe as he does in what he claims the cause to be. For example cancer. Rational man will tell you tobacco causes cancer. He has no proof but he insists this is what causes it and so for your own good we will have to tell you to stop it. Rational man will do everything in his power to get you to stop using tobacco because he believes it causes cancer. No proof. Just what he believes. Good intentions pave the road to hell.

Belief and maligning is what causes cancer. In your thoughts something is eating you up and so it physically manifests as cancer. You believe that smoke will give you cancer and so you get cancer.

The first problem with this is even if it does cause cancer why do you care what I do? If I choose to smoke that is my life now isn’t it? Go ahead and believe it causes cancer I don’t care. Why stop me from enjoying that smoke because of your belief? Trying to force others to believe as you do only makes others angry. You can’t fight a belief. It has to be experienced and most just take the word of another instead of experiencing it for themselves.

Vaccines. If you believe in them why are so many upset others do not? If you believe in them and get them then you are protected are you not? The ones not vaccinated, according to your belief, are only making others who do not get vaccinated sick. Not you. But then vaccines are a Rational man fix and in the end vaccines will fail you. Illness does not exist. It only exists if you believe in it.

An ongoing study out of Germany comparing disease rates among vaccinated and unvaccinated children points to a pretty clear disparity between the two groups as far as illness rates are concerned.

As reported by the group Health Freedom Alliance, children who have been vaccinated according to official government schedules are up to five times more likely to contract a preventable disease than children who developed their own immune systems naturally without vaccines.

Will you believe and trust in yourself, in the Law, Imagination creates reality, to bring you what you desire? Will you listen to others or be bold and declare who you are? Will you be strong and brave and courageous and betray the name of God?


will you walk around like a zombie and believe what others tell you instead of yourself?

Doubt negates it. You must have faith. Faith is knowing the unseen will be seen. It’s not a religion. The Bible is a book and an allegory. It is not a religion.

Imagine and you shall receive. As within, so without. The entire world is you pushed out. Do you think that is ridiculous? Think about it. Think about what you have imagined. Imagination creates the world around you. Science has proven it.

We are the zombies we love to watch. We are the walking dead. Until you realize who you are, you will continue to wonder why these things you believed failed you and why do these things happen?

Armageddon is all about you and it is your battle only. It is your battle to freedom. You believe you are victim, a slave, so the world around you says as you wish and makes you a victim or a slave even though that is not your wish at all. Your belief is greater than your imagination because although you wish to be free you can’t imagine it. Until you do, you will continue to die like a man.

A good example of this is Hillary Clinton. She went around saying we won’t lose. She imagined losing. She doubted. She had fear of losing therefore imagining losing and so she lost. Now she enters her hole. Bless her heart! I pray she wakens.

Most enter a hole they think is so deep they will never escape and then they turn to their imagination. Wouldn’t it be great if I…. and then you imagine the end. Or with feeling in that hole you cry out why? How did I get into this mess? How did I do this to myself?

You will get the answer. Whether you believe it or not is up to you.

Dis-ease only exists if you believe in illness. Your body is a perfect healing machine and does not need man to tinker with it to work. Nature is perfect.

If you wish to be free there is only way to do that. Go within. Change yourself, and you will change the world around you.

Everything mirrors you. A dog, the world around you, your garden, it is all a reflection or projection of you, the inside. You think those secret talks are secret but the world reflects them and so all know your secrets.

Go on a diet. Change the story you are telling yourself.

Believe in your new story and the world will change to match it.

My work is entirely reader-funded so if you enjoyed this piece please consider being the honey for my tea by supporting me on Patreon, or Gab, or consider checking out my book God is Dog Spelled Backwards: 101 Notes to Self. Your support is greatly appreciated! Love to all!