Moments with Mimi – The World is You Pushed Out – Expanding on the Law of One

This is a dream! Dreams are subjective. See life subjectively not objectively and you will begin to live life rather than survive it.

I hope this helps and blessings to you!

If this message resonates with you, consider being a student of the 12 Laws of Mind & learn how to fish! Share your story, get help if needed on using the laws, give suggestions for blogs & videos so others can understand these laws we are operating all the time. It’s all a story. A beautiful story! You are an important part in it! Make your story the best!

Books are available at Amazon and include 30 day Mental Diet Journals to keep focused on a change of belief. I hope they help you in some way. Reviews are appreciated thank you!

Mimi’s Reminders merch is also available on Amazon and I hope you like it too! Search under clothing for Mimi’s Reminders or Mimi’s Illuminations! Enjoy life and blessings to you!!

A Response to the NFL from a Fan – A Lesson In Customer Service

Dear NFL,

I love you no matter what you say or do but it is time for us to part ways. You are no longer my football. I am a little shocked and dismayed to discover this but it is true.

Because I love you I thought you might want to know why so maybe you will be able to turn the ship around. Up to you of course. I don’t really care one way or another.

We all have our own beliefs all self imposed. I can shout my beliefs out in my home, in my yard, in the street, at the park, from my roof, but I don’t get to do that at work. My boss would not allow such a thing as this may alienate the customer base because we all have our own beliefs.  Freedom of speech does not mean you are free to speak whatever you want at work. You are there to work and for the NFL work is a football game and entertainment.

I didn’t mind the commercials. I didn’t mind the monetization of the sport. I put up with the loss of Monday and Thursday night football. I didn’t mind the military paying you so they could put their belief in front of me. I understand. They are paying you so I understand. I just ignore any of it I disliked because it helps you to pay the employees, the professionals. I am part of that too. I buy the tickets to the game or the tailgate, the jerseys, the posters, the caps and all that flows to you and helps you pay them as well as make a profit. It is a win-win for all for the most part. The ‘bad’ did not outweigh the ‘good’.

There was a time when players had two jobs. Then they became true professionals of the sport. This is a job. It’s not a platform for your employees to express their beliefs to your customers. The League is the boss and I am the customer. Your employees are bringing their personal beliefs into the workplace and it is effecting your customer base. It’s ok. You get to drive off customers if you wish.  It’s your business.

I don’t care what you say or do, I love you. You have brought me joy and you have returned my love via my hometown team. I love my hometown team. I thought it was my football but as one of my followers on Twitter enlightened me, it isn’t my football.

No it stopped being that a long time ago. That’s ok. Part of the journey. We are all on a journey and no two people are the same or have the same experiences so we all have an opinion. I don’t care what your opinion is and I love that you believe in it.

When the organization as a whole starts to think it can tell it’s customers how to think and what the player, the employee, wants the customer to be aware of then you lost me. I don’t need you or your employees to bring to my awareness anything other than being the best football player they can be. That is what I am paying for, entertainment. I am the customer. You need me. I can find other things to entertain myself with.

I am returning to Friday Night Lights. That is my football now. Pro football can be a force for good or bad depending on your belief and in the end, it is just football. I don’t need you. The military pays you to get in front of us so they are your customer as well. Your customer’s boss, the Commander in Chief, wants them to stand for the national anthem. You say they don’t have to and you respect their freedom of speech. I know of no other company in the world that allows their employees to force their individual beliefs on their customers. Ok. Piss off your customers. It’s your business.

You see if you ask you will receive. You ask by imagining and you imagine all day long. You couldn’t stop imagining if you wanted to anymore than you could stop breathing. You imagine what you believe and deny your harvest when it arrives.

It’s ok. We all do it, imagine what we fear. All beliefs are self imposed. It’s hard to change a belief but you can and you can imagine what you want instead of what you fear.  I know you want to keep your fans but imagine they are going away.  I know you imagine what you fear or I wouldn’t be placed in this position. Everyone in your world is a messenger showing you what you believe.

So here you go. You asked and you received. I cannot be a fan anymore except to my hometown team. I won’t buy the merchandise or tickets to games or products that support the league. I will watch my team when they are on the boob tube because I love them and their professionalism. The money that used to go to your league from me is going to the high school team that I now support instead.

It doesn’t matter. It is all good. I love you unconditionally.  Your love comes with conditions and frankly I will not give into any condition.  I love you but no man tells me what to believe and when I am paying for the entertainment no entertainer or player gets to push their belief into my face. You cannot be a professional, I cannot support you.

Bless your hearts!  All beliefs are self imposed and you can change a belief.

You don’t have to shove your belief or support for your employee shoving his belief in my face. You chose to do that. You made your choice and that is fine.

I am an adult. I don’t follow you. If you want my love, my money, my attention, you will follow me. Be a professional.  Keep your personal beliefs out of the workplace. Be emotionally mature. It is really simple. Anyone else would have been fired not because it was disrespectful or any of the other things that have been said. It is because we all have an opinion and this is the workplace. Keep your opinions to yourself.

Treat others like you would like to be treated. Very simple.

Just thought you might want to know.

It’s just football. You are either a professional or not and since you choose to support your employees over your customers, I will take my money, my love, and go watch that sport somewhere else.

They don’t shove their beliefs in your face at the high school level. They appreciate the support and play the game with joy.

Thank you and take care. Much love to you and all the players. It’s been 50 years of fun.




Experiences with the Law II

I am not asking you to believe me. I can only relate my experiences to you in the hope you will test the Law and discover for yourself. It is all up to you.

I cut my thumb. I mean sliced it. Probably could have taken 5 or 6 stitches. I immediately revised it in my imagination. I told myself my thumb is perfectly fine. The pain stopped. I washed it and bandaged it. It was bleeding like a stuck pig. The next day no more bleeding. The next day almost healed. Two days later healed.

Don’t ask me why but I grabbed a pan that had just come out of the oven. Burned my hand and my husband wanted to take me to the emergency clinic. I told him no I am perfectly fine and he gave me one of those really looks but he didn’t press the issue. I knew he wouldn’t. Told myself it was perfectly fine and thank you for my perfect hand. The pain became a throb but no more actual pain. What should have blistered and popped and oozed just healed in a day. Dead skin peeled off but no blister, no popping and the rate of the healing was amazing!

My gums had a canker sore. It hurt. I told myself I am perfectly fine. Then pain became a throb but no more pain. Rinsed with tea tree oil and three days later it was gone.

Whether you realize it or not we see them, we feel them, we hear them all the time.

It is a 1980 US Men’s Hockey team impossible win at the Olympics, it is Brexit, it is a Houston Rockets impossible rise to win the NBA Championship, it is the greatest come from behind football game win in history, the Buffalo Bills vs. the Houston Oilers. It is a tree that is being damaged and will fall and everyone tells you the tree must stay but you imagine it gone and three days later it is gone. It is a man told he is going to die who says ok whatever I am healthy and I will enjoy each day as it comes and goes and lives life loving it, loving it all and getting another 30 years with no illness. It is a man who against all odds is elected President. These are my experiences. I am sure if you stop and think about it there are many in your area as well. The thrill of victory and the agony of defeat.

Which team is going to feel the end? Which one will have a majority believing in the end and so obtaining that end? How many times have you seen a team come out and just know they are going to win and they do? When others tell you they are going to lose and it looks like they are going to lose but you are calm and you know and you just keep telling yourself go team go you are amazing. You see them relax and begin to have fun and before you know it it begins to all fall their way. The calls, the plays, it all works beautifully.

It is so much fun to watch. Can you watch it and accept it for the beauty of it despite who won or lost? Can you be amazed and appreciate both teams for their role in the game no matter the final outcome? Can you be grateful to your opponent?

Your just witnessed imagination manifesting reality and you did it, we all do it. We do it all the time. This is not a rational place. This is a place of knowledge, to experience, learn good, learn evil and then learn it just is. We are literally crazy until we realize this; repeating the same thing over and over again expecting a different result.

We all say I AM and this is all a play with only one actor playing all the parts, like Peter Sellers in Dr. Strangelove only it is all the parts. If you can accept the amazing beauty of this all working its way out like you do when watching a great game in sports because it was imagined first and be in bliss over it manifesting because of the joy and love that pours through your being at seeing the Law in action and recognizing it, then you are the happiest person on the planet and because we are One being that happiness reverberates out and effects the world around you. Of course, all imaginings effect the world around you. You are creating your reality out of the various software programs you have been given aka conditioning. Yes you are in the Matrix

To escape it you must do the exact opposite of what you have been conditioned to do. Do not judge or malign another. We all know we do it all the time. Forgive for you are only forgiving yourself.  We all say I AM.

You believe you were born physically into this world which is only a dream. You are asleep and it is your dream individually and it is your baptism of water. As you took your first breath consciousness entered into your body, yep you are the cross, and so God aka I AM aka Divine Imagination or Source or whatever you call it is inside you, always with you, giving you life. You are the soil that holds the seed. Just as an acorn becomes a mighty oak in the soil, you will be born from above after you have achieved becoming the image of God. You cannot fail. No one fails. All will be forgiven when they realize this truth. This truth will set you free. This is all imagination, a dream and you can change it and be whatever you wish. I AM THAT, I AM.

Babies are so loved because they are pure love and imagination. God has just entered the room in a new role. We condition ourselves to be baptized by fire, learning good, bad and then it just is. Que sera, sera. I AM entered into your body and loves you so much you will fuse into one being and you will graduate to the highest level of giving and receiving in ever lasting life. You already have ever lasting life. You cannot die. Your piece of consciousness is on a journey and will return home better for the journey. You are being made into the Image of God, whose name means I AM. You are the Elohim. You are the heroes of old. You and only you. It is your reality.

Trump was compelled. He even stated in a debate the problem is the thinking. He was right because we know it instinctively and it was time. He said it out loud. It is the Law in action bringing the meek what they imagined. The meek are many and they inherit the earth because their imaginings are the majority. You could hear it and feel it but you deny it and say it was a surprise. How can 94 million voting age Americans be forgotten? Every month the jobs report tells you how many are no longer counted and that number stands at 94 million. The majority voted for anyone but Clinton. He was compelled and so was she. It is all a role. Aren’t they beautiful and wonderful? Didn’t you love Heath Ledger as the Joker but did you really like the Joker and what he did? I love the actor. It is me after all. We all say I AM.

Remember the Tea Party, remember the Occupy Wall Street? It was imagined by many and they began to tell you and some joined in and each person is unique and so each perception is unique and it weaves this beautiful world we see that is only here as a stage for I AM to experience good and evil and then obtain the Promise and as I realize how this works and begin to imagine for others I soon discovered we are all One.

Neville Goddard taught me how to fish. You can fish too instead of being given fish and never learning how to take control of your life.

We are the coral reef not just the individual corals but together those corals make the reef. There is only one being here asking for what we see around us and I AM each one of us. What you imagine matters not what actually appears. Jimmy Carter told us that but Man just laughed at him. He is right. To have what you want to appear you have to imagine having it first so imagine the end.

Ahh but here’s the rub. You cannot judge. That is you that you are judging. When you judge you are imagining. It will manifest but it will be you that receives it a thousand fold. That’s what an eye for an eye means. If you imagine another harm that harm will come to you in some way shape or form not them. What would it feel like if you had what you want?  What would it feel like if others treat you like you want to be treated? It is so easy to just relax and feel that once in a while.

LOL we are amazing and so good at our roles we forget who we are but that is ok too. It is a major theme in this play.

We buy and sell ourselves so many things all to create fear and doubt because that is how rational man tries to convince himself that this is all chaos and without Man to fix it there is nothing. LOL  It is a good play isn’t it?

For every person who has read and looked at the data and believes in climate change or whatever, there is another person who has read looked at the data that was hidden away that shows there is no climate change or whatever. For every Wall Street Journal there is a Wikileaks. For every Washington Post is a DCLeaks. To try to shut down one voice is to just have another pop up. You can’t stop imagination.

So you see, the ‘facts’ change all the time. This is all Imagination.

There is only one Law and you are executing it at all times. You are the judge who is to learn there is nothing to judge. It just is. The Law is just the Law. It is all within. As within so without. You are imagining all the time, thinking thoughts, saying words to express the thoughts and words that become beliefs and the beliefs become the realities you see around you. Each person, bird, mouse represents something you imagined.

You are not your body. It is just a vessel that can be fixed at any time you choose to go within yourself, imagine yourself healthy and others saying how happy and healthy you look, telling yourself you are perfectly fine and grateful to be perfectly fine, feeling that feeling of happiness which kicks off the change in the genes that were making you sick and turning on the genes that will heal you and go to the DNA to get the plans for what is needed that is not present or you can choose to run outside of yourself, do and believe what some man tells you and die like a Man instead of going within and rising up.

That is up to you. If you believe the man then you are imagining what another has sold you and now you will live what you imagined. It’s ok. It is part of the journey.

I know what I imagine. I imagine everyone is wonderful. All countries get along and all trade is truly free. Wonderful things are always arriving and everyone is happy. I imagine there is plenty for all and there is nothing to worry about because it will all work out for the best for me and everyone. I imagine all my needs are met in every moment of time and every point in space and they are. I believe there is only unity, harmony, faith, hope and love and all know it.

I feel like Noah. I went into the ark, inside with good thoughts, and then the world changed and I came out with my good thoughts and I celebrated and knew it was all good.

I believe these things because it is shown to me all the time. The world itself is changing and that is so beautiful. There is nothing anyone can say about any one person, what they have done or said, that I will believe other than they are lovely. It is just a state. The actor is lovely. Anyone can change a state and they do all the time. I love and forgive them. They don’t know what they are doing. It is all good.

But he is a murderer or whatever. You are judging. He is I AM just like you. We are One. You don’t die. The body may stop working or you leave the body but you don’t die. I AM is forever. Imagination takes you through time and space and you an revise anything in imagination. Hence the conflicting data. Science describes what happens when you imagine something. Science agrees energy never dies and it is your mental environment that makes you sick or well.

And so it is all good. Whether we realize it or not we are in charge, everything is perfect and according to plan, no chaos, and we asked for everything we see, each and every one of us, and if you like what you see fantastic and if you don’t start telling a new story and it will change.

Just a moment of belief, faith the size of a mustard seed, feeling you have what you want, touching it and it is on the way. It is all up to you.

By the way, how many imagined with John Lennon? Yeah, we all did now didn’t we? I did.  LOL and we deny our harvest.

Bless you all!

(Dog is God Spelled Backwards:101 Notes to Self has been released and is available in softback and electronic formats at iUniverse, Amazon, and Barnes and Noble. Reviews are appreciated)

The Meek Shall Inherit the Earth

Mathew 5:5

Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth.

What does that mean? It means those who quietly imagine a better way, a nicer person, a rain in a drought, peace in the middle of war will get it. You get what you imagine on this earth because you are a projector. The awareness of your being sends angels of desires to you. You want something. You want it so bad you can taste it. You can’t stop thinking about it. You want it so much.

You imagine having it and you tell yourself all day long how you have it and how your friends act with you now that you have it and how much you love it and how happy and grateful you are that you have it.

Then you forget it.

Doo dah doo dah dooh.

Bam here it is on your doorstep. It is knocking on your door. You have what you imagined and desired.

Is it sweet? Is it lovely? Is it just what you imagined? Do you even remember imaging it?

Desires are the means to burning off the delusions you have about this world.

I desired a safe and secure job in the government and healthcare industry so we would be ok during an upcoming recession. I got it. I wanted a good paycheck so my husband could be something other than a construction worker. I got it.

Then the walls started to crumble. Much to my dismay my husband believed he had cancer because his hip hurt. I was frantic. Scared. I began to dig because no one knows how cancer really begins. No one knows how it is caused. I found alternative medicines, alternative medical devices and other means for restoring good health. I found it is all a game we are playing with ourselves because you heal you and in fact that is the only way you heal. Once you believe you are healthy you heal no matter what is done to you. Delusion done. There is no illness. It is just something we sell ourselves.

The government went crazy. The bankers went crazy. I thought Greenspan with his low rates was bad enough but then came Bernanke. Bush and his announcement of perpetual war and the masses rooting for it. Obama and his we are going to take from you to give to others for healthcare. I cried a river and became so angry. Then I discovered this is all imagination and everyone was just showing me what I believed.

This is all a mind game.

Talk about crying a river a tears. Yes indeed I did but Neville Goddard showed me the way. He did not sell me anything. What he said resonated so much and so I had to try what he was telling me he experienced. I wanted to see if I could experience it too.. I consciously imagined what I wanted and well I got it.

So another delusion crushed. No one can hurt you or harm you or stop you but you. It is whatever you imagine and believe it is. That is truth and reality.

Ego is just believing in rational man and his rational thoughts. Stick to common sense. If it looks like a duck, smells like a duck and tastes like a duck it is probably a duck.

We all say I AM and that is God’s name forever and ever. It is not blasphemous to say so. Another delusion crushed. I AM and there is only One God and we all say I AM.  Common sense tells me we are a Protean being. The Bible backs me up with the word Elohim. One God made up of many.

If I believe all are wonderful and loving they show me that or walk away. If I believe all are ugly then that is what I see. I make them. I AM the One.

I am the author, the actor, and the director and I do it with my imagination. Divine imagination is the producer.

So I hope you will manage your thoughts and think only of wonderful things as you fall asleep and as you talk to yourself all day.

The meek inherit the earth.

All my work is reader supported.  Thank you for sharing!

Analyzing the Markets

Markets are 90% psychology and 10% fundamentals. Any market analyst will tell you this. As one who has studied markets for over 30 years I found it to be true until 2010. Then all kinds of anomalies started popping up. Despite the fundamentals, which should have effected the psychology stopped. Completely.  It became 100% psychology and I struggled to discover this but it is what it is. I finally accepted it.

In that acceptance I discovered the entire world we live in is nothing more than 100% psychology. It is whatever you believe it is. If you believe the Federal Reserve is lying and telling you bullshit then they will and they have. As a nation, we lost faith in our institutions and our leaders. We discovered our leaders believe they are here to rule us and that is not what the rest of us believe.

We believe we rule, the people. We believe we are awesome. We believe that those who have come here to find a better life love America. We believe assault weapons should not be for everyone. We believe yet our leaders are not doing what we believe. They are fighting it. They want us to believe as they do.

That is the battle of Armaggedon. The battle for belief. You are the only one that can change what you believe so hocus pocus keep the focus, on you and you only.

Mr. Obama can cry all he wants about the Supreme Court nominee. The rest of us believe we should wait so you get what you get. They have no choice. They are doing what we believe. We believe they believe they rule us. We malign them.

As the leaders tried to convince us we became entrenched. The more we found out about the spying the more we felt it was in our best interest to continue to doubt the leaders. Then doubt became certainty and certainty became the reality.

When you choose to destroy with violence another for whatever reason you then become the very thing you tried to destroy. There is only one way to kill monsters and we all know it yet we deny it. Don’t doubt it. Love is the only way.

Time to rise up. Time to kill the monster we created.

Can you manage to see them as lovely and only wanting what is best for all? Can you see them as wanting what is best for all and not what is best for the generals or banks? Can you see the banks and generals doing what is best for all?

If you can imagine that all are doing the best they can with what they have and know then you are there. If you can’t you are maligning them and they will show you what you believe. They have no choice in the matter and you will be maligned.

Do it for youself. Love the neighbor who bugs you. Love the senator who pisses you off. They are only showing you what you believe of them.

Think of yourself only. Change the belief you have and you will change the world.

Let’s imagine lovely things and believe them.

We deserve it.

Managing Using Universal Law

Law never changes. Rules change all the time.

Universal Law is the Law for all. You cannot escape it. It is always working. The Law of Attraction is how it works but what causes it to kick into action? Imagination and belief.

Knowing this can make you the best manager out there. Don’t be deceived though. Some do not care if you are the best manager out there. They will say you are inflating egos blah blah blah. If you hear this from your boss about your managing skills, and you know your team is doing an outstanding job, time to find a new job or tell a new story about the boss. If you wish to stay tell a new story and if you want to find new people and opportunities find a new job.  Why? The boss is in charge and he is not on board if he is saying these things. In fact he is you pushed out so you are telling one ugly story about him in your head. He believes what he is telling you despite the facts your team does an outstanding job. I used to believe the results would speak for themselves. Not true. If you believe the boss is a jerk he will show you jerk despite the results of you and your team.

An employee is whatever you believe he is. He has no choice but to show you what you believe. That is Universal Law. If you believe one is slow he will show you slow and if you believe one is fantastic then they are fantastic. This is how you hear the age old ‘He is the favorite’ cry from staff. You can eliminate this silliness and bring your team together. It is all up to you because it is all you. Whatever you believe must be shown to you.

So what do you believe about your staff? What have you been telling yourself about this or that person? Is one fantastic in your belief and one slow?  If you believe the team will fail it will fail and if you believe the team will succeed it will succedd. Your team can and will perform at the highest level of ability and integrity if you believe it. If you believe they are innovative and creative and they always have an answer that will resolve the issue then they will always come through.

Believe it in. That is how it works.

Because I believed this over teams I have led, my teams outperformed wherever I worked. Failure to think this way led to failure of the team. They begin to doubt and have fear. Mistakes happen. But that is because I failed them not the other way around. Work with the Law knowingly and lovingly and you will be rewarded. Work in the belief there is no answer and they will at best get a bandaid and you will get mediocre results that took too much time and effort to accomplish.

Go ahead. Test it. The Law is always in operation so it is what you believe it is. Most managers want to blame others for their failures. The staff did not have the equipment they needed or the staff did not understand or the staff is lazy or the staff does not like me so they deliberately perform slowly. You hear things like I know they can do it; they did it under their old supervisor and were outstanding. Now they are just not trying. They aren’t trying because you don’t believe they are trying.

You can tell them you believe in them all you want but if you don’t beleive it on the inside you will continue to see mediocre results at best.

It isn’t rocket science. It is very easy to manage people.

You don’t need to even understand the work they perform. You just need to believe in them. You just need to believe they are the best and will always find an answer. They are the best and have the best results of anyone. They are simply the best.

Test it. You will see the change. Tell a new story about your team and watch them fly.

It is not only amazing but it is raising others up. It helps you and them.

Easy, yet hard to wrap your head around.

The hard part in life is relaxing. You don’t have to do anything to make others better. You just have to imagine them better and believe it.

It is Law.

A New Perspective of Jesus

Man eternally asks himself who am I, why am I here, what is my purpose? The ancient writings and the holy books of the world tell you yet Man chooses not to believe and turns instead to Man.

Humans are dying at an alarming rate of heart disease and increases in cancer. Heart disease is the manifestation of rejecting your heart’s desire. You are supposed to be doing what you love and loving it. If not, then put on a new state of consciousness and have fun. You are not meant to suffer. It is what you believe it is despite the ‘facts’.

Imagine that You are Jesus in the Bible. Imagine it is the story of you and what you must go through to wake the Father and be resurrected to ever lasting life. You are the Father. You are I AM before anything else you use to describe you.

Imagine that you so loved ‘you’ the creation of Man, that you gave yourself so your love could learn how to be you and then live forever away from good and evil. And you would overcome death through Man and together You graduate, You resurrect.

All the ‘stuff’ you collect is just that stuff. You can’t take it with you but it is nice to have while you are here. That is what the Law is for and using it leads you to the Promise.The trump card or Easter egg is love. God is pure unconditional love so the power of love trumps all and forces all to do as instructed.

For myself I cried into the night I wanted to know my real name and fell asleep thinking that and I discovered that I AM and if that is true then we are a Protean being and we are as the Bible calls it Elohim which is plural for gods making One. On the journey goes and you start seeing that imagination is what the prophets and desciples and apostles are talking about.

Others have misinterpreted in their journey and it is to lead you to choose. Will you turn to Man or will you turn to your Imagination and have faith and hope that you will receive it? Jesus is you and your lovely imagination and consciousness. If I say you are prosperous and don’t doubt that then you will be prosperous. That is how to raise another while they carry the cross of flesh and blood. After all it is you. We are One having all these wonderful experiences and learning what we like and dislike and learning to give attention only to those things we deem of good report and not giving attention to the monsters we create in the backs of our minds.

Judging and maligning. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Would you like it if someone was doing that to you? No you wouldn’t so don’t do it to another and believe that no one does that because in the end that is you and what you imagine for them comes to you. Give and you shall receive a thousand fold.

So choose wisely what you give to belief and what you think and feel about others. That is your choice. You can imagine a different end in the past and you can imagine what you want in the future, always imagine the end. That is true prayer.

Then believe it. After imagining you are healthy then you are healthy no matter the facts. That is just details. They will fill in and it will be fun to experience.

There is the conscious and sub-concious, yin/yang, Esau and Jacob. This we know yet Man continues to look to Man on what these mean and how to use them properly. How silly.

You are Jesus, you are a fractal of God and I don’t care what anyone else says you are just as smart as the supposed ‘smart’ guys in the room. They choose to see what they wish and that is all they see. There are two sides to every coin. Turn to your imagination and have faith in unity, harmony, hope and love and that love is the greatest of these and know you have set time and space into motion to bring you what you imagined.

You do it all the time with fear and suppositions you turn into a belief and then it becomes the belief. Zika Virus for example. My energies are all wacko. Ok. It is what you believe it is. We are One being.You can change a belief. You can tell a new story.

So if you imagine your boss hates you then your boss is going to show you he hates you. He really doesn’t have a  ‘preference’ because he must show you what you believe is true. What YOU believe is true. It is your heaven or hell. It is your universe and it is all inside you.

There are no narcissists. There are no terrorists. Don’t believe in them They are just me and I know they are asleep dreaming the dream of them. I love them all and applaud their performance but I will only believe they are people doing the best they can with what they have and know and hope and have faith they too will learn the Law.

I shall choose my state of consciousness and hope my performance in helping you change yours allows us all to see the abundance for all instead of ‘there isn’t enough’. I refuse to believe that because I know it is silly. There is plenty for all. I am Jesus and that means I AM and that means God. Everything is inside you. I AM and all things are possible in my Imagination. Christ means the Savior and in my universe I am the center so I AM the Savior because I believe there is plenty for all, the climate is lovely, and that all realize they are in perfect health, have abundant wealth, and wisdom for all.

Go ahead. Imagine it. Guaranteed to work.


The Genius of John Lennon

Many moons ago John Lennon set what we see around us into motion. You cannot have a world of peace without the old world going into a contraction. You can’t have peace until individuals find it within themselves and then it reflects out. There is a limit to contraction but not expansion. We are expanding and this world is changing and we all asked for it as we imagined a different world with the song he wrote and we sang. We asked as we put in a President who campaigned on change.

We are pissed it didn’t happen. We blame everyone but ourselves yet we are the ones struggling with the change. You need ask no man for a job. You need ask no man to heal you. You need ask no man for anything. All men are you and you are them. We are One being made up of many. Consciousness cannot expand without contraction and it must experience to do this. You are Consciousness. You are I AM and that is God’s name forever and ever.

To say I AM stupid or I AM dumb is to take the Lord’s name in vain as His name is I AM forever and ever. You feel everything because you are everything and that is what you are here to discover. You need ask no man for anything yet you do. What is normal? There are 7 billion people in the world with 7 billion perceptions and each one is different so there are 7 billion realities in play.

You come here and are told you fell because of something you did. Original sin. So you begin as a slave, a victim and you cannot leave here until you realize you are not a slave or a victim. You are the child of God and Man and you are in a womb growing, learning, getting ready to do what you were meant to do. Becoming one with unconditional love and imagination.

You are here for a purpose. We are One. You are everything and everyone and they are you. All of this is loving imagination so love conquers all. Imagine it and it will be, good, bad or ugly. You will forget you imagined it and be surprised when it shows up in your world. Happens all the time.You reap what you sow. You just forgot you sowed that seed. Be conscious. Be aware. To not be conscious is to beware.

John Lennon meant no heaven outside of self. It is all inside you. The world will be as one but not as the sleepers imagine it. It is how the rest of us imagine it. The meek inherit the earth. So do you want to believe the leaders, the governments, the agencies that tell you be afraid, be very afraid or do you want to believe that every single person on this earth is marvelous and wonderful?

Love first. Fear is what we live by and it is tiring and old. I dislike it so I don’t play that game. You don’t have to either. Terrorist is just a state inside the body is I AM. If you malign yourself by maligning others thinking you are maligning them yet you are them so you are maligning yourself, don’t be surprised when a disease shows up to eat you up on the inside. You reap what you sow so sow loving imagination, loving thoughts, loving feelings.

If you want to change the world, you have to change yourself. Then the world changes and that is literal.

Do not rush. Relax and know all is perfect and good. Don’t worry, be happy. It always works out. There is plenty for all. Plenty of time, plenty of love, plenty of food, plenty of shelter. Just look around and imagine it and it will appear in this world but you must see it first and have faith and hope and love.

When you think and apply reason it isn’t pretty. Reason is fear based and does not feel good. When you feel and go with the flow then it is all awesome. Embrace the bothersome and thank it for showing you that you dislike it and let it go. It will wither for lack of attention. You are eternal and are putting on different states to experience. That is how consciousness grows. Man does not evolve except to make things that get us places faster or indoor plumbing and such. It is consciousness that evolves and man is the outside so man is the conscious state of who you believe you are. The state of pain, hunger, poor, rich. You can be any state you wish but you must realize the Law and use it consciously or be a victim to the chaotic imagining you subject yourself to.

Before you have physics you must perform metaphysics. As within, so without. Ultimately to imagine for another is giving of yourself to change another’s state who is asleep and does not realize what they are doing. That is giving of self to serve others. I hope this helps and bless you all. You need not suffer unless it is to take you to this realization. It is whatever you believe it is and the cause of it is imagination. Change it. Tell a new story and it will appear.

Turn Disruption into Expansion

In analyzing markets there is an old saying that the markets are 90% psychology and 10% fundamentals. That is almost correct.

When I was a systems analyst of third level issues I looked at the bigger picture of it all and then worked my way back to determine the problem.

Believe it first, then it comes because the world reflects you and your beliefs. I can’t tell you how many times a person went through first, second level support and then it would land on my desk. I would go out and ask what can I do for you? The person would inevitably tell me this stupid machine, it is so irritating, I can’t stand technology, why is it so difficult.I would sit down and shut down the computer after checking and seeing everything was as it should be. Then I would pat the monitor and tell the computer I love you baby you know you want to come up and then turn on the machine. Yep worked like a charm every time. Up came the login screen, log in happened, apps came up. Companies have tried to lose that kind of support but the reality is it is what you believe and if you don’t show someone then they tend to laugh at you and even when they see you do it they laugh and don’t believe. Yet nothing is wrong with the system. Technically all was working and in place.

This is truth. You cannot disprove this. Everyone who analyzes anything knows this. It is whatever you believe it is so if you believe in vaccination then it will work and if you doubt it then it won’t work. If you believe in not having vaccinations because vaccinations hurt you it will work but if you doubt then you will get it. See how this works? If you doubt then you think you can get it so you get it. You asked for it.

If you believe your computer hates you then your computer will give you problems. If you believe it loves you and always works for you then it always works for you. I have personally experienced this over and over again.

Our cable went out. I imagined it was working and told it how much I loved it and how much I love the cable company. Thirty seconds later we were up but the text message that all was resolved came five hours later.

Time is not linear. It is wibbley wobbley timey whimey as the good Dr. Who tells us. You see Time and space are really on a wheel. You are not the body you inhabit. You are I AM and you set this up before you created the Universe. It is all for a purpose.

We are so individualized that it is time. It is time to recognize you are not just a purple coral living and growing and those red corals are not your enemies. They are you too because together we are the coral reef.

It is time to flip the poles from fear to love. That is the new economy. That is the new world that we are creating out of all this angst. Man calls it disruption. I call it expansion.

We had to come here to lose faith in Man. Now we can create a new world. A world that thinks from love first instead of fear. So I say thank you Central bankers, thank you terrorists, my goodness bless your hearts you played your parts so well. Thank you but this is something that I dislike so thank you but no more attention for you. That is how these monsters grow. Medical  industries, energy industries, agricultural industries, etc., etc., etc. It is all based on fear and I am not afraid because I know fear does not exist. It is just part of the play, part of the dream, the dream of you.

I know I made up fear. I know I AM consciousness and I AM. I don’t die. I leave this costume behind but I don’t die. I am restored back into a family and time period that will suit the purpose of achieving the end. I get to the end by waking up and then share the truth that this is a dream and it is all imagination.

By thinking from fear we have created disease, illness, greed, lack, the very opposite of what we are and this is all mental. It does not have to be this way. We can flip it. We can flip the poles and change the world.

Instead of people dying of heart disease we will know that any disease is a symptom of wrong headed thinking and start getting that person help in keeping a good attitude and happy existence and finding out what they love to do. We will know we cannot take the children away from the parents as they must learn to imagine and play and then control the imagination and have good manners because there is only One Mind, One Soul, One Body and that is all of us. Instead of beware of strangers being taught we will teach welcome everyone because they are you and you are safe and secure.

IAM scattered amongst all of us so don’t hurt yourself. When someone yells, give them a hug and say I love you in your imagination or physically. When someone is mean imagine them nice. This is a hard thing to do at first but fear is just a habit. Thinking from love is a better habit. It is the only way to free the world and therefore ourselves.

If you malign others you get cancer. If you hold grudges and anger you get a disease that eats you up the way you are asking for. You think your thoughts are directed to a person but the Universe and your body knows it is only I AM and it does what it is asked to do.You can heal yourself. You must become a new man to do this though.

Instead of assuming someone you don’t know will hurt you smile at them. Instead of assuming that stranger would possible hurt you in the night assume they are wonderful and give them shelter knowing they are you and cannot hurt you. Imagine that. No one can hurt you because they are you and as long as you approach everyone from love then no one can hurt you. You are safe.

Love is all there is because I AM is all there is and He came from unconditional love. We were put in this world to learn conditions, learn what we like and dislike, and then break the conditions and return to the unconditional love from where we came. We are I AM and we are amazing and to use this power from fear is what you see around you today. Of course it is forgiven. You did not know what you were doing.

If you are awake you know everyone and everything is you and you bless them as they make their journey and applaud them as the exit the stage. But now is the time for all those who wish to wake and all those who are awake and all those who have been practicing the Law to make their lives easy to rejoice and help the sleepers rise up. Imagine them as lovely. Imagine them as you would want others to imagine you.

Turn disruption into expansion. It is all the same thing either way. It is two sides of the same coin. One side, fear, is disruption and one side, love, is expansion.

Hospitals, doctors, pharmaceutical, insurance industries will all radically change. It has already started. We will see the world as full of abundance instead of there is not enough. There is plenty for all; whatever you want. Whatever you love. The universe obeys you. It will bring you what you ask for so be careful what and how you ask for something, you will get it.

The Law

Law or Principle by definition cannot change. Rules change so man’s laws are really rules and mental laws are really rules.

In the not distant future the world of today will depart. Those who are now claiming themselves to be “another generation” will be old people who will vanish from this world. Isn’t it time that we all wake up and catch on to what really is causing the reality we see of the world?

The phenomena of the world are caused by the imaginal acts of all humans or Man. We are told in the book of Acts that: “God is not far from each one of us, for in Him we live, and move, and have our being.” (Acts 17:28)

It means God and Man are one.

“Man is all imagination, and God is man, and exists in us and we in Him – William Blake

“The Eternal Body of Man is the imagination, and that is God Himself.” – William Blake

“Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life’s coming attractions.”
― Albert Einstein

“By Him all things were made, and without Him was not anything made that was made,” (John 1:3)

By imagination all things were made and without imagination nothing was made.

For God, imagining creates, and God is man, so for Man imagining creates. There is no separation between God and Man . We are one. “God became as we are, that we may be as He is” [Wm. Blake, from “There Is No Natural Religion”], allowing Himself on this level to make all the mistakes in the world, to go berserk and to imagine any stupid thing in the world.

The following stories by William Butler Yeats are in his volume called “Good and Evil.” He said: “I was spending a vacation in Paris, and I got up early. I thought I would go out and get the morning paper before my host rose, and then I came through, and I saw the little maid laying the table for breakfast, and I told myself one of those long, stupid stories that one tells only to oneself.

“If something could happen which had not happened, I would have hurt my arm, and so I imagined myself with my arm in a sling. As I passed by, I had so completely imagined myself with my arm in a sling that I cast my imaginal act upon that sensitive child – the little girl who was simply preparing the breakfast table. When I returned with my paper, my hostess met me at the door, and she was all in a dither, inquiring about my arm, for she said that the little girl, the maid, had told her that Mr. Yeats came down with his arm in a sling. Then I remembered what I had done. I simply imagined that had I done what I had not done, I would have hurt my arm, and my arm would now be in a sling, so I cast my imaginal act so intensely upon that maid that she saw it as an actual fact.”

“Now,” he said, “just about the same time I thought intensely of a fellow student and a message I wanted to give him, but I did not wish it committed to paper. I wanted to tell it to him, but he was not present. Two days later I got a letter from this fellow student who was several hundred miles away, and just about the time that I had intensely thought of him and the message, I appeared, seemingly, in bodily form, as though in the flesh, in a large hotel where he was amidst a large crowd of people and he told me that he would like me to return after the crowd was gone, and then I vanished and returned that night at midnight and told him the message, which he told me in his letter.”

“Now,” he said, “I have no conscious knowledge of the projection. I only know that I intensely thought of my fellow student and the message I wanted to convey, and there I appeared in the midst of a huge crowd in a hotel several hundred miles away, and he was telling me to return later after the crowd dispersed, which I did at midnight, and told him the message.”

“Now,” he said, “I could tell you unnumbered stories of the power of imagination.” Then he tells the one of Joseph Blanco, which is a popular story and supposedly very, very true, of this student at Oxford University finding himself – well, without funds, so he could not continue his studies, so the day that he left college because he could not afford to continue he found no job, and he joined himself to a bunch of gypsies – traveling gypsies. And one day two students who knew him at college came upon him among the gypsies, and he made a sign not to be identified, and then came up afterwards, and he told them, “I’ll meet you at the inn, and then I will explain to you why you find me among this crowd.”

Well, they were curious and went to the inn, and when he came into the inn, he told them that they are not quite the vagabonds that people think they are. They have a secret that is not known at Oxford, “none of our professors know it. I know I never heard about it,” said he, “so no one knows it, but I will tell you what they have taught me. I have learned all that they have taught me so far, and I have improved upon it. Now to show you what I mean by it, I will leave you two fellows alone, and when I return I will tell you what you have discussed in my absence.”

So, when he came back, he told them in detail what they had discussed, everything they had discussed, and they were curious, and wondered why. He said, “You had no choice in the matter. I determined what you would discuss. My imagination led yours. Their story is all about imagination, and they, by the complete control of their own imagination, influence your behavior. That’s what I learned from them.”

Well, if God makes all things, then God must be the human imagination. If a man can so control his own imagination that he influences your behavior, and you think that you initiate what you do when it was the man in control of his own imagination that did it, then we understand what the poet meant:

“All things, by a law divine,

In one another’s being mingle.”

[Shelley, in “Love’s Philosophy”]

Imagination is that non-objective reality from which all objects pour forth, just like sudden fancy. Everything in the world comes out of one’s own wonderful human imagination, for that is God, And there is no other.

When you hear these stories from those who are not lying to you, you may not understand it, and reason will deny it. Well, if you have an experience, even though reason denies it, you can’t deny the experience. I know from experience that imagining creates reality. On this level, we are only learning. We are all students. We are simply in kindergarten.

“Be not deceived. God is not mocked.” (Galatians 6:7)

No one is getting away with anything! Misuse your talent, and you will reap it’s rewards You will go through the experience of having misused the talent that you received. The talent is the gift of God Himself. God actually became Man, that Man may become God.

This is the Law by which we live by. Learn to use your imagination lovingly on behalf of everyone in this world; because you are going to reap the fruit of it, whether you use it lovingly or unlovingly, you are going to reap the fruit of it.

God is not apart from Man .He can’t even be near you, because He is your own “I.” When you say, “I,” that is God! When you say, “I AM,” that’s God, His name forever and forever, and there is no other god. The minute you say, “Thou,” that’s a false god. If you address Him as, “You,” that’s a false god. The only God is “I AM.” “That is my name forever, and by this name I must be known throughout all generations.” (Exodus 3:15)

Do not misuse it.

You can set yourself a goal, any goal, and if you really know exactly what things would be like if you had realized it, and then enter into that state, and it will come to you in this world. At the moment, it seems only a shadow, just a shadow because you have not entered into the sketch. When you enter into the sketch, the sketch takes on a 3D reality to you. Now, leave it alone. In time it will flower and become what the world calls an objective reality. It was real the very moment that you entered it because you were the reality. “All things exist in the human imagination,” but all things. You name it, it exists in you, but it exists in you only as a shadow. It’s shadowy. But if you enter into the shadow and clothe yourself with it, it ceases to be a sketch, and it becomes a 3D reality just like the room you currently occupy.

Everything in this world comes from imagination yet Man forgets his imaginings. “Every natural effect has an imaginal Cause, and not A natural. A natural cause only seems; it is a Delusion … of the fading memory.” [Blake, from “Milton”]

Every imaginative man in this world is forever setting the cast and influencing the entire world of the passive, unimaginative. They are forever falling under the influence of those who are vivid in their imagination. They are reaping it, and you will understand the cry on the cross: “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do,” for some vivid imagination has compelled them to act as they act.

Any shame or guilt goes to the author, not the actor. Man condemns the actor in the drama when really it is really the author, not the actor. And the author of the play is God! For God is your own wonderful human imagination. He is playing all the parts.

Your own beautiful imagination is God, and God is creating all the phenomena of the world. As Disraeli said, “Man is not the creature of circumstance; circumstances are the creatures of men.” We are creating them. When Man awakens, he is God, but before He wakes, he sure does he go beserko!

The day will come, He will completely awaken within man, and when He does, He will be governed by Love, and nothing but Love. Until we are completely governed by Love, what horrors we create in this world!

So, the whole vast objective world is created by the imaginal acts of Man . Everything now proven in the world was once only imagined. I don’t care what it is everything  that is in this world is nothing more than the imaginal acts of men “pushed out”, good, bad or indifferent.

Take it seriously, and know that you, and you alone, are responsible for the phenomena in your world. If you are passive and not alert, you can be influenced because:“All things, by a law divine, In one another’s being mingle.” So you can be influenced. This is the law of Scripture. When we speak of the Law and the Promise, this is the Law:

Your imaginal acts are creating facts in the world. Imagining creates reality.

Be careful what you are imagining. When you are about to go to sleep, see that your mind is filled with lovely things, imaginal things, and drop off into sleep. “Do not let the sun go down upon your anger.” (Ephesians 4:26) Actually resolve it within yourself, revise it as you would wish it to be and sleep as though things were as you imagined them to be. Make them fantastic in your world. Do not let one day come to its end without revising and changing the imaginal acts of the day. Make it conform to your dream, to your ideal, and live in it just as though it were true.

The end is God. The origin of all is God. In the interval, we go berserk. We run around like chickens with their heads cut off. But if you know what you could do, start doing it. Don’t wait. You can be the man or woman that you would like to be, but wanting it is not going to do it.

You must be it.

You can’t just say, I would like to be it; you must assume that you are it, and sleep in the assumption that you are it, for the assumption, though at the moment denied by your senses, denied by everything around you, if persisted in will harden into fact. So, dare to assume that you are the man or the woman you want to be, and day after day live in that assumption as though it were true, and that assumption will become a reality in the world. Even if you go hungry, it doesn’t matter. No matter what happens, go hungry; but persist in the assumption, and that assumption will objectify itself and become a reality in your world.

Everyone will awaken and when he awakes he awakes in the only place where God ever awakes: he awakes in the skull of man, in Golgotha, the human skull. And when he awakes, he comes out of that skull, and it is God that is born, “born from above”.

Man, if he is in control of his own imagination, is in control of the reality and facts of his life. He is not the victim of circumstances; circumstances are the creatures of himself. He  creates them, if he knows what he is doing.

If he doesn’t know what he is doing and he is passive in this world, he can be influenced by the imagination of one who is in control of his imagination, for he doesn’t know what he is doing. Had he known, he wouldn’t have done it.

Literally, Imagining creates reality. Be careful what you imagine, because, “All things, by a law divine, In one another’s being mingle,” you are influencing everyone.  As Yeats said:

“Having seen the operation of this law, we should never be certain it was not some woman treading the wine press who started that subtle change in men’s minds, or that the passion because of which so many countries were given to the sword did not begin in the mind of some shepherd boy, lighting up his eyes for a moment before it ran upon its way.”

Who knows who, this night, feels neglected, feels hurt, feels wrongfully accused, and who is sitting alone and “treading in the wine press,” who tomorrow will influence some awful thing. Some shepherd boy dreaming of some heroic future and thinking only in terms of war that could bring him the crown of a hero, he, while tending his sheep, is simply dreaming of being a hero, and using his talent, which is God, using his imagination in some destructive manner, even though he tends the sheep. Forgive him, he does not know what he is doing.

I tell you this to help you.

Know what you are telling yourself and imagining every moment of time because your imagining is creating reality.