We All Do It – Understanding the Victim/Bully State of Consciousness

Everyone, at the core, wears the victim state. Bullies are just victims overcompensating. Everyone has a backstory.

You are an infinite being having a human experience in order for the vessel, the human, to learn. Once it is learned, how to be like the infinite being inside you, and, although asleep, He is carrying you throughout it all. Then one day, like Rip Van Winkle, that being wakes up and the two – Consciousness and Human become One – a Human Being.

In order for this to happen, the Infinite Being, being infinite, empties himself and forgets. Victimizes himself knowing his hero will save him. You are that victim and you are the hero. Up to you to stop victimizing yourself and become the hero you truly are and did not realize.

The mind splits in two when an Infinite Being enters the limit of contraction. That is Consciousness. It enters you and becomes consciousness and subconscious, so it can all fit in there. At first when you are born into this physical realm you are pure consciousness in that one moment and then the conditioning begins and that is all just a story so you can learn and become the hero.

Because the Infinite Being inside you emptied himself to go inside you the story surrounding us all is the core of our being. A victim. You are here to break free from that mentality. Once you do then you confidently imitate your Father manifesting whatever you desire until there are no more desires. It’s just life expressing itself and it is lovely, abundant, joyful, beautiful, prosperous, perfect. Life. It’s good! It’s all good!

The word – the Living Word. Aren’t you alive? Don’t you speak? Aren’t you aware of being alive and all that is around you? Aren’t you conscious of it? Isn’t God’s name I AM and is that not stating I am aware of being? Do you not imagine all the time? Aren’t all things possible to your imagination?

There are two sides to everything here – a good and a bad and this is an environment of belief. If you pick one you get the other automatically – to experience and you will keep experiencing it until you get sick of it. No one changes until they get sick of what they currently telling themselves. No one.

No one makes you believe anything. You choose to believe another or yourself. That other can be anyone or anything – a study, data, statistics, man made organizations, isms – it doesn’t matter. It’s all dogma – someone else’s and you don’t have to believe it. You do not have to be conscious of what is in your face. You can turn the other cheek and ignore it and change it to be what you believe or what you wish. Do this in your imagination and the two, conscious and subconscious, agree and it will be. That is Law.

You can turn the other cheek and let them slap you again, victim, or you can turn the other cheek and see them as better than that. My hero! Then they become better than that. Let them take your stuff. It’s just stuff. You know you can always get more. It is they who are poor in heart and mind and think they must take from others to get what they need. Imagine them as better than that. Be the hero you truly are and turn the other cheek.

Two sides – an objective and subjective side to all. Objective is the lie and subjective is the truth. No one can see or hear or taste or smell or feel what you do. They aren’t you. There is no one else like you in the world. You are unique and wonderful. Not another you can be made. You have a purpose in this story. To be the best you that you can be doing and sharing what you love, loving life, and expressing that via your mind. It’s all a mind game.

When you imagine or think thoughts you are using language and when you speak you are using language. You are the Living Word and that means when you speak you consciously declare and words call upon, evoke, imagination, and you are expressing life. It comes to be and it all comes from the same place – Consciousness/Imagination/Attention. Unconditional love is attention. It’s all love, consciousness and imagination.

To hate something is to love on it. You are giving it your attention.

There are 12 Laws of Mind and they are Law. They are working all the time, working for all, never deviating and these Laws are what makes the world around you. You operate them and you are doing it all the time and it doesn’t matter if you believe in them or not. They are Laws – Principle. No exceptions or that would be a rule.

Ex. You want to live comfortably so you want a lot of money thinking that means wealth and you are set for life. You can get whatever you want. So you imagine winning the lottery. You are micromanaging but you have gone within and imagined having it so you will have it if you have faith. Faith is knowing the unseen will be seen. It is knowing any team can beat any other team on any given day. It’s not a religion.

This is the Law of Salvation/Freedom/Liberty. Despite your beliefs, if you imagine an end and consciously accept that in your imagination, then the two, consciousness and subconscious, agree in imagination and it is done. End point set.

All are now moving to bring whatever that is to you in the roles they play. That is the Law of One.

So you win the lottery.

Yet at your core you tell yourself silly things like money is dirty, filthy lucre, people are jealous of my success, everyone comes out of the woodwork when they learn you have money, damn banks, blood money, central bankers suck, I am lucky in love and sucky at money blah blah blah. We all do it.

Now your beliefs kick back in after the Law of Liberty has ‘saved’ you. Here comes LOA. Law of attraction is like thoughts/beliefs attract like conditions, circumstances, events, and people into your life. You did not put on a state of consciousness of wealth, knowing infinite prosperity is yours. You are still wearing the state of consciousness of a victim.

You imagined having a lot of money. You don’t like money, it’s dirty blah blah blah, so it flees you as fast as it came and you are back imagining being saved. Now that’s ok but eventually we all get sick of it. It’s being a victim. Put on the correct state – wealth. It’s yours – all of it. Change your belief. They are all self imposed.

You think you will use it wisely and constructively by giving to the poor and to help end disease and to save the world but that is just victimizing yourself. Victim mentality as this is all you. No one is really poor they are just locked into a state of their own making. Thinking like this is asking for it to be you that is poor and needs help, and you be diseased with no cure from the outside and for you to experience the world in danger. You are an infinite being. You are ALL of it. The universe and all within it are inside you. To believe the outside can harm you, keep you from anything or anyone, is to victimize yourself.

You believe others are poor and need help. Money is a medium of exchange. You are exchanging ideas and love nothing more. To give to another without expecting anything back is fantastic! You know there is always more coming to you.

But to give to another because of the state they are in is locking them into that state. You would like it? Do you love the state of being poor? That’s what you are saying. I love this idea!

Here you poor person let me give you money so you can stay in that mindset of being poor and keep coming to me to get some money. Here my lovely little victim let me be your bully. Here my lovely little slave let me be your master. If you do this then no worries, you will experience both sides of that, being rich and being poor.

You think you are being kind but you are being cruel. You are robbing them of their birthright and locking them into a state of poverty in YOUR Consciousness. That is being a bully and a victim. See them as better. Know they are better and walk away. God is inside them too. You aren’t helping anyone by believing there can be poor people and victims to the world. That is you saying I believe in victims and bullies. Bring it on!

That is what you are doing by choosing good or bad. It’s all you. They are just people waiting to be as you wish. They aren’t really poor. God is in all and speaks for all. God is All. There is nothing without Consciousness.

Money is a medium of exchange and you are exchanging ideas and love. I love the idea of that purse carrying all my stuff. That is all. I love the idea of having a computer on my hip, I love the idea of indoor plumbing etc. Do you? Do you bitch when you pay your bills? Why? Aren’t they giving you what you love?

Money is an idea in the mind of God so it is good, it is very good. It represents economic good health. To think otherwise in any way is to victimize yourself and bullies will come to do that for you. No one keeps it away from you. That is you believing the outside which is nothing more than the inside projected out, showing you that you believe the outside can limit you in some way. You are being mean to you by believing that Victim.

It’s the same for all things. If you don’t love you no one and nothing else can. Victim. That is Law. It will be what you believe it will be. It will be all those little secret talks you have with yourself all day long in the car, the bathroom, cleaning the dishes. You know the ones you think are just thoughts. Yeah that is you using your power – unconditional love – to bring you THAT. Is THAT really what you wanted?

When you are dealing with SP issues that is you telling you that you do not love yourself. You are victimizing and bullying yourself. A bully is nothing more than a victim overcompensating. At your core – you are freeing the Master of Time and space. You are no victim. You are One with God – his Child. A Hero! What the Father can do you can do. Confidence! We all walk the yellow brick road – pay them no mind. Turn the other cheek and imagine it is as you wish. Everyone knows As You Wish means I love you.

If you want a SP person back because you feel guilty and you imagine them back then they will come but unless you change your thinking about them they will still be the problem they were before. They are only showing you YOU. You can’t love them if you don’t love you so you are playing that victim bully game. Are you sick of it yet?

If you go around cutting off your breasts because you have the gene for cancer that is mutilating yourself and horribly victimizing yourself. If you go around trashing vegans or meat eaters or saying you have to do something about the climate that means you are victimizing yourself. People who demand you believe as they do are nothing more than victims/bullies. One who loves themselves doesn’t need another to validate them. Turn the other cheek. Walk away. God is in all. Laugh and say you believe whatever you wish. It will all work out in the end. Blessings to you.

The greatest prayer in the Bible states to love Consciousness, love your consciousness with all your heart, all your body and mind. It is the greatest thing you can do for yourself.

Forgive yourself, throw all that guilt away, you didn’t know that sinning was to miss the mark. You wish to be something but you are not – you are missing the mark. Be confident, love yourself and demand the best for yourself in your consciousness, in your imagination, what you give your love aka attention to in your life. Then you are the hero and it shall be as you wish.

Blessings to you and thank you for being you! If you enjoyed this blog, please consider supporting more at Patreon!

The Power Within You

It is worth repeating. Blessings to all and thank you for being you!

The Law & The Promise

Awareness of being aka Consciousness is everything. Nothing was made before it was imagined and all beliefs are self imposed.  This is Law that never changes.  There is nothing unless you make yourself aware of it. Once you are aware of something you either discard it or you respond. If you respond in any manner other than with love, or no response at all, you create a monster. You invited it into your world.

There are all kinds of monsters – racists, climate change, zika, terrorists, Nazis, illness, Republicans, Democrats, isms, pestilence, disease, famine, drought. You make them by believing in them and they grow. By being aware of them and believing in them you bring them into your world. You feed them your power, your imagination and attention, and they grow into a monster you think you cannot possibly defeat. Yet you can. You made it, you can change…

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