Quantum Physics & the God Particle

Know what an allegory is?

I think we can all agree that quantum physics and quantum mechanics can be a complex thing to understand from a layman point of view what a scientist point of view that studies it tells us. I think we can all agree if this complex idea is presented as an allegory then we can all understand it.  I think we can all agree that we often get lost in the details losing the true picture we need to see. Can’t see the forest because of all those trees right? We do it. We all do it.  LOL

a story, poem, or picture that can be interpreted to reveal a hidden meaning.

Today’s scientists, archaeologists, researchers, historians, blah blah blah you know the alleged smart guys, believe time is linear despite what quantum physics has shown them. It’s a perception and it is staring them in the face. Time is wibbly wobbly timey whimey.

From the 1933 Nobel Prize in Physics presentation speech:

‘It must be realized then, that some photons will behave in one way, others in another way at the resolution. The only assertion that can be made regarding causality is that the physical laws signify a certain probability that one or another incident will take place.’

I AM the one that determines if Schrodinger’s cat is dead or alive.

We seem to think something outside of ourselves, outside of Man, is the cause.  We are so cute because it is staring us in the face.  All these ancient sites and pyramids around the world, the out of the ordinary artifacts are all remnants of past civilizations that knew the Laws of Mind and used them to light up and unite the world.

Some ancient alien being had to come and make them because they are so much wiser and more advanced than the little ape men. LOL  According to the smart guys no man, so says authority, could be better or wiser or more knowledgeable than the men of today. That is the logical conclusion IF we believe in evolution. They do but it doesn’t mean all of us do.

We lie to ourselves all the time.

Everything waxes and wanes here. Everything changes all the time. There is no fiction. Non-fiction and fiction are the story of you and/or forgotten memories. Didn’t Edgar Allan Poe foretell the death of Richard Parker by cannibalism? Didn’t Morgan Robertson foretell the sinking of the Titanic?  In the 1961 novel, “Return from the Stars,” Stanislaw Lem predicted the end of the physical book.

You are a spiritual being having a human experience You are not an alien or given knowledge from aliens. You just think that because you cannot believe the truth. You have been conditioned and the end is to remove all conditions and recognize there is nothing more powerful, more wonderful, more amazing than you, individually. That is what we are doing. History, fiction, mystics, physics et al are telling you one thing.

You are the God Particle. This is all imagination and you are the operator of it. You are the dreamer having the dream of you and the photons are waiting for you to tell them what to do. Ask and you shall receive.

There are lies, damn lies, and statistics. We lie to ourselves all the time telling ourselves it’s the facts! There are no facts. Things change all the time. The smart guys are no smarter than you. I mean come on, coffee is bad oops no it is good in moderation. Butter is bad oops no it is good in moderation. Your appendix does nothing, opps yes it does.  LOL when the smart guys first said bacon and butter and sugar and coffee were bad and what was good for you was bran muffins and rice cakes I laughed. My husband would worry. I would laugh at him and say moderation in all things. It is all good. After years of bacon and eggs for breakfast and cheese burritos for lunch and hamburgers and pizzas galore he went in for a checkup. He is perfect. No problems. Everything good. I knew it would be and I didn’t know about the Laws then. I just knew he would be perfectly fine.

They don’t know. They are an authority figure and they are supposed to know so they like to think they know. What is a degree other than a piece of paper that tells the world you know how to spit out what the objective world wants to hear? Since they are the ‘authority’ they feel the need to present something as the cause so they make it up. They do the best that they can but in an ever changing environment that is difficult at best.

You don’t have to believe them.  The photons gotta do what they gotta do and that is whatever you want. LOL Ironic isn’t it?

Imagination creates reality. What are you telling yourself because whatever it is, it is all around you. The being inside you speaks in feelings, emotions, images, imagination. You speak it out loud with language. You are the living Word.

Photons gotta do what they gotta do. Create the end imagined and feel.

Tobacco causes cancer yet that is not true for all. If it was true everyone who smoked would get cancer. Just because a majority who do get cancer smoked doesn’t mean tobacco gives you cancer. There is a percentage showing you that is not true. What is different? Man tells you it’s the genes. Women are cutting off their breasts to prevent cancer because they have the ‘gene’.

We lie to ourselves all the time.  Quantum physics and stem cell research has proven you control your genes, they don’t control you and that ties in with the photons. It is what you believe.  If I  believe there is only perfect health, if I believe tobacco is just tobacco lovely and neither good or bad then cancer does not exist for me despite smoking. If I get cancer it is because I had ugly maligning thoughts not because I smoke.  It hasn’t a thing to do with anything in the objective world.

Look at the language of the Bible, the Hermetica, and you realize it is the photons and your imagination creating the effect on the outside of what you believe on the inside.

All the ancient texts tell you, you are the God Particle. You make it happen with your imagination. It is all you. The photons sit there and wait for a resolution, an end, and then it comes to be. The two, conscious and subconscious, agree in imagination and so it shall be.

The Bible is an allegory, a story that reveals the hidden truth of quantum physics showing you that you are God aka the God Particle. I AM THAT, I AM. Moses means to draw out. YHWH means I AM. Their language at the time is telling you. A bush that is on fire but does not burn is drawn out of your imagination. I AM Imagination. I AM.

I found Waldo and he was me, my imagination, sleeping inside me all this time.

Life is easy, you just think it has to be hard to be rewarding so the photons make it hard. You are doing it to yourself and that is ok. That hard life is teaching you one side of the coin. Then there is the easy way because you dislike the hard way and want to check out that side and then there is the realization it is just a coin. That bad experience led to the good experience that made you realize it just is whatever I believe it is.

The harvest is now. Imagine the harvest as you plant it. Then the harvest will come as you imagined. You have dominion over all. Everything your plants need to bring you the harvest you imagined will come to bring you the harvest you imagined. No chemicals needed, just decent soil and if it is not decent soil add sand for clay soil and clay for sandy soil and leaves for all soils. It’s all there. No additives required.

You are the God Particle. The perfect weather, the perfect beneficial insects, the perfect everything so you can have the harvest you imagined. Photons start moving and the end in some natural magical way comes to you. You set the end point in the future in your imagination. You have shown the photons what you desire and you felt it and through that image or scene and the feelings accompanying it, the photons begin to fill in the details, like attracts like and it comes naturally in a way only imagination could dream of and then you get what you want. All you have to do is provide the good soil, the imagining and have faith, faith is defined as knowing the unseen will be seen in the Bible, aka what you imagined will be.

I know we all do it but you learn that the last thing you should do is ‘don’t count your chickens before they hatch’. That is wrong headed thinking and the photons are going to bring you what you are asking for which is few if any chickens.  Count them, see them all and feel them. They will be.

Photons gotta do what they gotta do.

Unconditional love means attention. If I give it attention to something then I am loving on it.

We all say I AM. Elohim in the Bible means One God made up of many.  Knowing all this now read the 82 Psalm and know who you are.

Imagination doesn’t care what you have done or said. Photons don’t care what you have done or said. They are focused on you, like your dog. They are watching you and listening to you all the time and they are bringing you what you believe and it ripples out. You think inanimate objects don’t understand your intentions, what you imagined, but they are photons too. You impress that feeling and that end point on it and it is gonna happen, some how, some way.

You find it hard to believe that others are compelled by you. I know. It is hard to drop that condition that there is only one being here made up of many, but it is just like your body, one body made up of many cells.

There is a reason why you should treat others as you want to be treated. There is a reason why you should imagine others as you want to be imagined. We all say I AM and to do otherwise is only hurting you.

We are learning about our power and we have been for millions and millions of years waxing and waning, rising and falling and the artifacts we find that are not ‘linear’ prove it. Authority can hide them all they want or we can ponder they came from outside of ourselves like aliens all we want.  Authority doesn’t know because they are asleep, zombies, acting out the play you are writing and starring in. Your world.

We deny our harvest. We lie to ourselves all the time but it’s ok. We wouldn’t be here if we hadn’t had the journey we have had and so it is all good.

You are not crazy. Imagination does indeed create the reality you see around you and yes indeed you are a projector for imagination and consciousness. You are the zombie you love to entertain yourself with.

You think you ‘die’ but nothing dies. Energy does not die. Imagination, consciousness, photons do not die. As you ‘die’ you imagine yourself young again and not in pain or whatever and then when you pass you step right back into this place, in the body you imagined, young again, to keep on keeping on until you learn that knowledge only comes from experience, that there are two sides to the coin, good or bad, and it is just a coin. No judgment needed. It is all good.

Quantum physics has told us this but we can’t seem to grasp it and we lie to ourselves to fill in the blanks and continue to look for a god particle. That’s ok. We all do it and it is part of the journey.

See past the labels we have placed on ourselves so we could go down into division and rise up. Time to unite and rise up. You will find peace and joy. Don’t judge a book by its cover and see within. There are no black or white or yellow or brown or red people. They are just people. No one cares what you do in your bedroom. That is not seeing the forest because of all these trees. You are lovely just because I AM.

All man can do is record how something came to be. Man and science and anything else he can think of can only show you how something came to be after it was imagined.  They can only tell you the effect, they can’t tell you the cause. You have to figure that out all by yourself. The cause is the Laws of Mind and Imagination creates reality.  Whether you believe that or not is the journey. Up to you. You have to figure it out. You have to look back and recognize your harvest.

Use the Laws of Mind. All things flow from these Laws.

The Bible is an allegory.  You are Jesus. Jesus means I AM Saves. You are nailed by your five senses on a cross of flesh and blood.  If you believe there is plenty for all then there is plenty for all, the story of the fishes and loaves.

The God Particle is you, your imagination and you tell the photons what to do so they can resolve themselves into that end. Imagine the end. You are grateful it is yours and so you get more. Be like a little kid and imagine you have what you want, not what you don’t want. Only adults imagine what they don’t want.

We tell ourselves that is growing up but in reality, growing up is throwing away all the conditions you placed on yourself and being a little kid loving all and believing in your imagination with a strong passion and desire. It always comes to be if you believe.

Doubt and fear and the ways of conditioned Man are the Devil. To buy what another is selling is praising a false god. You choose what thoughts you entertain so the photons bring you that. All things are possible. Only you know what you think and believe and only you know if you believe that because of your experience or because another told you.

Believing what another has told you is nothing more than a habit.

It’s hard to break a belief but it is only a habit. It can be done. That’s why people think life is hard. It isn’t really. You just have to believe it and then it all falls into place. The throwing away the conditions is hard but it is a mental hardness not a physical one.

Photons and imagination don’t understand anything but feeling, desire, passion, emotion, and the senses of man. Language brings these things out into the open, to life. Your word will not return to you void, heck your thoughts will not return to you void.

Yes you are the Living Word. You are the God Particle and you are executing quantum physics all the time.

Tell a great story and make sure it ends so the photons, that gotta do what they gotta do, can bring you Happily Ever After.

Miracles happen all the time now don’t they?

All my work is reader supported!  Thank you for spreading the good news!


Your Imagination Will Take Care of You

Before I knew this was all imagination I lived by what others told me in some cases and not in others. If my experience told me what they said was silly I said so and used my experience to back me up and I would not deny it. I still do that today only now it applies to everything.

Before I knew of the Law, that imagination creates reality, I became pregnant with what would be our lovely third child. I had just auditioned for a small theater group close by and had received the word that I had gotten the lead part. I was so happy. Rehearsal would start in two weeks. My period did not come. I went to the doctor. I was pregnant.

The play was Butterflies Are Free and there was no way a pregnant woman could play the part. I called them and told them thank you but I was pregnant and they should pick someone else. I cried a storm up and my husband kept patting me and hugging me and telling me it will all work out.

I spoke to my Mom the next day disappointed in having to change diapers for another two years. Oh well. She told me something my sister did. She went to the beach alone and imagined talking to the baby she was pregnant with at the time and telling the baby she loved him but it would be best if he left. She didn’t have the money to take care of him. Two days later she miscarried.

We were living in a two bedroom apartment and two in diapers with another on the way. We couldn’t afford it either so that night as I was laying down to go to sleep and I talked to my baby and said basically the same thing my sister did and I felt it. I felt it and I cried and told the baby I am so sorry. I love you. Please stay. I want to hold you. I love you. You are amazing and wonderful and Mike said it will all work out and so it will all work out. We will find a way. There is always a way. I love you. I cried and cried and fell asleep.

I felt fine. No more pains or anything and the doctor said all was good. I had a lovely little boy. He is a lovely young man now. In the end it all worked out. All our needs were met in every moment of time and space. They learned God is inside you. They learned others are here to show you something. They learned to believe in self and not follow the crowd. They learned to believe in experience. They learned there are two sides to every coin and it is just a coin.

I love all my babies and I learned.

If you want to experience losing a child you don’t need to seek some man to give you an abortion. If you want to experience having a child and knowing despite the ‘facts’ staring you in the face it will all work out then you will experience that. I did it because to me at the time if I could ask my baby to leave I could ask God to help me make it good for my children and it would be. I just didn’t realize at the time I asked by my feelings and imaginings and beliefs. When you think or write or speak you are imagining. That is God in you. Only he isn’t just in you, he is you.

So you see abortion is silly and expensive. The real question is not having it available to you it is what do you want to experience? What do you think is the right thing to do? Whatever that is imagine having it and know it will all work out and it always does.

God is you. Your imagination knows what you want. You know what you want. No need to spell it out. Just imagine the end and then the details come to bring you the end imagined. Be in the imagination like a method actor not watch yourself and feel it, really feel like you have it, touch something in your imagination like a hug or a hand shake or a kiss. Perhaps lifting a glass of wine in a toast. Feel that glass. Then let it go. Say thank you and let it go.

Faith is knowing the unseen, the imagined, will be seen, in this physical world. That is quantum mechanics in a nutshell and you are an integral part of it. Once you accept it is your imagination that has been in charge all this time you begin to consciously use it and then you confidently use it.

The Bible says if you use the Law, the Promise will follow.

Believe in the good in all men, in all things. They are all you.

When you do this the people around you will show you good and those that cannot will turn and go another way. You think things are inanimate but your word does not go out and come back void. If you think your computer is crap it will be crap. Did you damn it? You will pay someone who loves computers to love it back into working order. The computer didn’t break. You broke it. Any good technician that works on computers will tell you just give them a little love and he hits the power button and pats the computer and says I love you baby. You know you are loved and help so much. Thank you for coming up for me. I love you. And boom, it is up. All works fine or a minor tweek is needed or patching and virus clean up or whatever.

The tech will smile and say laugh all you want. It gets it up every time unless the drive is fried. Even then, I can usually get whatever you need off of it and then get a new drive. He doesn’t even realize it is him imagining doing it. He just knows when he talks nice to the computer and he naturally loves computers and he is silly like a little kid and tells the computer how much it is loved, the computer comes up.

I know that one from experience having worked as a computer/network analyst for many years.

It is whatever you think it is. Just think about it. Look back and see.

We are the Story Tellers whose stories come true. Make it a good one.

Love and blessings to all!

(Dog is God Spelled Backwards:101 Notes to Self is available in softback and electronic formats at iUniverse, Amazon, and Barnes and Noble. Reviews are appreciated)



Quantum Mechanics & The Measurement Problem – WYBIWYG

Quantum mechanics has The Measurement Problem. Scientists have discovered that it is consciousness that changes the wave to a particle when the desire to measure is enacted. Consciousness, awareness of being, and imagination, unconditional love, is all there is in the physical reality you see around you. It is just science’s way of saying the same thing the mystics, the Bible, the Pyramids, the Mayans, and the ancient texts have been telling you. It is the same thing.

Stem cell researcher Dr. Bruce Lipton discovered in the 1960s that it is the mental environment that determines whether you will get sick or well. He discovered the genes do not control you, you control your genes.

What you believe is what you get. WYBIWYG.

Paul clearly tells us the Bible is an allegory. There is only one Law at work here and all else comes from it. Imagination creates reality. All things are possible to imagination. I AM aware of being. I AM aware of being imagination, I am aware of being. I AM THAT, I AM. Think about that for a moment. It is an allegory. Moses means to draw out. I am aware of being what I draw out of my imagination. I am consciousness, awareness of being. A bush that does not burn comes right out of imagination and since it is an allegory and the name was Moses which means to draw out, it is your imagination that drives the creation process.

Examine the old saying, watch what you ask for, you just might get it.

If you imagine an end and feel it for just a moment it is going to come and it comes naturally. For example, you ask for, you imagine getting tickets to Hamilton for some guests. You see yourself giving them the tickets and shaking hands. You feel your hand in theirs. You feel the tickets in your hand. You say thank you or whatever small phrase indicating you have what you want like isn’t it wonderful? You feel something exit you. Then it begins to unfold and this is where we lose ourselves in the details. We can’t see the forest because of all these trees!

So you go about your day and as the deadline approaches no tickets. The day arrives and you and your guests go to the ticket office. There is a nervous young man in front of you and as he gets to the counter he attempts to steal from the clerk and as he turns you stop him and demand he give back what he took. He does and you tell him to go on his way. The clerk is very grateful and asks what can be done to show their appreciation. You tell her you need two tickets center for Hamilton. They always have a few in choice spots for sold out performances. She grabs two and gives them to you, no charge. You turn and give them to your guests and it all works out.

You imagined having what you want and in return your imagination plotted a course of action to give you what you want, despite the facts. Have faith, stay focused on the end. All is bringing you that. Despite the show being sold out. There was a thief involved. You called him so you could get what you want. Most get lost in the details condemning the thief and taking the tickets and denying they ever imagined anything. If you imagined it consciously then you know that thief is you helping you and that clerk is you helping you get what you asked for. All are forgiven. They don’t know what they are doing. They are compelled to play that part.

The Bible states it clearly. There is only One I AM. We are One being made up of many, that is what Elohim means. You are incubating, having a human experience to be born into a spiritual world where we come from. You aren’t an alien or anything else you can try to say it is, it is all you.

Imagination is quite literal. Say what you mean, mean what you say. If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything. These are old sayings because they are truth.

You are the Living Word. When you say it, it is such power and it comes because you have already been thinking it and imagining it. The spoken or written word comes after the imagining and it’s like turbo juice.

The words you think, believe, imagine, and say come alive. You deny it of course because you have conditioned yourself that thinking like that is a fairy tale and they are not true but they are very true. It is part of the journey we all are on.

Logically, there is no fiction and we can see that is true as well. Did a submarine appear first in literature and then our world? Yes. Aren’t some living in 1984? Yes. Didn’t the Twin Towers go up in smoke in film and video games first? Yes. Non-fiction is as true as fiction. It is a story too.

Aren’t we repeating over and over again? How many wars do you need to experience to realize doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result is crazy? How many times does it take to stop doing violent and nasty things to others only to get those violent and nasty things done back at us because we believe and imagine others are out to get us, are jealous of us, don’t like us, don’t love us?

If you stop and really think about it you are making it up. It hasn’t happened, yet you are imagining it and creating all kinds of scenarios. We all do it. Then we say see told you or how could they? I knew that would happen or whatever.

Aren’t we cute?

We lie to ourselves all the time.  It’s not really lying. It is just the perception and until the ‘scales’ fall off your eyes you just can’t see it. Doctor Who calls it a perception filter. Quantum physics calls it the Measurement Problem. According to Einstein’s special relativity theory, time and space change according to the framework or belief of the observer. Time and space  exist in the eye of the beholder.  WYBIWYG

You do it all the time. We all do it. We are creating all the time. You project it out. As within, so without. You are creating the world you see around you and your world is not what you see on the TV unless you choose for it to be. You invite that into your world if you feel it when watching it.

All is consciousness. Science knows and has told you but for some reason many do not understand. That’s ok scientists don’t understand either and we are all different and there are infinite ways to reach the end. The end has been imagined and we are here providing the details to that end individually, better for the experience.

You will fulfill the script aka scripture. No one fails. All succeed.

The Bible is truly an ancient scientific manual on who you are, how ‘life’ here works, and the Promise you will get when the game or dream is over. It is about how to use the Law, imagination creates reality, which kicks in like attracts like aka quantum physics and your spiritual journey here through different states of consciousness. It is Spirit Science. You are not a man seeking a spiritual experience you are a spiritual being having a human experience. The Israelis at the time it was written turned this complex abstract, quantum mechanics/physics, and turned into an allegory so even a little child would understand its meaning at the time it was written yet we lost the meaning long ago. That’s ok too. It is all part of the journey that is forever.

The life you live in this place is just a game, a dream full of past, present imaginings that are bringing the future. You are removing the conditions that you placed upon yourself, those are the dreams, and becoming conscious imagination and the power of unconditional love.

This is a dream and we were meant to find our way out of it ourselves, each one of us individually and that flows out.

Your world. The place you live, the neighbors you have, the people you interact with every day as you go about your day and that does include social media and all videos you watch, games you play, work you do, that is your world.

This is a three dimensional dream. You are already in virtual reality no need to buy that headset. Practice the game you are already in now. It is fun and it is exciting. There are ‘good’ guys and ‘bad’ guys and you quest to free yourself.

Are you a college student at Berkley? No? Family there? No? Then it isn’t your world now is it? Let them be. They are lovely and they are just walking the road we all must walk. If you give it attention then you are inviting it into your world and then you will have to deal with it.

You create the monsters, they are all you and to defeat them you must love you unconditionally. Will you feed them more violence making them grow or will you feed them love and gratitude for showing you what you dislike and let them be, making them dissolve? You must forgive yourself and only you can do that. No one can do it for you.

To watch it and listen and believe it is to invite it in, allowing it to grow lapping up your attention aka love, to ignore it is to allow a starving monster to grow in the dark one day to jump out at you, but if you love it, revise it as you hear it or laugh when you see it for what it is, a play, a show, then it dissolves, it fades away.

Sin means missing the mark. You turn outside of yourself instead of inside yourself then you are missing the mark. The ten commandments is just part of the play. You will break them and obey them all over many moons and you will come to know there is only one Law.

Put yourself in the other guys shoes. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you is the golden rule because it is all you. Don’t you want to be nice to you?

These people and things you called to you are telling you something about yourself. If you get upset about the refugee crisis then you are bringing that angst into your world and it will multiply.  You are creating a monster.  Imagination doesn’t care what you have said or done. It only cares what you imagine. Oh, you want suffering, you like that, ok here you go. Oh you like murder ok here you go. They are compelled to bring you what you are asking for.

You will steal and be stolen from, you will kill and be killed, and you will deny your Father, your imagination, throughout it all. It is the first commandment and it is not obeyed until the end when you realize who is in charge here. I AM THAT. The imagination drawn out of your head appears.

Faith is knowing the unseen, the imagined, will be seen, in this physical world. It isn’t a religion. Religion is buying what someone or some entity believes. False god but that is ok. We all have to do that to learn that it is self and not another.

What do you believe? What you believe is what you get. WYBIWYG!

The world is One and it will all work out. Peer to Peer will rule and be the model of governing bodies every where. Instead of imagining the worst of men we will imagine the best in men. We will prosper and grow and learn. It has already begun. Esau calls it disruption, Jacob calls it expansion.

You don’t die. You just think you do. Only the ones left behind experience death. One day, that thought will no longer scare you or bother you. You don’t die. Your consciousness, individualized is forever. It is just the journey. You are going home, the long way around better for the experience.

Click those heels three times. There is no place like home.

All my work is reader supported. If you enjoy my blog consider supporting me at Patreon.

Blessings to all and thank you for being you!

Experiences with the Law III

I turn to my imagination always now. I trust my subconscious aka the Lord aka the Father aka Imagination, to take care of it. I am getting better at imagining the end.

I used to think I had to imagine something I wanted as paid in full for it to be paid in full but no. Just imagine the end. Your imagination knows what you need. Money is just a detail and if you need money it will come to you. I believe it is always flowing through me freely, copiously, abundantly. I believe all my needs, desires and wants are taken care of in every moment of time and in every point in space.

We had one truck. I had been imagining a second one but at the time of this incident we had one truck. Our truck had brake problems for the last month. I love my truck and it has kept me safe and secure always. It always gets me where I want to go and back again so I love it, give it oil changes, tell it how much I love it as I fill it up with the next grade up of gas because I love it.

So when my husband was in the truck the brakes kept going out but when I was in the truck or with him in the truck after the first breakdown after getting the pads changed, it worked perfectly. The news just kept getting worse and worse and we were blessed to get a used truck so he could get to work and this in and of itself fulfilled the imagination of having two trucks because having another truck is nice. I was very happy and we met a lovely mechanic whose shop was close by.

All was fixed for about a week and then it broke down again. I wondered why it kept breaking down to the point the mechanic who had been working on it since day one said he couldn’t fix it and we probably needed to replace the computer system which is very expensive and that would have to be done at the dealer and it may not fix the problem. It is probably and it might be rang in my ears. I knew the moment was fluid, not set in stone at all but as we are wont to do through habit my husband instantly believed him and thanked him for being honest. My hubby was upset and wanted to just start looking for another vehicle. He said he wished he could have just come home and all was good.

What was the truck continuing to break down telling me about me?

At first I knee jerked, and started to imagine enough money to buy a truck, replace the computer but I could feel it was not the right thing. It wasn’t going to happen. I couldn’t figure out what to do. My husband’s words kept ringing in my head and then I knew. Revise and so revise I did and it felt so good. I knew it was the right thing to do. Raise him up. Give him what he wanted. I revised the past and imagined it.

I imagined he came home in the truck just like he said he wanted to do. In other words, it never broke down. I met him in the driveway and gave him a hug. As I washed dishes later I imagined seeing the truck out the window and telling him I love having two trucks.

The next day I kept thinking I should call this new mechanic that we found that fixed up our other truck so wonderfully. He said would love the opportunity to fix our truck and saw no reason why he couldn’t. His confidence resonated with me and I knew I was on the right path.

I know, and I have faith, my truck would be in my driveway soon and whatever it was I would be able to afford it or the money for it would flow to me or rather through me, it comes to me and I give it to them. I sent them love and another day went by. My husband was throwing in the towel saying they probably can’t fix it either. I told myself there is only unity, harmony and love. Then I told him you never know, right now no news is good news. He laughed. They called and said the computer system just needed to be re-calibrated and it was all good. A mere 100 dollars for an hours time  as compared to replacing the unit for 2500 dollars. I love my world it is such a delight. I am so grateful to my found angels. I am grateful to the old mechanic as well. He showed me the power of revision. I knew it and had done it but I try to revise as the day goes by and that one took me by surprise. It is all in how you respond. You will be tested in your belief until you believe, then it just comes.

I believe in imagination creating reality and I knew of revision as well. I can’t thank Neville Goddard enough for all his work. It resonated. I tested it. It worked. I started drinking Pepsi again and loving my rare steak even more than before.

It’s like Neo in the Matrix only you get to stay in the Matrix and be yourself aka Neo instead of Mr. Anderson.

Here is another example.

Act I – The Sold Out Show

I saw a commercial about the show Wicked coming to town and it had the original cast players coming. It was sold out and had been for a long time. I don’t care for musicals as a rule but there are exceptions and as I watched the commercial I thought I know it is a musical but it would be cool to go to the Hobby Center and see it. My husband helped build that Center and it sounded amazing.  I didn’t even think about it just imagined sitting there with my husband and the lights going down and the show beginning. The commercial ended and so did my imagining.

Act II.

Two days later, my son’s mother-in-law asked if anyone would like to buy her tickets to that show in Houston. She had accidentally bought them. She had wanted 2015 and purchased 2016 tickets and now she could not make it down to Houston. She was asking 300 a ticket, 2 tickets, and they were right in the middle of everything. Lovely seats. I wished her good luck but did not offer as we did not have the money at the time. A week later my son asked if we wanted the tickets since our anniversary was coming up. I told him I saw her post and would love that but no money for that right now. He said she wanted to give them to us for our anniversary. She felt like her finding out about our anniversary was a god send and the tickets needed to come to us. Frankly, I started crying and felt a huge surge of gratitude and love just fill me up and it pour out and I said thank I don’t know how many times.  We had the tickets.


The night came and we headed out and as we headed out I said to myself, thank you for the perfect parking space and getting to the show on time. I knew it would be so no worries. Cars moved in front of us and around us and my husband started getting agitated and annoyed. It is only doing this so we get to the perfect moment set up for the perfect parking place and I know this but he does not recognize that yet.

I did start to feel anxious as he continued and escalated and I started telling myself everything always works out, there is only unity, harmony and love. There is only faith, hope and love. I love all, thank you. He said oh well nothing to have a heart attack about and stopped with all the fussing. As we came to the Hobby Center there were traffic cops directing and my husband asked where the Center parking was located. The cop told him that parking had just closed but go right and down and plenty of parking there. My husband started grumbling we are going to be late and the parking is going to be far away. In the past I would start to get anxious and fearful believing him when he would do this and yes in the past the parking was far away and we would be late but as he did this this time I was calm and happy. I knew it would be there. As we went down and there it was, the  perfect parking place, obviously easy to get in and out from. We parked. We smiled. We were at the show in plenty of time and we had a blast.

Perfect. When you play your role with confidence it always works out. All that ‘bad’ by ignoring ‘bad’ and knowing it just is, I get the ‘good’ I was asking for. By refusing to believe otherwise, a person or circumstances or facts, I get what I am asking for.

Another experience.

I kept accidentally cutting myself, and falling and getting bruises. I wondered I love myself why am I hurting myself like this? In a moment of quiet the answer came. I was saying I am healed indicating I needed something to happen so I could heal. Now I say I am in perfect health, I am perfectly fine, and I am healthy. Those bumps and falling down and cutting myself in the kitchen have stopped. My skin is clearing up and I am just so in love with me and my world. My world is so delightful!

Everything here, in this reality, is backward. The world right now is flipping over to the other side to experience it and isn’t it wonderful?

You condition yourself and the end game is to remove the conditions you placed on yourself and return to being a little child in using your imagination but being emotionally mature and better for the experiences you have had so now you know what you like and dislike and it just is. Be lovely and always imagine others lovely too, no matter what is said or done. It always works out.

Turn the Grinch into one with a heart three times bigger than when you met. Just imagine it.

It is all good.

Love yourself, forgive yourself, and know the details will fill in in some way and what you imagine is yours.

You are Adam fighting yourself. Make love to your wife. Imagine with love and that is making love with your wife. Eve is Nature giving you what you ask for and she loves you and she is perfect so she is making it perfect for you. Anything you ask for will come naturally, Eve is on the way with it all and is calling in the extras. It is all good.

Feel free to share your experiences. I would love to hear about them.

All my work is reader supported.


Thank you for being you and sharing!