Experiences with the Law II

I am not asking you to believe me. I can only relate my experiences to you in the hope you will test the Law and discover for yourself. It is all up to you.

I cut my thumb. I mean sliced it. Probably could have taken 5 or 6 stitches. I immediately revised it in my imagination. I told myself my thumb is perfectly fine. The pain stopped. I washed it and bandaged it. It was bleeding like a stuck pig. The next day no more bleeding. The next day almost healed. Two days later healed.

Don’t ask me why but I grabbed a pan that had just come out of the oven. Burned my hand and my husband wanted to take me to the emergency clinic. I told him no I am perfectly fine and he gave me one of those really looks but he didn’t press the issue. I knew he wouldn’t. Told myself it was perfectly fine and thank you for my perfect hand. The pain became a throb but no more actual pain. What should have blistered and popped and oozed just healed in a day. Dead skin peeled off but no blister, no popping and the rate of the healing was amazing!

My gums had a canker sore. It hurt. I told myself I am perfectly fine. Then pain became a throb but no more pain. Rinsed with tea tree oil and three days later it was gone.

Whether you realize it or not we see them, we feel them, we hear them all the time.

It is a 1980 US Men’s Hockey team impossible win at the Olympics, it is Brexit, it is a Houston Rockets impossible rise to win the NBA Championship, it is the greatest come from behind football game win in history, the Buffalo Bills vs. the Houston Oilers. It is a tree that is being damaged and will fall and everyone tells you the tree must stay but you imagine it gone and three days later it is gone. It is a man told he is going to die who says ok whatever I am healthy and I will enjoy each day as it comes and goes and lives life loving it, loving it all and getting another 30 years with no illness. It is a man who against all odds is elected President. These are my experiences. I am sure if you stop and think about it there are many in your area as well. The thrill of victory and the agony of defeat.

Which team is going to feel the end? Which one will have a majority believing in the end and so obtaining that end? How many times have you seen a team come out and just know they are going to win and they do? When others tell you they are going to lose and it looks like they are going to lose but you are calm and you know and you just keep telling yourself go team go you are amazing. You see them relax and begin to have fun and before you know it it begins to all fall their way. The calls, the plays, it all works beautifully.

It is so much fun to watch. Can you watch it and accept it for the beauty of it despite who won or lost? Can you be amazed and appreciate both teams for their role in the game no matter the final outcome? Can you be grateful to your opponent?

Your just witnessed imagination manifesting reality and you did it, we all do it. We do it all the time. This is not a rational place. This is a place of knowledge, to experience, learn good, learn evil and then learn it just is. We are literally crazy until we realize this; repeating the same thing over and over again expecting a different result.

We all say I AM and this is all a play with only one actor playing all the parts, like Peter Sellers in Dr. Strangelove only it is all the parts. If you can accept the amazing beauty of this all working its way out like you do when watching a great game in sports because it was imagined first and be in bliss over it manifesting because of the joy and love that pours through your being at seeing the Law in action and recognizing it, then you are the happiest person on the planet and because we are One being that happiness reverberates out and effects the world around you. Of course, all imaginings effect the world around you. You are creating your reality out of the various software programs you have been given aka conditioning. Yes you are in the Matrix

To escape it you must do the exact opposite of what you have been conditioned to do. Do not judge or malign another. We all know we do it all the time. Forgive for you are only forgiving yourself.  We all say I AM.

You believe you were born physically into this world which is only a dream. You are asleep and it is your dream individually and it is your baptism of water. As you took your first breath consciousness entered into your body, yep you are the cross, and so God aka I AM aka Divine Imagination or Source or whatever you call it is inside you, always with you, giving you life. You are the soil that holds the seed. Just as an acorn becomes a mighty oak in the soil, you will be born from above after you have achieved becoming the image of God. You cannot fail. No one fails. All will be forgiven when they realize this truth. This truth will set you free. This is all imagination, a dream and you can change it and be whatever you wish. I AM THAT, I AM.

Babies are so loved because they are pure love and imagination. God has just entered the room in a new role. We condition ourselves to be baptized by fire, learning good, bad and then it just is. Que sera, sera. I AM entered into your body and loves you so much you will fuse into one being and you will graduate to the highest level of giving and receiving in ever lasting life. You already have ever lasting life. You cannot die. Your piece of consciousness is on a journey and will return home better for the journey. You are being made into the Image of God, whose name means I AM. You are the Elohim. You are the heroes of old. You and only you. It is your reality.

Trump was compelled. He even stated in a debate the problem is the thinking. He was right because we know it instinctively and it was time. He said it out loud. It is the Law in action bringing the meek what they imagined. The meek are many and they inherit the earth because their imaginings are the majority. You could hear it and feel it but you deny it and say it was a surprise. How can 94 million voting age Americans be forgotten? Every month the jobs report tells you how many are no longer counted and that number stands at 94 million. The majority voted for anyone but Clinton. He was compelled and so was she. It is all a role. Aren’t they beautiful and wonderful? Didn’t you love Heath Ledger as the Joker but did you really like the Joker and what he did? I love the actor. It is me after all. We all say I AM.

Remember the Tea Party, remember the Occupy Wall Street? It was imagined by many and they began to tell you and some joined in and each person is unique and so each perception is unique and it weaves this beautiful world we see that is only here as a stage for I AM to experience good and evil and then obtain the Promise and as I realize how this works and begin to imagine for others I soon discovered we are all One.

Neville Goddard taught me how to fish. You can fish too instead of being given fish and never learning how to take control of your life.

We are the coral reef not just the individual corals but together those corals make the reef. There is only one being here asking for what we see around us and I AM each one of us. What you imagine matters not what actually appears. Jimmy Carter told us that but Man just laughed at him. He is right. To have what you want to appear you have to imagine having it first so imagine the end.

Ahh but here’s the rub. You cannot judge. That is you that you are judging. When you judge you are imagining. It will manifest but it will be you that receives it a thousand fold. That’s what an eye for an eye means. If you imagine another harm that harm will come to you in some way shape or form not them. What would it feel like if you had what you want?  What would it feel like if others treat you like you want to be treated? It is so easy to just relax and feel that once in a while.

LOL we are amazing and so good at our roles we forget who we are but that is ok too. It is a major theme in this play.

We buy and sell ourselves so many things all to create fear and doubt because that is how rational man tries to convince himself that this is all chaos and without Man to fix it there is nothing. LOL  It is a good play isn’t it?

For every person who has read and looked at the data and believes in climate change or whatever, there is another person who has read looked at the data that was hidden away that shows there is no climate change or whatever. For every Wall Street Journal there is a Wikileaks. For every Washington Post is a DCLeaks. To try to shut down one voice is to just have another pop up. You can’t stop imagination.

So you see, the ‘facts’ change all the time. This is all Imagination.

There is only one Law and you are executing it at all times. You are the judge who is to learn there is nothing to judge. It just is. The Law is just the Law. It is all within. As within so without. You are imagining all the time, thinking thoughts, saying words to express the thoughts and words that become beliefs and the beliefs become the realities you see around you. Each person, bird, mouse represents something you imagined.

You are not your body. It is just a vessel that can be fixed at any time you choose to go within yourself, imagine yourself healthy and others saying how happy and healthy you look, telling yourself you are perfectly fine and grateful to be perfectly fine, feeling that feeling of happiness which kicks off the change in the genes that were making you sick and turning on the genes that will heal you and go to the DNA to get the plans for what is needed that is not present or you can choose to run outside of yourself, do and believe what some man tells you and die like a Man instead of going within and rising up.

That is up to you. If you believe the man then you are imagining what another has sold you and now you will live what you imagined. It’s ok. It is part of the journey.

I know what I imagine. I imagine everyone is wonderful. All countries get along and all trade is truly free. Wonderful things are always arriving and everyone is happy. I imagine there is plenty for all and there is nothing to worry about because it will all work out for the best for me and everyone. I imagine all my needs are met in every moment of time and every point in space and they are. I believe there is only unity, harmony, faith, hope and love and all know it.

I feel like Noah. I went into the ark, inside with good thoughts, and then the world changed and I came out with my good thoughts and I celebrated and knew it was all good.

I believe these things because it is shown to me all the time. The world itself is changing and that is so beautiful. There is nothing anyone can say about any one person, what they have done or said, that I will believe other than they are lovely. It is just a state. The actor is lovely. Anyone can change a state and they do all the time. I love and forgive them. They don’t know what they are doing. It is all good.

But he is a murderer or whatever. You are judging. He is I AM just like you. We are One. You don’t die. The body may stop working or you leave the body but you don’t die. I AM is forever. Imagination takes you through time and space and you an revise anything in imagination. Hence the conflicting data. Science describes what happens when you imagine something. Science agrees energy never dies and it is your mental environment that makes you sick or well.

And so it is all good. Whether we realize it or not we are in charge, everything is perfect and according to plan, no chaos, and we asked for everything we see, each and every one of us, and if you like what you see fantastic and if you don’t start telling a new story and it will change.

Just a moment of belief, faith the size of a mustard seed, feeling you have what you want, touching it and it is on the way. It is all up to you.

By the way, how many imagined with John Lennon? Yeah, we all did now didn’t we? I did.  LOL and we deny our harvest.

Bless you all!

(Dog is God Spelled Backwards:101 Notes to Self has been released and is available in softback and electronic formats at iUniverse, Amazon, and Barnes and Noble. Reviews are appreciated)

The Meek Shall Inherit the Earth

Mathew 5:5

Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth.

What does that mean? It means those who quietly imagine a better way, a nicer person, a rain in a drought, peace in the middle of war will get it. You get what you imagine on this earth because you are a projector. The awareness of your being sends angels of desires to you. You want something. You want it so bad you can taste it. You can’t stop thinking about it. You want it so much.

You imagine having it and you tell yourself all day long how you have it and how your friends act with you now that you have it and how much you love it and how happy and grateful you are that you have it.

Then you forget it.

Doo dah doo dah dooh.

Bam here it is on your doorstep. It is knocking on your door. You have what you imagined and desired.

Is it sweet? Is it lovely? Is it just what you imagined? Do you even remember imaging it?

Desires are the means to burning off the delusions you have about this world.

I desired a safe and secure job in the government and healthcare industry so we would be ok during an upcoming recession. I got it. I wanted a good paycheck so my husband could be something other than a construction worker. I got it.

Then the walls started to crumble. Much to my dismay my husband believed he had cancer because his hip hurt. I was frantic. Scared. I began to dig because no one knows how cancer really begins. No one knows how it is caused. I found alternative medicines, alternative medical devices and other means for restoring good health. I found it is all a game we are playing with ourselves because you heal you and in fact that is the only way you heal. Once you believe you are healthy you heal no matter what is done to you. Delusion done. There is no illness. It is just something we sell ourselves.

The government went crazy. The bankers went crazy. I thought Greenspan with his low rates was bad enough but then came Bernanke. Bush and his announcement of perpetual war and the masses rooting for it. Obama and his we are going to take from you to give to others for healthcare. I cried a river and became so angry. Then I discovered this is all imagination and everyone was just showing me what I believed.

This is all a mind game.

Talk about crying a river a tears. Yes indeed I did but Neville Goddard showed me the way. He did not sell me anything. What he said resonated so much and so I had to try what he was telling me he experienced. I wanted to see if I could experience it too.. I consciously imagined what I wanted and well I got it.

So another delusion crushed. No one can hurt you or harm you or stop you but you. It is whatever you imagine and believe it is. That is truth and reality.

Ego is just believing in rational man and his rational thoughts. Stick to common sense. If it looks like a duck, smells like a duck and tastes like a duck it is probably a duck.

We all say I AM and that is God’s name forever and ever. It is not blasphemous to say so. Another delusion crushed. I AM and there is only One God and we all say I AM.  Common sense tells me we are a Protean being. The Bible backs me up with the word Elohim. One God made up of many.

If I believe all are wonderful and loving they show me that or walk away. If I believe all are ugly then that is what I see. I make them. I AM the One.

I am the author, the actor, and the director and I do it with my imagination. Divine imagination is the producer.

So I hope you will manage your thoughts and think only of wonderful things as you fall asleep and as you talk to yourself all day.

The meek inherit the earth.

All my work is reader supported.  Thank you for sharing!

Let’s Go Costa Rica!

Costa Rica does not have a military. Threw them out. They have an almost 0 carbon foot print. They have invested in their natural environment and they rock. We should look to Costa Rica on how to change our countries and the world.

The current establishment, read Tragedy & Hope and Rules for Radicals, believe they are the ones who would control the rest of us for the foreseeable future. They believe they will profit forever and ever in this manner, ruling over the rest of us. They believe they need to use fear, greed, envy and pain to keep us in our place. They believe there is only lack when there is plenty for all. They believe that everyone is ugly and jealous and out to get them. That’s their story.  LOL That is silly.

The people believe they are victims and they are getting sick of it. LOL silly.

There are always two sides to everything. You cannot have a bad without a good.

You have been conditioned to believe you are no good and will be taken care of by the state. They use you to envy the productive so you remain dependent.  They suck out the life of the producers and turn them into dependent people to be controlled in any way they want or to just leave.

They understand their role and that is ok. We all have to learn lessons, including them. No one is smarter than anyone else about you.

They answer to the rest of us. We don’t answer to them. Ultimately, it is what the rest of us believe that matters and they know it. Getting you to be afraid and fall into line is easy so that is what they do. We are the ones acting like victims. They just showed up to prove it to us.

No one is buying that anymore.

Let’s all share in the world and take the economies away from the rulers. An economy is nothing more than sharing and giving and receiving the things you want and love. Money is just a medium of exchange to do this. They tell you it is a necessary evil and your belief in this is what keeps money away from you. Don’t believe it. They have their own road to walk and you have yours. There is plenty for all and they know that too.

The world is changing radically and the large one world government fits all is falling away. We will become a world of small countries that join together in free trade to become one. Free trade does not need treaties it is free to all.  Do we really need someone to tell us what is good and bad for us?  Good and bad are perceptions so get over it and look at it. Only you know what is good or bad for you.

Illness is up. Well no wonder with all the ads for are you sick with this that or the other. You are thinking about it all the time and worrying about it and then bam you get it. You imagined yourself ill and they know about that too.

I don’t care if others want to take drugs or have abortions. I don’t care if others just want to live their lives. I don’t care if tobacco is smoked or chewed. I don’t care what religion they practice as all religions are just another establishment creating rules that make no sense. Heaven is inside you so says the bible so why do they teach it is outside of you? Silly.

Violence only begets more violence and governments are violent. Do you want drone attacks on your property killing your family, friends, neighbors because you are suspected of being something some government in the world dislikes?

You reap what you sow.

In truth, there is only one law. It never changes and it is always in motion. That is universal law. The Law of Imagination. Use it wisely and you will see miracles. Use it without thinking and you will see horrors.

Let’s not jump into the fire as we leap from the frying pan. Let’s stop and think.


We are all on the same journey taking different roads to the end. We are all doing the best we can with what we have and know and that includes the leaders of the establishment.

We created the governments and we can change them.

If others want to kill themselves over something I don’t care and I don’t think I should interfere. It is their road not mine and to interfere is to become part of that road and it will always end badly because it is not my road.

We can all be Costa Rica. It is a challenge but if they could do it, so can the rest of us.



The Fall of Centralization & The Rise of Decentralization

If you vote Hillary then you want centralization and globalization. You are for never ending war and giving people what they want by taking from one group and giving it to another.. If you vote Trump then you want decentralization and peace and teaching people how to think for themselves.  You get to keep what you make and you get to spend it how you wish.

If you want Hillary then you want someone telling you what to do. You want someone to tell you eat this, take this pill for that, exercise because we said it is good for you, don’t eat that for 15 years and then we discover we were wrong about it you can eat it. You believe in lack of. That there is not enough. You believe you must make life fair and if even one person yells ‘I don’t like this. It’s not fair’ you give them whatever attention they wish. You listen. You allow others to think for you.

If you want Trump then you believe in personal responsibility. You know life is not fair. You know there is abundance for all. You know when life gives you lemons you make lemonade. You already had a set of parents that taught you well so you don’t need or want anyone telling you what to eat or do. You know the government, the doctors, the establishment is guessing at best so you know only you know what is best for you. You read. You think for yourself.

Black Lives Matter is getting lost in the details.  An unarmed man shot to death, shot in the back, is not acceptable. It does not matter what color his skin his and to bring up skin color in and of itself is promoting more hatred and division.

I am not sure where all this fear of each other came from but we are One being made up of many so there is nothing to fear but fear itself and even that is not to be feared. It just is.

Eventually we will become one made up of many on this earth. One world made up of many countries and all will trade freely. Trade agreements indicate something is being left out or something. They are not needed if trade is free.

Centralization is embracing the marriage of government, corporate and military leading our lives. It means perpetual war.In the past that was called Fascism or Nazis.

Decentralization is embracing freedom and responsibility. It is the separation of power with no one entity of the government having more power than another. It is dismantling the military industrial complex. It is a major downsizing in the military because we know no one can hurt us because we are One. We will use our guns to protect our country until we build up the military to what we need.

We did it before and we will do it if needed.

To have a large military means you are afraid. We have nothing to fear.

To have a small military means we are safe and secure.

Which do you want? It is your choice.



We Are Better Than This

The Wall Street Journal reported the US air lifted 1.7 Billion, yes billion, of our money, yes our tax dollars, to Iran to settle a dispute, seal the nuclear deal and get our sailors back. 400 million was a cash payment to Iran and the government for some reason did not want the rest of us to know about it.

Why could the American public not know this at the time of this supposed historic deal? Is our government ashamed or embarrassed? It is not transparency. If you hide something you are either ashamed or embarrassed and since it is not the government’s money but our money to run the government shouldn’t we know at the time of the deal and not afterwards?  It is neither good or bad it just is. It is good we got the sailors back and the deal was done and economic sanctions lifted. It is bad that we paid to get that done rather than a mutual agreement. Either way it just is and we are better than this.

I love my country and I love everyone because I know they are all doing the best they can with what they have and know. ‘Bad guys’ think they are doing good. Everyone thinks they are doing good but your good could be my bad so it is all a matter of perception aka belief.

Since the administration believes they know what is best it is a shame they have forgotten their role. They don’t rule us. We rule them. The establishment wonders why Trump is doing so well. This ‘lords over labor’ behavior and the constant be afraid mentality from the media via the government is what makes Trump popular. Americans are sick of being afraid.

Black Lives Matters wants reparations for having tough lives. Who told them life was fair? Whoever it was was lying. Life is not fair. Life is about cornering yourself. Enslaving yourself until you, in desperation, turn to yourself and imagine a better place. Imagine a better end than what you are currently experiencing.

Although most will not believe, because they are conditioned so well into the slavery, who they are and why things are the way they are, it is true. The truth does set you free. You are I AM and that is God’s name forever and ever. It is not blasphemy to know who you are and to claim it. God is dreaming the dream of you. This is all imagination. You can change it. Believe imagination creates reality because it does. You don’t even have to believe it because it is universal law. You will get what you imagine.

An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. We forgot what it means. It means if you imagine taking another’s eye your eye will be taken. If you imagine knocking out teeth your teeth will be knocked out. That is how it works. We are one being made up of many so to malign another is to malign yourself and you will get what you are asking for even though you believe it is aimed at another.

Matter is made up of energy and energy never dies. If you create a monster the only way to get rid of it is to love it and redeem it. Paying people to act like you want them to act is not going to work. There is no love there.

Teaching others to fish rather than giving them reparations or payoffs is the answer but those who want reparations and payoffs are angry and imagine awful things about others. They think it is over skin color or religious belief or cultural differences but what they don’t realize is the world is you pushed out. Whatever you believe is being shown to you. If you believe the neighbor is  a jerk he will be a jerk to you. If I believe he is awesome he will be awesome to me. If you believe your skin color keeps you down then you will experience that. Why would you want to experience that? That is your monster.

We wake from one dream only to be in another dream, like a Russian nesting doll, until we realize all that matters is what you individually believe. When you join a group, a church, an ism, you enslave yourself to another’s belief. Eventually it will not work anymore and you will cry.

There is only one Savior and that is you. You save you. That is why a prostitute or thief will enter the ‘kingdom of heaven’ before a rich man. Heaven is inside you. Where inside you are all things possible? A rich man or country can pay the way and not have to go to imagination to save himself. That is fine; his road is his. The kingdom of heaven as the Bible states is inside you and that is your lovely imagination where all things exist and where anything is possible. You either moan and groan and get more ugly or you relax and imagine wouldn’t it be wonderful if… and you get that and are saved.

Most of us are in a place where it is time to imagine a better ending.  Let’s imagine a better place. It doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks or does. All that matters is a moment of your time to imagine a better place. Together we made this world through universal assumptions that feels like laws but they are not law. Law never changes.

We are better than this. No one is out to get us. No one is out to hurt us. We are one being made up of many. Let’s imagine a better world one with love instead of Coke bringing us together.


America – Loss of Faith

The loss of faith in something is devastating. It changes everything. America has lost faith in itself. Everyone and everything is blamed for this loss. No jobs, no money, blah blah blah. It is that way because you believe it. Whether it is true or not because you believe it it is true for you.

We are better than that and we know it and we do not see a leader who is better than what want. But you get what you ask for so look at them closely.

Those who love Trump love him for one reason. The Law. He oozes the Law. He believes and that is what his supporters love about him. He believes and he has confidence there is always a way. Maybe he won’t pick the best way but at least we will be moving.

Those who love Hilary love her for one reason. They believe she will give them something.

It doesn’t matter who becomes President. All that matters is we believe and know we are uniting and being one nation, one team, one people who believe in America’s greatness no matter who the President is at any given time.

As Turkey has proven, nothing can stop the belief and will of the people.

You don’t have to buy what they are selling. They tell you the corporations and military industrial complex is in charge but that is false. We are in charge and we allowed them to do this because we believed them but that is not true anymore.

Loss of faith.

So they try to scare us into believing in them. That works for a while but then it just doesn’t work anymore. People are sick of being afraid and so they are no longer afraid. You might think no compassion but that is not true. There is so much compassion and love for others. But we know we can’t save them. They must save themselves.

It is not mean or ugly it just is. No one can keep you safe, no one can save you but you. All this caca we sell ourselves and pay for and brings us little to nothing. It is not a good deal so why are we paying for it?

Your angst, anger, fear is all for a purpose. Turn to the opposite. Turn to what you are told is silly and cannot help you because that is a lie we tell ourselves. Turn to your imagination. Quiet your mind, imagine the end result, say thank you, be grateful because your miracle is on the way. Miracles happen all the time. Each day and every day.

Your subconscious heals you and your consciousness is the gatekeeper. If you believe chemo will heal your cancer it will but it will come back unless you change the way you are thinking. If you believe you have to struggle to have well being then you will struggle.

If you believe in yourself and that you can perform miracles with your imagination then yo will. Doctors call it the placebo effect. That effect is what cures you no matter what the doctors say. You take drugs to kill infection but it is your belief in it that kills the infection.

Brexit happened because the people did not want more of the same they want change. It isn’t about immigration or this that or the other. They want change. It isn’t working for all and more and more are being left out in the cold or so they believe.

It has to work for all.

If you have wars like the War on Hunger you are only making more people hungry. Its very name indicates the very thing we want to remove but we do it in a negative way which means hunger will exist no matter what we do. How about Project Full Bellies for All? War on Terror will only make more terror. How about Project Love They Neighbor?

No one is smarter than you. We are all cut from the same cloth. We are I AM and individually we can do anything so together we can accomplish everything.

All things are possible. Any team can beat any other team on any given day no matter who is playing or the skill set.

All it takes is faith and belief.


Are You Desperate Enough Yet?

So many cry and mourn and about this that or the other discrimination, racism, inequality, you name it. They cry over the victims and they rage when news organizations other than their own tell them what their countries are doing. The majority are hurting immensely so I hope this reaches those who are scared, angry, and feeling like the world has gone crazy.

Everything is perfect and it will all work out. If you accept the Law which is a Principle that never changes no matter what, then you can rest easy. It doesn’t matter what the doctors, or scientists, or any other authority figure thinks or believes that matters. Not one. Not one politician, black, white, red, yellow, brown or purple person out there, or any other expert. All that matters is what you think and believe and imagine.

If you accept the Law that what you think, believe, and imagine will come into your world and first you do this then you get that, then you are rocking in the house and your life is easy and you know you do not have to lift a finger to make it happen. You know you are I AM and all things are possible to I AM, and human imagination.

But together we can change all our worlds and make a new universal assumption and they are assumptions. They change. They are really rules because rules change Principle or Law does not change.

Are you sick enough,desperate enough to give it a try? You don’t even have to believe in this Law because it is Law. You are doing it all the time. Look around you. What do you see? What causes you pain? Are you deperate enough yet?

If you are sick of it, then change it. What does it hurt? It costs you nothing really just a few moments of your time.  As you fall asleep at night, as you relax, as you carry on conversations in your head, tell a fantastic story of how whatever it is, the killings, the TSA, the cancer, whatever it is, can you imagine what it would feel like to have what you want? Just imagine it and go to sleep. Just feel that feeling and tell yourself your new story during the day.  We can do it. We are actually doing it in our own way now.

You can’t know universal peace and brotherhood if you don’t know universal chaos and despair. I think we have had enough so it costs you nothing.

You see God is I AM. God doesn’t care what you have done and in fact knows that those who get in trouble more than others, poor vs rich, harlot vs upstanding, will accept this and turn to their imaginations in desperation before the other will.

All things are good. God said so. Out of every bad comes a good. Your bad could be my good. There just is.

This is a play and the world is our stage. We can be a great team and make a new universal assumption or we can just keep on being ugly and get more ugly.

I believe John Lennon started this and when we all imagined what he wrote, we set off one heck of a desire to be asked for. So then began the descent and think about it. It is true. He wrote it in 1971. It is now 55 years later and what has happened in that time?

You think about it and either stop crying about the violence and ugliness because you are getting what you asked for or start imagining a better place.

Isn’t it a lot more satisfying to imagine a better place?

Bless you all!

The Church of What’s Happening Now – Dallas

Fear. That  is what you are seeing manifesting itself. Fear. The police are afraid of us and we are afraid of them. Why? Who is telling our police to be afraid of us and why are we telling ourselves to be afraid of our police? They are here to help us and we are here to help them. Why the fear of each other?

For some reason we have become a nation of doing what the minority wants instead of what the majority wants and that has created anger on the one side and greed on the other. According to Statistic.com more white people have been killed by officers than black people. It doesn’t matter really. What does matter is why are we so afraid of each other?

You have been fed fear from the day you were born. Fear of illness, fear of hurt, fear of failure, fear fear fear. That is the fruit of the tree of knowledge because there is no good or bad. That is just a perception and those are as different as there are people in the world.

You can be angry and sad or whatever about what happened but if you want change, real change, then you must change yourself first then the rest of the world changes to match you. If you imagine they are out to get you then the universe says, oh you want them to get you?  Ok here you go. If you think I wonder when the next awful thing will happen then the universe says ok here is an awful thing for you. If you believe they are out to get you then they say ok we gotta go get him.

Why is it this way? Because of who you are. Do you know who you are? For the most part most do not know who they really are. They have amnesia and believe they are the person who walks around in the costume they are wearing. That is not who you are. You say this is my house and this is my body. You are not your house and you are not your body. You are I AM and that is God’s name forever ever.

We are One and we are becoming individualized and through our experiences we burn away the chaff and become pure gold. Then individually without loss of identity we return to the Father of us all. We are the witness to God’s glory because we have God inside us. We ask him for something and we receive it so we know we are the Father and we know we are the witness and eventually we will know we are the Son as well.

This is all for a purpose. Are you scared enough yet to go to your imagination and imagine a better place? Are you fearful enough to imagine what you want more than anything else in the world despite the facts telling you that you cannot have it?

You can have anything you want. All it takes is a little imagination, faith, hope, and love. That’s it. Imagine what you want, feel it, say thank you and have faith and hope that what you love is coming and it will.

You were born knowing all your needs would be met and you convinced yourself that you would have to fight and work hard to continue having your needs met but that isn’t true. Just as the birds and the bees needs are met so are yours. If you believe it. You did once before you were conditioned into the negativity of man. You can do it.

It is hard to change a belief but it is not impossible. This is all a mental game, a 3D video game, and you are the master of time and space that must be saved and you, the avatar, are the savior. Through you the master comes out and fuses with you and together you tell the world and then you go home for the a last time.

Dallas is nothing more than the manifestation of fear.

We can conquer fear because in truth, it does not exist. We made it up.

Analyzing the Markets

Markets are 90% psychology and 10% fundamentals. Any market analyst will tell you this. As one who has studied markets for over 30 years I found it to be true until 2010. Then all kinds of anomalies started popping up. Despite the fundamentals, which should have effected the psychology stopped. Completely.  It became 100% psychology and I struggled to discover this but it is what it is. I finally accepted it.

In that acceptance I discovered the entire world we live in is nothing more than 100% psychology. It is whatever you believe it is. If you believe the Federal Reserve is lying and telling you bullshit then they will and they have. As a nation, we lost faith in our institutions and our leaders. We discovered our leaders believe they are here to rule us and that is not what the rest of us believe.

We believe we rule, the people. We believe we are awesome. We believe that those who have come here to find a better life love America. We believe assault weapons should not be for everyone. We believe yet our leaders are not doing what we believe. They are fighting it. They want us to believe as they do.

That is the battle of Armaggedon. The battle for belief. You are the only one that can change what you believe so hocus pocus keep the focus, on you and you only.

Mr. Obama can cry all he wants about the Supreme Court nominee. The rest of us believe we should wait so you get what you get. They have no choice. They are doing what we believe. We believe they believe they rule us. We malign them.

As the leaders tried to convince us we became entrenched. The more we found out about the spying the more we felt it was in our best interest to continue to doubt the leaders. Then doubt became certainty and certainty became the reality.

When you choose to destroy with violence another for whatever reason you then become the very thing you tried to destroy. There is only one way to kill monsters and we all know it yet we deny it. Don’t doubt it. Love is the only way.

Time to rise up. Time to kill the monster we created.

Can you manage to see them as lovely and only wanting what is best for all? Can you see them as wanting what is best for all and not what is best for the generals or banks? Can you see the banks and generals doing what is best for all?

If you can imagine that all are doing the best they can with what they have and know then you are there. If you can’t you are maligning them and they will show you what you believe. They have no choice in the matter and you will be maligned.

Do it for youself. Love the neighbor who bugs you. Love the senator who pisses you off. They are only showing you what you believe of them.

Think of yourself only. Change the belief you have and you will change the world.

Let’s imagine lovely things and believe them.

We deserve it.