Positive Thinking Isn’t Just Positive

Genetically Modified Organism aka GMO is just grafting. We have been doing that forever. It is really a beautiful thing. Some think it is good as in bountiful amounts of food and some think it is bad as in it will give you cancer. It’s food. That’s it.

Say a scientist engineered some corn that would keep some bug that bothers corn away from the corn. Well isn’t that great? Not really considering the thinking that made the bug come eat the corn is the same thinking that tries to get rid of it. It won’t work. Sure that particular bug may not bother the corn but some other bug will.

The scientist and farmer believe the corn needs to be saved from bugs eating it. They imagine bugs eating the corn yet the corn is fine. The photons are going to give you what you imagine and give your attention to and so it says ok here are the bugs you want to eat your corn. So on and on it goes. Little did they know they were asking for the corn to be eaten by bugs by believing bugs would eat the corn despite the corn being just fine. As they looked at their fine corn they worried about the bugs, imagined them. Talked to themselves about it and what they would do and so it came and they cried.

Change the thinking. The corn is healthy and lovely and bountiful.

All that worry, all that angst for something that only exists in the minds of the farmer and the scientist who bought that ‘fact’ that such and such bug will bother your corn. Once aware of this, the farmer worries he will get it and then gets it. They harumph. They want a fix. Scientists come to their call. They make the gmo corn. Bug eliminated. NOT.  Here comes another one because they are aware in their imaginations and their awareness of being that bugs eat corn. This is the belief and it was imagined before it came to be.

GMO corn causes cancer. Here we go again. Your thoughts give you cancer. Something is eating you up. Only you can figure that out and change it. It is just corn. You are just using it as a scapegoat.  Norman Cousins was told he was going to die in less than six months of cancer. Nothing they could do. He said ok then I am going to go home and enjoy the time I have left. He watched comedies and laughed, loved his life, loved his world, loved his body for being there each day, loved it all and was grateful. Grateful to have another day. He did not dwell on his dis-ease.  He enjoyed his life. He went to the doctor six months later and he was cancer free.

It is the same for everything. Positive thinking isn’t just positive. It automatically assumes there is a negative and neither exists. It is love split in two. It is just corn and it is lovely. Take personal responsibility for you and your world.  It is righteous thinking that is required. My corn is perfectly healthy, it is lovely and bountiful and I love it so very much!!  Thank you my lovely corn! Say it as you plant, as you walk amongst the corn and your corn will be healthy, bountiful, and it will be as you imagine.

It is being in the role. Playing the role from inside not thinking about it from the outside. Play your role. Whatever role you wish, rich, poor, discriminated, writer, actor, politician, but ACT. Be a method actor in your imagination and be aware you are THAT for just a moment or you are missing the mark aka sin.  It’s funny. We do it unconsciously all the time. We are masters at it.

The ancient Hebrew word for sin means missing the mark. You want to be wealthy but you are not. You are missing the mark. It hasn’t a thing to do with murder, or anything like that. You don’t have your heart’s desire. That is what it means. You are missing the mark.

Well hit the target. ACT. Imagine you are what you wish to be. Be in the scene. Hear your friends congratulate you. Feel them hugging you or shaking your hand. The energy will build in you and you will feel it exit your body. It is done. Say it with authority. Whatever indicates you were aware of it and IT IS DONE.

Now you are no longer the person before the imagining. That person is dead. You are the new man now. The one you imagined and felt. Be it, despite the facts. They are just details. They will fill in. The world will change if you do.

You don’t need to diet you need to change the way you see yourself. If you believe that diet will help then it will but as soon as you stop all the weight comes back. We all know this. It is the same for everything.

So if your table is bare, imagine it full and your body is weak, imagine you are strong and call on the core of your being, I AM, and it will be. It is the only Law. It never changes. It is the common denominator.

Test it for yourself. I don’t care if you believe me or not law is law so test it. Think about it and test it. It costs you nothing but a moment of your time.

Hope this helps and blessings to you!

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To Forgive is to Forget

I used to believe there were over 6 billion on the planet. I used to believe in scientists and their conclusions. I used to believe others could hurt me. I used to believe there were ‘bad’ people in the world. I used to believe a lot of silly things quite seriously.  Not anymore.

Who is more awful, Frankenstein the monster or the one who created him?  If you were the one who created him, would you give yourself to him to make him whole or would you try to destroy him?  You can’t destroy him. He just keeps coming back in a new costume. So now what?  You change him. You love him and imagine him better than he was before. Imagine him being what he wants to be.

This place is all psychological. 100% It’s a play and all the men and women are actors in your play. You are compelling them to play the roles you believe. Now when bad things happen to you when you are young, that is to help you get to the next level of consciousness. So if you do succeed in getting there, and you will eventually, can you forgive the one who harmed you? You can’t truly rise up until you do.

Didn’t that awful thing become the focus of you moving up and therefore wasn’t that awful thing a good thing in the end?  Can you love the one who hurt you and tell them thank you for helping you move up in awareness? You don’t have to do it face to face, can you do it in your imagination?  Can you go back in time in your imagination and change the awful thing that happened as if it never happened?

Forgiveness is forgetting as if it never happened. If you say you have forgiven but won’t forget then you haven’t really forgiven anything at all.

There is only one being here made up of the many. To judge another is judge self and it’s just a habit and you can change it. Your fate is in your hands. No one pushes you around but you.  Your destiny, destination, is the end imagined and that end is to act out the script.

Today’s imaginings plus yesterday’s imaginings equals your tomorrow. What are you imagining? What are you telling yourself?

The only way to know something is to be it. God became man so man could become one with God. You are a spiritual being, Consciousness, having a human experience in order to discover and learn it is whatever you imagine and believe and if you love it then it is yours.

There are no aliens out there smarter than you and there are no ancient aliens out there either that were smarter. Man has a tendency to believe something outside of himself is always smarter and that is silly. You are perfect.

If you give a lot of attention to something then photons don’t know any better than to bring that to you. They don’t know you don’t want to see it. They only know you imagine it, feel it, give attention to it, so you must love it, you must want it, so they bring it to you. You are the God Particle.

All things are possible. Ask and you shall receive.

So you think your friend has betrayed you because you loaned them money and they did not and it appears will not be paying you back. You think all kinds of horrid things like they are cheaters or evil doers for not keeping their promise. That is wrong headed thinking. Right headed thinking aka righteous thinking, would be well he must have needed that more than I or you tell them I love you so no worries about the money you owe. Don’t let that end our friendship. It always works out and you will pay me when you can. It is all good.

Are you judging or are you forgiving?

Instead of being upset or losing a friend or having to say it’s ok when it isn’t really, imagine they have paid you back in full. Now forget it. Forgive and forget.

If they must play the role of the cheater then they will fade away from your life. If they can show you gratitude and love then they will be in your life. That money is coming to you from somewhere if not them so no worries. They paid you back. It’s all good. There is only one I AM, One God and so someone will bring that money to you.

When you revise the past all the energy that went into that monster returns to you and it changes all the energy from that point forward and things begin to change. My husband, before we were married, punched me in the mouth. He knocked my teeth into the middle of my mouth. All this time, over 30 years, I thought I had forgiven him but his teeth kept falling out as did mine. He refused to see a dentist.

The day after learning about revision one of his teeth fell out at dinner. He refused to see a dentist. I realized I had never forgiven him and I cried an ocean of tears. That night I went back in time and changed the events. He never hit me.  I gave thanks until it exploded out of me and I fell asleep. The next morning first thing he asked me to set up an appointment with the dentist. He has changed. He is now more confident and he is more aware of his thoughts but he doesn’t believe as I do in imagination. He still believes that God is outside of himself and that’s ok. It’s the journey. I love him dearly and will raise him up in all things. He is always successful, he is healthy, he is wealthy and he is wise.

You can do it. Anyone can do it. Raise another up and feel the joy, the bliss, of helping another attain what they wish.

It is all good.

Forgive, and forget.

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Blessings to you and thank you for being you!

Psalm 46:10 Be Still & Know I AM God

The Bible is the ultimate handbook on the Laws of Mind if read subjectively. Many followers of Neville Goddard bow to Neville’s interpretation of this Psalm. You are not God and never will be and Neville discovered this after he was given the Promise. I hope this helps and blessings to you! Most of all – thank you for being you!