There Is No Fiction – Serenity & Firefly

Firefly was a popular and much loved sci-fi TV show that had only one season. It was so loved though that a movie, Serenity, came out and tied up loose ends. Spoiler alert if you have not seen these they are available on YouTube, Amazon Prime and Netflix as well as several other streaming outlets.

It takes place in the future.  A spaceship called Serenity is harboring a passenger wanted by the authorities. She was just a girl but the government discovered her talent of going within and acquiring whatever she wanted or needed.  This included hearing others thoughts and seeing their memories. This to them was a deadly secret.

But this is not her story. She is imagination in this story and it is the story of her brother, Simon. God in all who are pulled together using the Laws to get their desire. They forget their desires as they fight to save the one that is loved, River.

All have long been righteous passionate about stopping the government from telling them how to live life in thier own way. Mel the captain was willing to lay his life down so others could be free to believe and think as they wish but his side lost. He believed in the objective world.  They all do but they all turn to Imagination and they are saved every time and as they foget their desires to help the one that is loved they get thier desires and it is wonderful.

Six rebels on the run. They are doing their best to be free.  Yes they steal but only from those they believe will not be harmed for it. They break the rules to save another. Simon is a doctor. He has given his talents to Mel and his crew in order to save the girl, his little sister, River, whom the government wants. His love for his sister, his willingness to give his all, saves him and her and Mel and his crew from a government holding and testing place the government had River in. 

His love made this happen.  This is his story. 

An assassin is in pursuit.

Throughout the movie it is River that saves them. They think she isn’t ‘all there’. But she saves them every time. She loves them all and she knows how it will end. She is scared but her brother’s love and sincere desire for her to know she is loved and amazing carries them through. She and her brother are One and she is in all, feels all, knows all. 

It is scary but at the same time amazing to know you and everyone and everything in the world are One.  This movies shows it perfectly.

Mel’s love for his ship. It always works. His mechanic is wonderful and even when he ignores her his ship still gets him where he has to go. His ship always works and his tricks with her always work and he attributes thsi to love. It’s true. That ship is part of consciousness too.

Love weaves in and out of this movie. In the end you even cry for the robot bride of one of their friends who laid his life down for them. 

There is a preacher in this movie and his name is Shepherd Book.  As he dies he tells Mel it doesn’t matter what you believe just believe. 

Towards the end of the movie our heroes are trapped while Mel tries to get the word out of what happens when you don’t think for yourself. They are surrounded by Reevers. Simon is hurt. Others are hurt. River tells Simon no worries my time to help you. Love. She is imagination and love and she goes forward and locks them away and faces the Reevers.

She kicks their ass and she does it like a dance

The assasin is defeated by Mel in more ways than one. He does it physically and spiritually when he tells him and the world that the creatures called Reavers that do horrid things to others were made by a government accident when trying to mess with the climate and moods of the people on a planet. 80% just stopped doing anything and died. 20% became uncontrollable beasts. All in an effort to try to make them all docile. 

Some judge others and suffer their judgement.  Others don’t care and only feel all are lovely but fear their safety and that’s ok. When their safety was attacked they fought back and said yeah I don’t think so. I am safe and I will stop you objective world. No one takes my life. I lay it down when I wish. 

You watch one die who went to his imagination in times of trouble. He imagines he is a leaf on the wind and that he will land the ship despite the chaos around him. He does it and then dies. He gave his life for others. 

At the end is the most lovely speech from Mel how love conquers all. 

It’s all love. Mosters are objective man and his fears and doubt. Do not listen to anyone but yourself. Be passionate. Believe and do your best and always turn to your imagination to save you and it will. 

Doesn’t matter what you say or do. These characters had hearts of gold in the works or done. It’s all in the response. 

As Shepherd Book said, believe

Blessings to all! Thank you for spreading the good news!

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Moments with Mimi Time & Space Dealing with Fear Doubt & Guilt

Time creates the choice – the only choice – fear, doubt, guilt or love and life.

How will you fill in the space? The response is automatic. Pick one.

Objective Man says fear tells you be afraid and careful. Subjective Man says fear means you are looking the wrong way – be brave, courageous.

Time creates doubt so you can choose. Faith/Subjective or Doubt/Objective and that way leads to fear and guilt.

Guilt is breaking out of another’s story and it’s ok you are supposed to do that.


1. Your emotions and feelings are not good or bad. They are energy in motion and do things. Control your mind and respond later – as you wish. An ass will stop being an ass as you stare at him in silence – no response. When he stops, continue as you wish as if he never spoke.

2. If you continually look at it objectively know LOA is on your trail. That is what you are vibrating – Law of Vibration – looking the wrong way – the response either way is automatic.

Up to you of course to choose! Know who you are and choose like the royalty you truly are.

Hope this helps and blessings to you!

Thank you for being you!

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Learning from Neville & the Bible about Dragons

If you rise up and become Lady Justice like King Solomon then you live like King Solomon. You do not see the outside world and you balance the scales. No good or bad just love. King David tamed the dragon. Solomon learned it is all love.

The Bible says to discipline the child. The dragon, the baby, the child, is the human imagination. Same things said differently.

A good mental diet is knowing it is the human imagination that is spinning the stories you the Man are living and it is your baby. The one you made with Consciousness. Your dragon. A good mental diet is training your dragon.

That is the image of the Sphinx in ancient works around the world, throughout the Americas, Europe, Middle East, Assiriyan, Perisa, Babylon, Egypt, Elomites, Amorites, Akkadia, China, throughout the world that image of the snake, the dragon and the life force in the shape of pine cones, pomegranates, flowers, spirals. Look at it! To me it is fascinating!!

It is the same story. A man flies a dragon with wings. He tamed his dragon. The snake sheds his skins aka states of consciousness and becomes a Dragon!

Neville teaches there is no fiction and of course there is no fiction – lol – there is only One being here and everything has two sides to it. Train Your Dragon is an extremely popular film for children series for a reason. Game of Thrones was a popular series for young adults for a reason.

You babies are magnificent and never forget that. You are loved and all you have to do is love you and the world you and your baby made and know It’s A Wonderful Life like George tells us every Christmas and Scrooge too.

Tame your dragon – love that baby – be thankful to the One who brings it to you and know it’s all good – it’s all very good aka perfect – just like you!
Hope this helps and blessings to you!

There Is No Fiction – ALL LIVES MATTER – You Get What You Give

Listen. Listen carefully.

A study suggests, a poll indicates, tonight’s top story, the military narrative, it is possible, it is likely, the data suggests, the data says, scientists believe, researchers think – it’s all a story.

Just because someone believes something doesn’t make it true – for you.

There is only One Being here and we tell the same story from our own perspective. We all say I AM.

Humanity is waking up and it is glorious really. That big step – knowing who you are.

Humanity has developed an identity crisis and believe it or not that is good, that is very good. You have to figure out who you are and what you can do.

If you know the 12 Laws of Mind you will be at peace, you will live life instead of surviving it. You learn to exercise your free will – the thoughts, beliefs, imaginings you tell yourself and have faith, hope and love. That’s it. The rest is all scripted out for you and it doesn’t matter what anyone says or does it is your perception that comes to life for you and no other. It’s Law. You know it is all you so if you don’t like it you know to change it.

It’s as old as dirt. My pain is more than your pain. You could never understand. Blah blah blah. Really? Pain is pain and we all feel it. When you think ill of another you are being a bully and you will get pain and suffering so you can be a victim so you learn don’t do be a bully. Pretty simple.

Your identity is your Consciousness. I AM is giving you life. WE all say it. Anything after that is a role being played or an extension/label you attached to yourself. If a woman cries black lives matter and hates on anyone who points out all lives matter that person will get whatever ugly they threw at the other. It’s a boomerang. It is the Law of Attraction.

You pay for hating on yourself. But I didn’t say that about me! Yes you did. You hated on another and they say I AM and are human too and you would not rise up. You went even lower into the pit of despair.

You did it to yourself all by yourself. No one made you.

You are a life. You chose that a black one matters more than yours or anyone else’s with feeling and passion. You judged and maligned the one who pointed out the whole, all lives matter, to your splitting it. We are all human.

This young woman is not black and passionately stated black lives matter as she imagined ending another’s life who said to her all lives matter. Guess whose life goes down the drain? Hers. She became the victim so she would learn stop being a bully. Look at it and learn.

What you have attached to THAT are just that attachments, thoughts and beliefs. I AM THAT.

You can change those anytime you wish. Look around. Have you ever seen so many victims and bullies? We do it to ourselves and we have forgotten that and instead taking the road of blaming and judging others – those who are only playing the roles we made up in our stories in our minds.

Eating that fruit of the Tree of Knowledge – good and bad. Yeah Consciousness doesn’t understand good or bad – it is all good. To Consciousness your passion indicates you love THAT so you get to be THAT. Like that fruit you are eating?

That is the journey. It just is until you imagine, think about, believe, give attention to and judge it in some way. Up to you how you perceive it. It is what it is – just a person. You can see the whole – all lives matter – or split it – black lives matter, gay lives matter, blah lives matter. LOL your choice.

Tell a good story. It’s yours after all. It’s all a story, the news, the whatever ‘drama’ or ‘comedy’, good or bad, positive or negative, all a story. You don’t have to judge anything much less malign it.

Judging with passion doesn’t do anything but cause lessons to be learned. Some call it karma and some call it fate. You did it. It was inevitable.

It was sad to see a young girl, fresh out of Harvard, with a great job destroy it all with her bullying. She thinks attacking others in such a passionate way is taking up for black lives matter. She imagined taking another’s life and shoving her cut finger into their race as they died for saying all lives matter. She blamed others for her being fired. Prophecy – she has more pain and suffering coming her way.

Ashton Kutcher would have you believe that if you think all lives matter you don’t get black lives matter. He is the one that doesn’t get it. All lives matter and that includes black lives, white ones, red ones, yellow ones and brown ones if you must see the cover. That is you.

All lives matter. Yes I don’t get it. How is anyone’s pain and suffering less than another’s Ashton? You don’t get it. It’s not about the color of the skin – that’s just a symptom. It is about the victim bully state. How you get victimized and bullied can come in many flavors aka symptoms – #Metoo, #BLM and the list is long. All lives matter. To say otherwise is being a bully and you get to play both parts so victim headed your way.

The Harvard grad is just a bully asking to be a victim and now she is a victim.

No one made her video much less post her rant about her dream of harming to the point of death another and her enjoying it. Her rant was so awful she wished to bring death to another and while they died she would show them her paper cut. She is an American. She is not black. She was being a bully and asking to be victimized so her employer obliged. The company she had a job with doesn’t tolerate such thinking and her posted video found it’s way to them and they fired her. Now she is pain. Victim.

Did she learn? Nah not yet. She is busy blaming anyone but herself for her misfortune. She is hoping you will feel sorry for her and donate to her fund.

If you want to be a bully be prepared to be bullied. It’s that simple.

Hopefully the one you bullied won’t be your bully and it will be someone else but you never know now do you?

You could end up like Alex in a Clockwork Orange. Up to you of course!

I hope this helps others think about it! No reason to go there except for the experience. Once experienced why would you want to return?

Up to you of course!

Blessings to you and thank you for being you!