Killing the Monster – Fear

No one owes anything to anyone. Governments and rich people do not owe you a universal basic income or wealth redistribution. What good is a hand out? That’s not helping anyone. You learn to fish. Don’t expect others to give you what they have caught.

You either believe you are rich or you believe you are poor. It is whatever you believe it is. No one is being mean to you except you. God means I AM aka Consciousness and each one of us is conscious.  God lives in heaven and heaven is inside you. Therefore you are God and God is you.  God is perfect and therefore you are perfect. That’s the journey. To realize this truth and believe it.

I was blessed to be born with a large scar on my leg.  I have always loved my leg. It is perfect in my eyes. It doesn’t matter what it looks like on the outside. It is perfect. I can run, jump, walk, and do all the things anyone can do with their legs. I am very grateful for my perfect leg.

You ask for what you want by imagination and attention. You give your imagination and attention to the things you believe and you weave stories all day long you think no one else knows about.  Attention is unconditional love. When you consciously declare something you are planting a seed into your subconscious.  Whatever you tell your subconscious via your imagination by feeling it and loving it by giving it your attention, it shall be. It doesn’t matter if it is good or bad. You declared it. You loved it. You gave it your attention. You are the only one placing good or bad upon whatever it is.

You choose what you are telling your subconscious to bring you. That is where the life principle within you is and it doesn’t care if you think it is bad or good.  All it does is as you wish.

We all know this deep inside but deny it.  We all know that if a person is put under hypnosis their consciousness is ‘asleep’ and if we tell the subconscious at that time that our finger is  a red hot poker and touch the person they will get a blister. If we tell them our finger is instant healing cream and touch them that blister disappears.

Be aware of what you are planting into your subconscious.

There is nothing to fear but fear itself.  Fear is made up. It’s possible that, it’s probably, we believe, it might, may, could, it’s possible, it’s probable blah blah blah.  Made up. Keep it up and it will show up knocking on your door so you can experience it. You asked for it.

You either believe you are great or you don’t. You either love yourself and respect yourself or you don’t.  If you have always had it ‘good’ and judged it ‘good’ then you will receive the bad too.  You have to learn that it is you that places good or bad upon it.  It just is. That’s why you are here you know – to learn.

The word God is a translation for Consciousness, Imagination and attention. These things are invisible, spirit, and inside you.  God is inside you and therefore you and God are one. God is perfect therefore you are perfect. Once you learn this you begin to love and respect yourself and everyone else that comes into your world as you know there is only One God made up of many. That’s is what Elohim means.

Your body is deader than a door nail. Dead without your consciousness, subconscious. and imagination. It is your subconscious that keeps you breathing, the heart pumping, and it is your thoughts and beliefs that you are telling your subconscious that brings about the circumstances of your life.  The subconscious is a treasure chest. It’s Aladdin’s lamp.  Not a thing was made before it was imagined.

You may not know who you are, when you are, where you are but you know you are. You couldn’t stop imagining anymore than you could stop breathing. You give your attention to whatever you choose to believe and you imagine what you believe.

Everyone knows if you give something attention you are feeding it.  Hence the understanding that even bad publicity is good publicity. Science confirms the conscious/subconscious part but cannot understand or explain the last one. Your lovely imagination.

It is what you believe. Muhammad Ali did well because it never occurred to him he would not do well.  It’s not ‘privilege’ as so many today want to say it is. It is a belief in yourself.  Others can try to take you down but in the end that is up to you. They try because you believe in the separation. There is only One being here and they are just messengers showing you what you believe.

There is only faith, hope, unity, harmony and love. So they harmoniously and in unity show you what you love. Faith is knowing the unseen will be seen. Hope is the expectation of it. Love is the attention given.

No one can make you believe anything. They can try to influence you such as those who say for an example Trump tirades yet when you go listen to it he is reasonable.  Trump demands. Yet when you read it he merely mentioned it. Which one do you believe? Up to you of course.

Marketers and advertisers repeat at least 3 times their message. Sinking it into the subconscious. That’s why the mainstream media is upset. The old belief is dead no longer given attention.  A new story is unfolding.  They call the new story fake news and wish to only let you hear the old story. That is you telling yourself that but the new story shall be. It wouldn’t be entertaining without the drama and you must be persistent in your belief. Hang on tight. They will change. Have patience. Believe with passion. Believe in the best of men and they are compelled to bring you that.

It’s just the play and it would be boring if we didn’t have some drama and irony in it. It’s all good. No doubts. Keep the faith, keep dreaming the end is yours and it shall be.

It is best to teach a man how to fish rather than give him fish to eat. A welfare system gives him the fish. If you give him fish to eat he will just be back to get more because you have taught him this. Why not teach him how to fish? That does not mean get a degree, enslave yourself to debt, and enslave yourself to others. It means be free.

How?  Use the Law that rules us all.

Start loving and believing in you and your imagination. You are the Word. The Word became flesh. You imagine things and they come to be. Your imagination saves you if you go to your imagination to save you. You can save you or enslave you. Up to you. It will throw you into prison if you choose to think imprisoning thoughts. It doesn’t understand good or bad. It only knows what you give your attention to and what you imagine and believe, what you feel and you get it every time.

Someone believes there will not be enough rice. This person believes in lack of. They go out and buy up a bunch of rice so they have enough. Bugs get into the rice and it is ruined. They got what they asked for, what they believed.

Recognize who you are. I AM. That is God’s name and God is making Man into his image. God is inside you and therefore you are God and God is you. You can choose Man, that rational being who worries about survival and is passionate and all mixed up and imagines all sorts of horrors, or you can choose I AM. Anything after I AM is a description including your name.

You can believe the Bible is a book of physical history that makes no sense when perceived this way or you can realize the Bible is an allegory and is the greatest psychology book ever written and makes total sense when perceived this way.  Up to you what you perceive, what you believe. It’s all you in the end. No one but you.

Scary? Yes but freeing too. It’s just a state of consciousness. Put on a new one and see what happens.  It truly is amazing!

All my work is reader supported. Thank you for spreading the good news!


To Wong Foo, Thanks for everything, Julie Newmar! – A Lesson in the Law

I love this movie. I have watched it many times. I used to think it was about three drag queens saving a poor Texas town from itself. Actually it is about the Law.  Once a pattern is seen it cannot be unseen.

Someone had a dream. Someone imagined the end and felt it and was so happy and grateful in that moment. It was Ms. ChiChi. She dreamed the dream of being a queen and being rescued and she believed her way there was to win the Drag Queen of America pageant in Hollywood, California but first she must win the New York State title. She has dreamt and felt the end.

You know it when you see her response to the winner. It wasn’t her. It was a tie between Ms. Vida Boheme and Ms. Noxima Jackson who won. A tie that had never happened before.  As she sits on the stairs crying out her disappointment the two winners come upon her. Little does she realize they are her in another costume answering her request. People are just messengers you sent to you.

It’s not for us to know how we will achieve the end, it is for us to know the end is achieved and the details are filling in.  Man gets lost in the how, thinking it is the cause of all things but it isn’t. It’s your lovely imagination and the stories you tell yourself that programs your subconscious.  When you do it and you feel it then that’s it. Photons gotta do as you imagine and feel. You are the God particle and it all comes from inside you.  It’s 100% psychological here. We all know that deep down inside we just don’t want to admit that it is ourselves doing it to ourselves.

Ms. Vida and Ms. Noxima make sure she learns. They tell her there are four steps to being a drag queen and until then she is just a boy in a dress.  That’s us. Boys in dresses wanting to be a drag queen but failing because we don’t believe we are what we wish to be. They take her on the road.

You see them and their dreams too and together they all help each other and it is a win win for all in the end. But it is not their dream this movie is about. It is about Ms. Chichi’s dream.

Step 1 – Use good thoughts as your sword and shield

Like attracts like. If you believe in good you will get good. There is no good or bad until you place it upon it. My good could be your bad. It’s all good.

Step 2 – Ignore adversity

Adversity is just a stepping stone to your desire, the desire you imagined having and felt yourself holding in your hand. Embrace it.  A man is told he is going to die of a rare disease. He decides screw it. I am going to enjoy what time I have left. He keeps his imagination in the moment grateful for the moments.  He laughs, laughs in the face of death, is thankful for each day and everyone and everything in it. The doctor tells him 6 months later when he should have been dead, you are disease free. True story of Norman Cousins.

Step 3 – Abide by the rules of love

Love conquers all. See number 2 example.

Step 4 – Larger than life is just the right size

God lives in heaven and heaven is inside you. Therfore you are God and God is you and God is perfect so you are perfect. Go ahead, laugh in the face of death because no one really dies, they just exit the stage and go to another until they are done playing all the roles. All the states of consciousness it takes to learn.

There is no good or bad. To call one is to call the other. It is all good because it is all God aka Consciousness, Imagination and Attention.  Attention is unconditional love. Anything taken too far becomes unbalanced. It must all balance or the person is dis-eased and it will manifest itself accordingly.

The rest of the movie shows how these two, Ms. Vida and Ms. Noxie raise up all around them and at the same time raise themselves up too. They give of themselves to help another when they didn’t have to, Ms. ChiChi and then the town. They teach the victims it is a matter of thinking and they teach the bullies this too.  Because of the love they feel for the town and the people in it they change and the people of the town change too. Because of their belief in the good it changes.

Believe in yourself. Respect yourself and know all others are your messengers so believe in them and respect them too. Whatever you believe of yourself believe in those around you and they will rise up to your expectation or they will go away. It’s their role to show you what you believe. Don’t shoot the messenger. Listen.

It is all you and to imagine ill of another is to do it to yourself and that’s a drag.

It’s a great movie. It is hysterical. It shows you the Law.

In the end Ms. ChiChi who wasn’t even in the running wins the competition and you can see from her response it is as she wished.  The impossible became possible because she believed and she learned along the way how to think as a winner instead of wishing she was a winner – therefore becoming the winner.

Dream a good dream, no doubts as it unfolds, just good happy thoughts and it shall be. It’s all a story and it would be boring without the testing of your faith in yourself. Adversity is a test to see what you truly believe.  It is all in the response. No doubts. It is all good.

Isn’t it wonderful?

All my work is reader supported. Thank you for spreading the good news!



There Is No Fiction – Kelly’s Heroes

I love Kelly’s Heroes. I could watch it a million times. My favorite isn’t Kelly though. It is Oddball. He is awesome. He works the Law.

Faith is not a religion. Faith is knowing the unseen will be seen.

The entire movie is about the Law. A desire wanted, a desire held in the hand via imagination of one man, then a few men and so all comes together to get them there to hold that desire in their hands. They believe there is gold sitting in a bank behind enemy lines. They can’t see it. They don’t really know but they believe it is there and they will touch it. So it all works out and they do get their desire in an amazing natural way.

In the movie set during WWII, Oddball needs a bridge so his tanks can cross the river. He believes the bridge will be there when he gets there. He gets upset when one of his men argues it won’t be there due to the ‘facts’. The allies are bombing all the bridges.

They get there. There is the bridge and 30 seconds later it is blown up. Oddball is not happy giving the one who argued with him a hairy eyeball but he is not daunted. He moves forward. Moriarty, the doubter, is only Oddball’s doubt and so the bridge was bombed.

Oddball calls his buddy in requisitions and tells him he needs XXX ft of bridge. Moriarty is not there and so the doubt is not there. Oddball is in the zone. The guy yells you are behind enemy lines and you want me to bring you bridging. No way. Oddball says  I got a deal going and I will put you in it and I called you because you are a good guy but I can get bridging anywhere. You want to do this or not. He says I would need 100 men while looking at a band of 100 men playing their instruments and he smiles.

The Law of Attraction is how it works, not why it works. Those men and that bridging were already on the way to make the desire held in the hands of these men to come true. You need to do something else to get it going. It doesn’t matter what you want. It is all vibration, frequency and energy as Tesla told us. So how does one vibrate the right frequency to attract what one wants so the law of attraction can start bringing it to you?

You ACT in your imagination and the world around you REACTS.

Many will tell you to visualize it, focus on it, do affirmations, remain positive. All good things but it didn’t work for me so I began to notice the ones who it did work for. I knew it wasn’t the Law of Attraction as so many claimed. That’s just how it works after whatever you do when you vibrate the right frequency.

You need money for something, bills, car repairs whatever. You read the Secret and/or you watch Abraham Hicks and/or you read Dr. Dwyer but all you can do while you ‘visualize’ is remain on the pain. I know it was hard for me because I kept seeing it. Visualize to me is seeing it.

It didn’t work for me either. I kept ‘visualizing’ but that word means one thing for some and another for others. I saw it so now what? Neville Goddard told me. Don’t just see it. Imagine a scene where you have what you want and feel it and once you feel you have it, so be thankful. Now forget about the old you and be the new you. Be it first, then it comes. Be aware you are what you imagined as you imagine all day or each night, respond as if you are, and the world will change to bring it to you.

Oddball knew he would have a bridge. He knew he would get his desire and he did despite the setback. He believed it in.

That is something my old boss would say, be the supervisor first then you get the title. Little did I know at the time how wise these words were but it is truth. Be it, play in your imagination, once imagined and you feel it is yours, it is coming so have fun and play in your imagination and be that person.

The Law of Attraction started to work for me when I began to feel it in my imagination.

Some personal examples of the power of your imagination and revision.

I burned my hand and in the past I would have gone to the emergency room but I turned to my imagination. I told myself I am pain free. It throbbed but no more pain. I revised what happened. Instead of grabbing that hot pan I imagined I grabbed the pot holder first and then the pan. I did it over and over again until I fell asleep. When I woke up my hand was perfect as if the burn never happened. That’s because it didn’t. I became aware of the pot holder and grabbing the pan. I revised it and so my hand must be healed because it was never burned to begin with.

To do this successfully you have to have faith. You have to believe in yourself.

My husband came home early and told me his boss had something really heavy fall on his foot. It was swollen and had even suffered a cut through his thick leather boots. On Monday he told me he was limping and had to go home early. My husband was certain there were broken bones involved. While gardening I imagined my husband telling me something heavy almost hit his boss’s foot but luckily it bounced away from him  I know revision works and it is amazing but I did not realize how deeply it works. My husband went on and on about his boss for two days. I revised it and then the next work day, when he got home not a word. I had forgotten about it and a couple of days later as we finished dinner I remembered and asked, how’s Jason’s foot? Oh, it’s fine.

Needless to say I was thrilled he was fine!

It just is whatever you believe it is. You imagine it all better and then it is all better as soon as you sleep or forget it. You just struggle at first.

The Law is not like attracts like. That is part of the Law but it isn’t the Law. The Law is imagination manifests reality. First you imagine, then photons are engaged to manifest what you imagined pulling like to like to show you what you asked for and then it appears in your world. You do it all the time but you don’t realize it.

All beliefs are self imposed and all the people have conditioned themselves to imagine the worst, expect the worst and then cry when they get the worst. It is just as easy to imagine the best, expect the best, and cry with joy at getting the best.

Don’t you talk to yourself all day long? Let me guess! You are figuring out worst case scenario and then planning what you will do if that happens. You are imagining the very thing you do not want to happen happening. Unconditional love, photons, only know what you imagine not that you don’t want it. You are imagining it so you get it. Bam! We do it all the time.

Hillary lost because she was worrying about not losing hence imagining losing and Trump won because he imagined he was the winner.

Yes it is you. It is all you. It’s not the Russians or hackers or anyone but you. You did it. You imagined it. They just played their role to bring you what you asked for. You do it to you and you can change a belief, you can stop buying what others are selling and use your experience to tell you what is good for you and only you and not worry about anything or anyone else because it ripples out.

We are all connected because we all say I AM so we are One being made up of many.

Imagine what you want instead of what you fear.

There is only one actor on this stage playing all the roles. Isn’t He magnificent?

Yes, I AM.

All my work is reader supported.  Thank you for spreading the good news!