Moments with Mimi- E-motion – Energy in Motion

Emotion is a build up of energy caused by a feeling. The feeling is the rocket and the energy is the rocket launcher. Use your energy to benefit you rather than harming yourself. It’s ok. We all do it but learn from it. This is the why. Poo to the how. No one cares how. Enjoy the how. Know the why and make it be as you wish.

Come on by and join the Followers of the Way! If this resonates with you I hope you will join us and get the recipe for life – the 12 Laws of Mind. Make it your own and tell the story of your life, get help learning the laws, and spread the good news! It’s all good. It’s perfect just like you!

Moments with Mimi – Judgement Day is Every Day!

When you judge – politicians, your boss, company, friends, family doesn’t matter who, you are taking your love away and beginning a vicious cycle of victim/bully. Being a victim and then a bully for a bully is nothing more than a victim overcompensating. Up to you what you choose to think about others but love truly conquers all and the day you stop judging is the day you start living rather than surviving.

If you enjoy the content and how it is presented come join the Followers of the Way! Only one way – yours! Come get the recipe and make it your own! Share your story! Get help learning the Laws of Mind. It’s all good in fact it is perfect – just like you!

Hope this helps and blessings to all!

Moments with Mimi – Self Talk aka Mental Diets aka Talking to Yourself

Some call it self talk, Neville called it mental diets, most call it talking to yourself. We all do it and when we do it we are imagining and placing what imagine into our world. What are you telling yourself? Hope this helps and blessing to all! You magnificent human beings!