There Is Nothing to Fear – Hang On Tight – It’s a Plan! It’s All Good!

Don’t let fear control your mind therefore your life.

You have nothing to fear but fear itself. Don’t stop that feeling of well being. All is well. It’s so good you sing and dance your troubles away – literally. It’s Principle.

If Estonia could sing and dance their way to freedom – we can all do that right now for whatever we are afraid of and be free of it.

Hope this helps put you at ease and away from dis-ease.
Thank for spreading the good news!!
Thank you for being you!!

If you enjoy the content and would like to support this channel and the message then come on by!! Click on the #free & peruse over 250 blogs, videos, & podcasts open to the public on the various teachings throughout time & space on the 12 Laws of Mind and the great teachers and stories that we have told ourselves about them.

In the end we all discover there is only One way – Yours.

Dear Climate Changers & Scientists – Watch Out What You Express/Assume

Einstein was right. I know from experience.

I don’t get it. Why do scientists want to create a world that is too hot? Just so we can have a carbon market? That is silly and these scientists don’t care about that so why is it so important that I come to the same conclusions as they do? 

Recently Neil DeGrasse Tyson wanted to make sure I was upset and worried that others do not believe as he does. He knows! It’s Science!

Bill Nye stated that if I do not believe as he does then it is better for everyone if I die. He knows better. It’s Science!

Stephen Hawking stated I am going to be wiped out via climate change and deforestation in 100 years so time to head to Mars.  He knows best. It’s Science!

Sounds like a religion doesn’t it? That’s because it is dogma. They don’t know. They assume these conclusions and that is dogma. They are making it up with their imaginations. That’s their story and they will experience it – I won’t. It’s their assumption aka a belief and so they will experience it in some way. We face our judgments every day.

They believe they are ‘smart’ guys – and they are very intelligent in their fields but no one is smarter than me about me. They believe they know something that will effect me but it doesn’t.

It’s just a story they tell themselves. They share their stories. You don’t have to believe them. It’s a story, a guess, a theory, and we experience what we express in our lives. When you say things, expressing your assumptions, you get them. Watch what you ask for as you will get it.

All beliefs are self imposed and knowledge only comes from experience. No two people are alike and no two perceptions are alike. 100 people can read this and there would be 100 different perceptions. What is important to one will be the takeaway for them and each one of us determines what is important to us. 

I don’t believe the story of climate change as many scientists present it. Some say it is getting colder and some say hotter and in the end it’s the climate and it is perfect. You can’t fix perfect so stop messing with it. That’s how it gets distorted.

Their guess is as good as mine. We can both look at the data. I don’t care what they say or do. I know who I AM and I know who they are too. I love them so very much but not  the roles the stories of gloom and doom they play.  That’s ok. They have shown me what I needed to shown.

No one is smarter than me about me and my world. My assumptions are just as powerful and meaningful as theirs. They will get their assumptions and I will get mine. We all say I AM and that is God’s name forever and ever. Be aware. We are the word come to life. We are the ones that speak for God. Bite your tongue until you are sure about what you want to express in life.

These men are/were in denial and that is ok. We all do it for a long time and then one day you wake up from the long dream of men and realize what you have been doing and who you are and then you begin the real work you were meant to do but could not do until you learned. You don’t learn from others, you learn from experience.

Some seek proof of aliens, something outside of themselves to explain how man came to be. They believe there is not enough. They believe this is all there is and we have to do something about it. They believe we will kill our lovely earth so we need to seek other planets to live on. They believe the sun will die. They believe a lot of silly things now don’t they? They are cute aren’t they?

If they believe it and say it out loud then they imagine it and I will not join them. I will not change my lovely earth to what they imagine, an ugly desolate, desert. My earth is green and lovely with plenty of clean air and water and food for all. 

They can’t believe the truth staring them in the face so they make up stuff and then have temper tantrums when you don’t believe as they do. Angry you do not make them your god. That’s ok. They are steeped in the way of rational man and cannot possibly understand that nothing they believe in was made until it was imagined. That the earth and universe they are scared of and enamored with is actually inside you and is projected out.

That’s ok. We all deny it in different ways. We all believe it in.

If they understood this then they would be telling you it is time for each one of us to relax and imagine good things. They would tell us that the ‘bad’ is not a bad, it is a good and is bringing something wonderful. They are conditioned rational men who do not understand who they are and what they are here to do.

That is ok. We all do it. It is part of the journey.

I am all for enjoying the journey! Go for it! But don’t expect anyone else to believe as you do. No one has to buy what they are selling and I suppose their insistence bordering on hostility and the March for Science (2017) basically demanding all bow to their conclusions indicates many are doing just that. 

Science is wonderful. It tells you how things work after it was imagined. It doesn’t tell you the cause and it will never tell you the cause because they keep looking outside of themselves. They cannot believe it is that simple and they cannot believe it is that at all. They deny the harvest.

Rational man believes in evolution. It is a theory. A guess. If it is true then man of today is the be all end all of humanity to date. Well just look at some ancient pyramids and ancient city ruins and you know that isn’t true. First the mind evolves then everything else follows. That is evolution.

Rational man believes cancer is a modern disease yet ancient mummies have been shown to have had cancer. Rational man believes global trade did not exist in the past as it is today yet mummies in Egypt were found to have tobacco, cacao,  and cocaine in their bodies.  Rational man believes disease comes from something physical like smoking or eating too much of this that or the other, a virus or germ yet a percentage never get the illness or gain weight despite smoking or eating too much of whatever. Rational man will tell you it’s the genes doing this. Yet science has proven it is your mental environment that controls your genes.

It is extremely difficult to admit you and your thoughts, beliefs and imaginings come to life in this world but that is the truth. That is Law as in Principle. There are 12 laws of mind they are working all the time for everyone equally.

They deny their harvest.

The cause is you and your imagination and what you think you are being and what others are being.  Imagination shapes reality and Consciousness brings it to light in your life. The one in your heart does this. An assumption believed will come to be. It doesn’t have to be but if you believe it then it is.

Is climate change bad? Well there is the bad side of it as we have all been told until you want to puke and they tell you this ‘bad’ so you fear and believe as they do. They want to ‘fix’ it- their way. You can’t fix anything with the same thinking that created it. You just make it worse. The ozone hole fiasco is a perfect example. We had it right to begin with then spent billions on changing the system in our faulty thinking and then we learned it’s just a natural cycle. No problem here. We did not fix anything only made it more difficult to keep refrigeration going.

Good intentions pave the road to hell. Nature is perfect and doesn’t need Man to fix her. She needs man to imagine, get out of the way and she will bring it.  

There is the good side too. An ice free northwest passage that would take global trade to new heights. All those resources sitting under the ice would also be freed up. Some land disappears and new land appears. Ice is forming in some areas and retreating in others. It is hotter because you believe it is hotter just as some believe it is colder so for them it is colder. It is just the climate and it changes all the time according to your belief.

Who are you going to believe? What is your experience? I believe me. My climate is sub tropical. I get summers in the 90s and afternoon showers. A lovely fall and spring and winter with an occasional freeze. It is lovely. It used to be hot and getting hotter until I discovered the Laws of Mind. I was joining in with others and there was no ‘proof’ this was happening. So I had a change of mind and now my world is quite lovely. Thank you Father!!

Are you going to believe rational man and his imaginings or are you going to believe you? You don’t have to accept any ‘fact’ presented to you by rational man. There are no ‘facts’. They change all the time. It is a question to you about your belief. Imagine something you want and tell rational man bah and then see it come into your world.

Rational man wants a carbon market to try to end putting all that carbon dioxide in the air so he says.  We breath in oxygen and out carbon dioxide. Plants and trees take in carbon dioxide and breath out oxygen. Perfect. Nature is perfect and nature obeys your imagination.

If you THINK – sit back and listen to the one in your heart then the logical conclusion is plant some trees.

A carbon market only means it will never balance out. Rational man thinks he has to monetize everything. Rational man loves to appeal to your baser self. The one concerned with things of the flesh, food, shelter et al. He will try to convince you to stop living so you can live which makes no sense at all. If you allow him to start killing cows for example to rid the climate of their farts as it is hurting the climate as they state today – then the day will come when YOU fart too much and they will rid themselves of you. Whomever is hated on the day will get it and then they will turn to the next group to hate etc. They will turn on YOU.

You are a receiver and a projector. You imagine it and it comes to be. You believe it, it comes to be because if you believe it then you imagine it. All those little talks you have with yourself in the car, in the bathroom, in secret, come to be. Then you say things like I knew it, I thought that would happen, how did they not know. We are so cute.

There are not 7 billion on the planet there is only One. One God, One I AM, One Imagination and all are compelled to bring what you, individually, imagine and believe. Some believe they influence others with their thoughts and feelings and you really can’t. They have to choose to allow you to influence them hence the reason ‘influencers’ fall by the wayside eventually.

Elohim. One Consciousness and One Imagination – One Mind – made up of many that is who you are. Consciousness and imagination and unconditional love and this place is a school house where you learn this. You can try to tear up this place all you want but it is forever.

You think you die but you just shed the costume and get another until you learn. Like a snake which is why snakes are part of the symbols for the medical community and so many ancient monuments and writings. They shed their skins as they grow. So do we.

You didn’t come up from some amoeba.You are I AM and we all say it and anything after that is just a label. Don’t judge a book by its cover and don’t judge period. You are only judging you – what you believe is being shown to you – and in the end that hurts only you.

Forgive them. They don’t know what they are doing and it is all good. It always works out.

There is only one being here and you wouldn’t hurt yourself intentionally. Now that you know – stop hurting yourself. Stop thinking like that.

Use the Laws of Mind to help you manifest whatever you wish. Use them to save yourself out of your predicaments and as you use them you will understand that this is all imagination and rational man denies it. That’s ok. One day they too will will learn it is all imagination.

It’s backward in this place.

Only one not many, only love for self not others over self because there are no others, they are you and you are them, feeling sorry for others does not help it hurts, good intentions do not help they hurt, you live forever and journey here in different costumes playing all the roles until you wake up.

If you claim you are ‘woke’ then you are really asleep still in your journey to the end imagined. The one God imagined. God and Man become ONE. The story is over. You are filling in the details.

God in our hearts and Imagination in our heads is carrying us and helping us become One with Divine Imagination.

That is the dream and when you are done and have become One with God – your mind matches his mind – you will get the signs and be born again and wake up.

You will know you are better for the experience.

My two cents of course!Hope this helps and blessings to you!!

If this helped you in any way thank you for sharing and if you would like to support the way I present the message come on by join us.

They were called Followers of the Way. Only one way – yours.

Blessings to all!!

Podcast – Lessons of Life – Over Thinking – It’s An Addiction

Over thinking is an addiction.  That is us making up stories about things or people usually judging in some way.  You first recognize you are doing it.  Then you forbid it – God Forbid anything come from that – I didn’t think that I thought and think of love, life until it passes. NOW do not think. Follow your instinct and know when you do speak it is God talking through you – not your ego talking. Hope this helps in some way and blessings to you!! 

Questions, comments, suggestions?  Love to hear what you think.  Leave it  below!!   If you enjoy the content and would like to support this channel and the   message then come on by!!  Click on the #free & peruse over 250 blogs, videos, & podcasts open to the   public  on the various   teachings throughout time & space on the 12 Laws of Mind and the   great teachers and stories that  we have told   ourselves  about them.          

In the end we all discover there is only One way – Yours. 

Zombie Apocalypse

Before I read Neville Goddard and Dr. Joseph Murphy, I wondered why so many were obsessed by zombies. Even the government portrayed the people as zombies in the NSA documents released by Edward Snowden.  The military forces plan for and participate in shooting zombies.

Neville Goddard gave me the greatest of gifts. He gave me eyes that could see. I killed the zombie and turned that zombie into a true human being.

People just love zombies for a reason.  A zombie reacts to the objective world and does not think. They have no brains that are working properly. Some are called sheep. Some are called sleepwalkers. In truth, most people go around and eat up their brains with the worry of day to day living. Worrying about what Rational man says and he is a crazy man. He does the same thing over and over again expecting a different result. Rational man is trying to change the outside from the outside. Crazy!

When humans wake up they realize it was all them individually.  It’s a new perception of an old thought.  They realize there is only one race, the Human race. They realize we all say I AM. They realize each person is the God of their universe. They realize this is a multiverse. They realize you can invite another’s belief into your consciousness and like a demon possession you asked for it and the only way to rid yourself of it is to love it away. They realize it is whatever they believe it is and that all beliefs are self imposed.

They realize there is no fiction. They realize it is all Imagination and they turn to their imagination to save themselves and they in turn are saved.  Everything comes from the mind of God. It’s all good.  It’s all very good.

People are just messengers showing you what you believe and you can change everything on the outside by going inside and changing your belief. All beliefs are self imposed. Love is giving attention to something. You say you hate racism but you think about it all the time and you want things to happen so it doesn’t exist anymore and so you actually love it. Then you cry when it comes into your world and angst and want to fight it all on the outside. You are feeding the monster you invited into your world. That is being a zombie.

I know from experience.

Never works. It’s like banging your head against a brick wall. The wall isn’t moving and your head hurts and is bleeding.

This is a multiverse. Each person is the I AM or God of their universe so you see those ‘pagan stories’ and ‘myths’ and ‘legends’ are all true. It’s about the 12 Laws of Mind and they have been represented in many ways, the 12 Constellations, the 12 tribes of Israel, and the 12 disciples of Jesus to name a few.

If bullies, sexual predators, thieves et al are in your world, you believe you are a victim of the objective world and they are showing up to show you that you are a victim. Who is worse? The one who asked for it or the one who gave it to them? It’s hard to accept you are the one hurting you but like thoughts and beliefs attract like and people are just messengers showing you what you believe and imagine.  So what are you telling yourself?  It’s your story. Only you know.

Quantum physics and stem cell research has confirmed the Bible. The Bible is one of the greatest scientific spiritual books ever written.

There is only One being. You imagine things and then those things and the people needed to bring those things to you come. You made them. You called them. Love them and change your belief if you do not like what you see.

You make the end point into the future of what you wish to experience. Then it all starts coming together. You doubt it, that delays it. Once the end point is made in imagination, once you feel it in your imagination and accept you are conscious of having what you want for just a moment in your imagination, then imagination makes it happen via your beliefs, your perception.

You are playing a role and you wrote what you want that role to experience through your imagination. The same power that gave you the desire you have is the same power that wishes to give it to you. All you have to do is tell it you no longer desire it because you consciously have it in your imagination so it is just a matter of time and space catching up.

You must experience both sides so I rejoice at the bad. I know something good is coming. I know that is to make you learn – it just is what you believe it is. It’s all you.

People think the things they tell themselves and imagine no one else knows but we all know. It isn’t a secret. It appears on the stage all around you and is confirming what you believe. So if you are hungry imagine a full belly, and if you are poor imagine you are wealthy. Whatever you wish imagine you have it in your hand and say thank you.

The ancient Hebrew word for sin means missing the mark. You wish to be wealthy but you are not. You are missing the mark. Hit the target. Imagine you have what you wish then be like Judas and betray the name of God, I AM XXX,  and die to it. Forget about it. To betray is to reveal.

Jesus means I AM and Christ means Savior. No one outside of you can save you from you. Only you can save you from you.

All isms are traps and only live because someone believes in them. It doesn’t mean you have to. How do you respond?

It’s your story, your world. Believe in the best of men instead of the worst of men and it will be.

Isn’t it wonderful?

Thank you for spreading the good news!!