Theories Are Not Facts – They Are Guesses

Science is just another way of telling the same story. The leaders of science are just like preachers of religion. Their followers are just as radical and demanding you believe as they do as any zealot.  Their leaders are just as condescending and judgmental as leaders of religions believing they need to tell others how to live life and if others don’t see life as they see it then they are doomed. They are just as passionate in their belief – by golly they know. You gotta believe!

LOL so cute.

Yes this is a physical world. Yes science is cool and shows us what one person or group of persons has observed but that is all it is – an observation. Quantum physics states I will observe what I believe.  Everyone on this earth is different and unique and so each of us will have a different observation. We are all different. Quantum physics & the Observation Effect.

Many are recognizing the trap they set for themselves by believing in authority. When you believe in authority you believe there are others that are smarter than you about you. So they show up to do that for you. Everyone is just playing their role and doing the best they can at playing that role.

As man realizes he decides for himself ultimately, no one makes you believe anything you choose to do so, he realizes there is no one smarter than him about him. No one, No doctor, lawyer, smart guy is smarter than you about you.

Science is the study of the physical world and the physical world came into being after it was imagined. Imagination creates reality.

Science ignores the part of science that explains this mystery. They can’t believe it! That’s ok. Their journey and they will figure it out one day. Each one of us will.

Many will tell you that the Scientific Theory is FACT. It can’t be. It’s a theory. Theories are guesses. Many seem to think that the way subatomic particles behave doesn’t apply to anything but subatomic particles yet they know all matter is made up from these particles. So how subatomic particles behave is how all matter behaves.

We all know it comes from inside of us but we don’t seem to realize that is literal. It is literally what you imagine, the stories you tell yourself, that come to life and if you stop, think about it without good or bad, you will realize everything in your life you imagined first. You told yourself stories you thought no one else knew about and they came to life.

I knew that would happen! Man I told you! Didn’t I tell you that XXX was doing that? Did you see the house next door?  I told you they were … and the list goes on. We all do it and we do it all the time. You couldn’t stop imagining if you wanted to .

Rational Man will tell you 1 million years ago blah blah blah and man crawled out of the mud xxx thousands of years ago and blah blah blah. They don’t know. They are making it up. They are the authority and they are supposed to know but they don’t so they make it up and eventually start to tell others it is a fact and it isn’t.

They know they found bones. They think they know how old they are but even that is questionable. They say things like the super volcano at Yellowstone is overdue for an eruption. How do they know that? They don’t. They are guessing.  Yellowstone is telling them hey I am a caldera but it being overdue to blow? They don’t know why it does what it does so how can they know it is overdue?

There is only one cause – imagination. Now no one goes around imagining a super volcano going off but scientists. What makes natural disasters happen is when many are maligning and judging and the energy has to be cleared out so some natural disaster happens. They can tell you the chamber heats up and this happens and that and then this but they can’t tell you what caused it to begin. They guess it is this or that or the other but they don’t know.

People cry about climate change with the scientists leading the charge like good pulpit pounders. All you hear is be afraid. If you listen to Rational man you will be afraid of everything and everyone and you will suffer in this world and die alone like a man instead of living life and being who you really are.

Be afraid of carbon the most abundant substance out there. I can understand since Rational Man sold carbon as the most rare substance out there in diamond form but that isn’t true. It was just the greatest marketing scheme ever created by Rational man. It’s just carbon and it takes many forms. It’s all energy and it can change.  Energy changes all the time.

Rational man explains what happens after the causation. He can’t tell you the actual cause – he guesses. Then he claims the guesses, because science is involved, is fact and we have to prevent XXX from happening. It’s a guess. Nothing to prevent. Nothing is happening.

The earth wobbles. The Sahara goes green, the Sahara goes desert. You can’t stop it and to blame Man for it is stupid. It just is. Man isn’t doing a thing to the climate other than imagining it is getting hotter or colder and experiencing that.  If you buy climate change you pays your money and takes your choice.

If you wish to experience Yellowstone blowing go ahead and imagine it with them. Keep on maligning and judging others. Be like Oprah and imagine many have to die for things to change. There is only one being here, I AM, made up of billions. We all say I AM. Rita is just a role I AM playing.

When a majority of the One believes, maligns, judges others, they are doing it to themselves and so the world says Ok you don’t like you, you think the world is ugly and there are too many people who need to die on this earth. Alrighty then –  here is a disaster for you to make it ugly like you imagined. Did you like it? I made it spectacular for you! Killed many of you. Not overpopulated now is it? You got what you asked for. Do you love it yet?

The theory of evolution is a guess, a theory, a belief. Man evolves, for example by going from foot, to horse, to wagon, to train, to automobile, airplanes, spaceships. It’s travel just in different ways and faster and quicker with each new way but it is still just travel.

You are not your body. Your body doesn’t evolve. Your consciousness evolves and that in turn manifests as your body evolving. Your consciousness is learning and has been for thousands of years and the body is the vehicle used to do this.

Man has always been conscious. If you wish to believe you crawled out of the mud or came from some amoeba ok but I know Man has always been conscious.  There is not one thing in the universe that was not carved out of consciousness. All is consciousness and imagination. We are not our bodies and we know it.

We say this is my car, this is my house, this is my body. Your know your car and your house are extensions of you but they are not you and neither is your body. It is the vehicle for consciousness and imagination.

All things are possible.

Stuff happens. Some you like and some you don’t. Is it really your world? Is it part of the people you interact with daily? Is it? Or is it someone else’s opinion on what is happening in the world outside of your world? Do you live in Syria? Do you live in the EU or the US? Do you live in Texas or Florida? Do you live in Austin or Houston or Miami? Does any of it really matter to your world?

Everything on the outside came from inside you. People are messengers you sent to you. You can choose to shoot the messenger like many do or you can listen. For example there are people who believe they are empaths. We all are and these people are discovering we are all one being and we are connected.  These people seem to think that because they are empaths they are subject to others energy more than others and they must block or shield themselves from negativity. They toss what they perceive as negative people out of their lives asap. That is shooting the messenger.

Who is negative? They are negative and they project that out and the negative people who show up in their lives are just doing what these people imagined and asked for, being the negative person the empath believes in. Hey – here I am – that negative Nancy you dreamed up that walks about in Walmart.

You can toss negative people out all you want but if you believe people are negative then negative people will show up to bring you the message of see you believe there are negative people in the world and I am here to show you that. Yeah me! LOL Bless all our hearts!

Instead of being thankful for showing you what you dislike and no longer believing people are negative – changing the inside – we go around enforcing the message the messenger brought us. That Nancy she is so negative. I have to block her energy. She is toxic. That woman at Walmart was so ugly. I couldn’t believe how ugly she was and the negativity came off her in waves. I don’t think I can go to Walmart anymore. It is making me sick! LOL you are making you sick.

It’s all an opinion, a belief. All are welcome to their perspective. No one can make you believe as they do and when they try to do so it only makes things worse – for them.

You see it all around you. The inside has changed. Some have woken up and are now imagining those they maligned as lovely. That they are filled with peace, joy and love and it all works out as a win win for all. So we are seeing that inside becoming the outside.

There will be conflict as some struggle to understand it is all them individually and no one else being mean to them.

Individually we are realizing we all say I AM and we can believe and imagine the best of men and get it rather than the worst of men. We can be like Jaimie Escalante,  or Peter Dulane or we can imagine the worst in men and continue to have shooter in place training expecting a shooter to show up and cry when he does.

We can believe and imagine that we all dance and sing together. We can all believe and imagine that together our minds are our Garden of Eden and it is up to us to prune the vine and remove the weeds that have entered our minds.

It comes back to you no worries. Your messengers will change. As the inside changes, so does the outside.

Tell a good story. Imagine it like a little child and if you have faith, knowing the unseen will be seen, the size of a mustard seed, being conscious for a just a moment in your imagination you have your desire, then it will be.

I love you all! I don’t care what you say or do, you are amazing, my family, no matter where you are or who you think you are it doesn’t matter. I know who you are and who I AM.

We all say I AM!

Blessings to all!

My work is entirely reader-funded.  Thank you for sharing!

A Radical Change of Mind

I used to not like me very much. I blamed myself for almost everything and anything. Most of that was because I knew it was my fault in some way. Even when it was another, I took the blame. I tried so hard to be fair. I tried so hard not to cry for the world. But I did cry for the world. The death of little children to reach a better land was devastating to me.

Watching the 99% be attacked without provocation while they peacefully protested, seeing their disarray in their message, hearing the one constant in their message, kept coming into my world. Shoved, pushed, ignored and then came the election season where they were ridiculed and deemed deplorable.

I helped my fellow supervisors only to have them throw me under a bus and when they did it they had this evil look in their eye as did my boss who eventually fired me. I took my mom to lunch and she went on and on about how awful my aunt was until I finally parked and looked at her and she had that same evil look.

I went off and said Mom you love Aunt Shirley like a sister. Stop it. She has Alzheimer’s for crying out loud. She wasn’t being mean to you. She needed some help. That look was replaced with a genuine smile and a you’re right.

I finally figured it out before my mom passed on. I told her. I hope that seed grows for her wherever she is now. They were projecting on me as I was on them.

Love is confusing. You think it feels good and it does. You are told that unconditional love is accepting others despite their faults. That is true too.

It’s also attention. We are told love is the scale but it isn’t. Love is one end of the scale of attention with hate at the other end. Better to have hateful attention than no attention. Attention feeds energy into whatever it is you are paying attention to and giving life to it in your world.

When you realize the Bible was talking about you and it is not historical as some man told you then it becomes so clear.

It is all you.

I was carved out of consciousness with imagination and consciousness buried imagination in me and then laid itself down in me to help me overcome the perception of death and to raise me up out of this womb and into the life waiting for me.

Life is ever lasting. It never stops and my consciousness is a fractal of it. My experiences and stories are part of the whole. I am made better for the experience despite it taking thousands of years of suffering.

I was born into slavery but now I am free. You can be free too. Free of the world of men.

Believe in your story. Tell a good one because what you give attention to comes to be in your world. Be Aladin, or Clinton. Be Cinderella or Princess Diana. Be a butcher, a baker, a candlestick maker but be the best you can be.

It’s like baseball. You practice and practice and you love the game. You stand ready at all times to hit the ball, catch the ball, throw the ball. When you are not ready, error.

You never know when you will be called to show another. So be ready. You may make a candle that saves another. You may cut the meat that causes another to rejoice. You may bake the cake that tells the story.

You never know so be the best, be free, and know it is all you.

Jesus Christ means I AM the Savior.

Consciousness and imagination, your consciousness and your imagination is your savior and you save you by turning to your lovely imagination and being conscious for a moment in your imagination that you are saved. God is not outside of you. That implies separation. God is inside you, a part of you, and he is your lovely imagination.

You can run to some building and pray to some God outside of yourself to save you but it won’t happen. There is no one or nothing outside of you that is coming to save you.

God lives in heaven. Heaven is inside you. All things are possible to God. Where inside you are all things possible? Your lovely imagination.

So be aware of what you are imagining. Make it a good story and you will see it appear on the screen of time and space.

Isn’t it wonderful?

My work is entirely reader-funded so if you enjoyed this piece please consider being the honey for my tea by supporting me on Patreon  or consider checking out my book God is Dog Spelled Backwards: 101 Notes to Self.  Your support is greatly appreciated!