The True Meaning of ‘Sin’

So many think killing, maiming, stealing, blah, blah, blah is sin. It isn’t. Someone from the objective world told you from their objective world perception that the ten commandments from Moses in the Bible, if you break them, are sins.

The objective world sees them one way and the spiritual world sees it another way. Same words different perceptions.

Commandments are rules as per the dictionary.  They are the rules to the game we play called life. Rules are made to be broken.

All are written negatively so you would naturally break them. You are meant to break them so you would trap yourself. Then you choose. Do you give up? Do you try to fix it from the outside? Or do you turn to your savior, your lovely imagination and become conscious for a moment you have what you wish? That you are saved?

If you turn to yourself then you are hitting the target.

The word for sin in ancient Hebrew means missing the mark. You are missing the mark if you wish to be something you are not.  You are sick but you wish to be healthy. You are missing the mark. You want to be a millionaire but you are not. You are missing the mark.

Believe in yourself. Other people who come into your world are you in another costume telling you what you believe. That preacher or doctor, friend or whoever who shows up and insists you are XXX when you want to be YYY is you showing you that you have doubt and that is how it manifests itself to show you what you believe. Do you believe rational man or do you believe yourself? You free will is to chose what you believe.

You wish to be healthy. You feel dis-ease. The doctor says you are sick. Will you hit the target or miss the mark? If you believe the doctor you doubt yourself and you gave your power to his belief and so you missed the mark. You are sick.

If you believe I AM healthy despite what the doctor says then you are hitting the target. Do you believe in yourself enough to know that when you feel sick it is your thoughts doing that to you? If you have dis-ease then something inside you, inside your thoughts, is causing it.

When you miss the mark you are sinning. You believe what another says so you are praising a false god. If you believe in yourself, I AM healthy and imagine others telling you that you never looked better, then for a moment in your imagination you were aware of being perfectly healthy.  You turned to your imagination and so you trust yourself, God, I AM, and go about your day happy because you know you are fine.  You become perfectly healthy.

You push life around. Life does not push you around. You believe in Rational Man who does the same thing over and over again expecting a different result or you believe in yourself. Rational man is crazy.

Science is just another way of saying the same thing.  It has proven that you control your genes they do not control you. Science has proven that you are the God particle they seek on the outside. It is all you. It is all inside you. Your world is yours alone. Love it. It is you. Then change it to be what you wish. You do it with your imagination.

Bless his heart! Rational man is so compassionate and wants to help but he can’t really. Compassion actually means with passion. It doesn’t mean what we tell ourselves it does today.  Compassion as we know it today is a good intention and they pave the road to hell. Compassion locks one into the state of consciousness one wishes to escape. Rational man makes up the causes and if you believe him you end up well for a time or living with the symptoms and the return of dis-ease and die like a man.

The Bible is a book not a religion. The ancients knew more than modern man gives them credit for despite the lovely pyramids and amazing techniques used to build them that we still cannot fathom today. It is an allegory used to explain a concept that most would not understand in a scientific explanation. A story enters into the minds of men easily.

Just because a bunch of men put their belief on it and others bought it doesn’t mean the book is awful. It is the greatest book of psychological truths ever written. It tells you how quantum physics works and how you are the God particle. It is the story of you. You are a spiritual being having a human experience so you can learn and be born. You learn to imitate God, the Father, and not to miss the mark.

You can get lost believing another, that Jesus, which means I AM, was some man who walked the earth instead of a character in an allegory and he is you. That’s ok most do. It’s the journey.  He is a state of consciousness you will wear one day. In the Old Testament he is Joshua.

I don’t care what you say or do. If you turn to your imagination and give thanks to your imagination, not the role you play, and you imagine doing to others or yourself what you would want if you were in their shoes, then it is all good and all comes. If you don’t keep it within the golden rule, it will bite you not them.

Can you pass the test? Do you think of something outside of yourself when you hear Jesus Christ or do you think of yourself and your lovely imagination? You are the God particle that determines which way the photons will go. You are imagination and if you want Schrodinger’s cat to live or die it is up to you and your imagination.

It is all you. Hit the target. Help yourself and others. It only takes a moment of your time and a little imagination. Just imagine you heard the good news!  Who is hearing it? I AM.

All my work is reader supported.  Thank you for sharing. Thank you for being you!

Giving Thanks!

Tefilah is the ancient Hebrew word, that was translated from an Aramaic word Tefillin, which is translated as prayer and means to praise. It doesn’t mean come beg, and plead for something. It means to praise and that means giving thanks.  Once you have mastered prayer you will live in the state of thanksgiving, and all through the day you will say over and over again to yourself: “Thank you, Father.”

Before I knew the Law I had spent months working on an outdoor fundraiser for my sons youth baseball league. The day arrived and it was raining. No it was pouring and my husband said it’s going to be cancelled. I told him no it’s not. It is dry at the field.

I started to pray. I didn’t think about it. I went to the window and said thank you, thank you for moving the energy around and keeping the field dry. Thank you and as I prayed I imagined standing at the field and a hole in the clouds was over the field and sunshine was pouring down on me. I did that for about 15 minutes and then started packing up the car. My husband wanted to call someone and I told him no. No one has called we are going to the field. We went to the field and it rained the entire time on the way until we reached the 4 way stop about a city block away from the field. There was a hole in the clouds, the sun was shining and as we pulled into the parking lot I broke into tears of joy and said thank you. The day went well. We raised thousands for the league and all played baseball and all had their pictures taken. It was glorious.

Give thanks. Pray and never lose heart. Persist in mastering the art of prayer.

The Greek and Latin word “prayer” means “motion towards, accession to, at or in the vicinity of”. I close my eyes and I see the open clouds over the field. I have made a motion, an accession to. As I act in the vicinity of, I see my friends at the field and I feel my husband hugging me.  Having done this, I have full confidence in my imagination, knowing my imagination, my Father, is the being who made it all.

William Blake’s words are true: “Man is all Imagination, and God is Man and exists in us and we in Him. Man’s Immortal Body is the Imagination, and that is God Himself.”

In the 33rd chapter of the Book of Genesis, Jerusalem is called “Shechem.” It is said that, “Jacob came safely into the city of Shechem, which is in the land of Canaan. There he erected an altar and called it El Elohey Israel, which means “the God of Israel”. Orienting himself toward Shechem (the true direction) Jacob remained in El Elohey Israel, which means “safe in mind, body, or estate”.

We are told that Daniel oriented himself at an open window, where he looked toward Jerusalem. And those in the Mohammedan world pray looking towards what they call Mecca.

It all takes place within, inside you.  Scripture is speaking of the Jerusalem within, and not on the outside at all. To pray is to give thanks and you do not prostrate yourself on the ground and look towards some eastern point in space, or run to some building and beg for forgiveness and plead your case.

There is only One God and I AM Him and He is me. It’s all inside.

You quiet your mind and immerse yourself mentally into your fulfilled desire. You are sick and wish to be healthy. You mentally see yourself healthy and hear others telling you that you never looked better as you feel the hug they give you. Although this technique is simple, it takes practice to become its master.

Your true direction is to the knowledge of what you want. Knowing your desire, point yourself directly in front of it by thinking from its fulfillment. Imagine the end. Silence all thought and allow the doors of your mind to open. Then enter your desire. Stay with your imagination as your companion. Start by thinking of your imagination as something other than yourself, and eventually you will know you are what you formerly called your imagination. Father makes it happen. Thank you Father is thanking your imagination.

It is possible to lose a hand, leg, or various parts of the body but imagination cannot be lost, for it is your eternal Self!

You can not only move in space but also in time and fulfill your every desire. Prayer does not have to be confined to what a person calls self. You can pray for another by feeling they now have what they formerly wanted, for feeling is a movement. The first creative act recorded in scripture is motion: “God moved upon the face of the water.”

Prayer is motion. It is learning how to move toward a change in your bank balance, your marital status, or social world. Learn to master the art of motion; for after you move, change begins to rise up out of the deep. The technique of prayer is mastering your inner motion. If you are seeing things you would like to change, move in your imagination to the position you would occupy after the change you desire took place.

Everything and everyone in your world is yourself pushed out. People are just messengers.  Any request from another,  heard by you, should not be ignored; for it is coming from yourself! You came down from a world of light to confine yourself to this body of darkness. Now a spark from an infinite world of light, one day you will remember that world and awaken, but in the meantime you must learn to exercise the power of your mind.

Prayer is psychological movement. It is the art of moving from a problem to its solution. When a friend calls, telling of a problem, we hang up, and I move from the problem state to its solution by hearing the same person telling me the problem is now solved.

Desire is thinking of! Living is thinking from! Don’t go through life desiring. Live your desire. Think it is already fulfilled. Believe it is true; for an assumption, though false, if persisted in will harden into fact.

When you are learning the art of prayer, persistence is necessary, as told us in the story of the man who – coming at night – said: “Friend, lend me three loaves of bread.” Although his friend replied: “It is late, the door is closed, my children are in bed, and I cannot come down and serve you,” because of the man’s persistence, his friend gave him what he wanted.  The man repeated and repeated his request, unwilling to take no for an answer. The same is true in the story of the widow. These are all parables told to illustrate prayer.

The Lord’s Prayer teaches the oneness of us all. It begins: “Our Father.” If God is our Father, are we not one? Regardless of our race or color of skin, if we have a common Father, we must have a common brotherhood.

Eventually we are all going to know we are the Father; but in the meanwhile, persistence is the key to a change in life – more income, greater recognition, or whatever the desire may be. If your desire is not fulfilled today, tomorrow, next week or next month then persist, for persistence will pay off. All of your prayers will be answered if you will not give up.

Being all imagination, you must be wherever you are in imagination. Moving in your imagination, you are preparing a place for your desires to be fulfilled. Then you return, to walk through a series of events which will lead you up to where you have placed yourself. In imagination, I can put myself where I desire to be. I move and view the world from there. Then I return here, confident that in a way unknown to me this being who can do all things and knows all things, will lead me physically down a road to where I have placed myself. You can move in imagination to any place and any time.

Live there as though it were true, and you will have learned the secret of prayer.

Learn how to pray. Master it and make your world conform to the ideal you want to experience. Stop thinking of, and start thinking from. To think from the wish fulfilled is to realize that which you will never experience while you are thinking of it. When you put yourself into the state of the wish fulfilled and think from it, you are praying, and in a way your reasoning mind does not know, your wish will become a fact in your world.

You can be the man or woman you want to be, when you know how to pray. All things are possible to him who believes and has faith. Faith is knowing the unseen will be seen. Therefore learn the art of believing and persuade yourself it is true.

The Bible is not just beautiful poetry; it is the inspired word of God. Written by poets, they have given enlarged meaning to normal words. When you put your body on the bed and assume you are elsewhere, are you not all imagination? In the act of imagining, you depart the dark caverns of this body and appear where you imagine yourself to be, because you are God – all imagination – and cannot die. You cannot go to eternal death in that which cannot die, and your immortal being is imagination! You are the central being of scripture – the one called Jesus Christ, who is the Lord God Jehovah – who descended here for a purpose.

If you are still desiring, stop it right now! Ask yourself what it would be like, were your desire a reality. How would you feel if you were already the one you would like to be? The moment you catch that mood, you are thinking from it. And the great secret of prayer is thinking from, rather than thinking of. Anchored here, you know where you live, your bank balance, job, creditors, friends, and loved ones – as you are thinking from this state. But you can move to another state and give it the same sense of reality, when you find and practice the great secret of prayer.

Practice the art of prayer daily, and then one day you will find the most effective prayer is: “Thank you Father.” You will feel this being within you as your very self. You can speak of it as “thou” yet know it is “I.” You will then have a thou/I relationship, and say to yourself: “Thank you, Father”. If I want something, I know the desire comes from the Father, because all thought springs from Him. Having given me the urge, I thank Him for fulfilling it. Then I walk by faith, in confidence that he who gave it to me through the medium of desire will clothe it in bodily form for me to encounter in the flesh.

Don’t get in the habit of judging and criticizing, seeing only unlovely things. You have a life so live it nobly. It is so much easier to be noble, generous, loving, and kind, than to be judgmental. If others want to do so, let them.

They are an aspect of yourself that you haven’t overcome yet, but don’t fall into that habit. Simply thank your heavenly Father over and over and over again, because in the end, when the curtain comes down on this wonderful drama, the supreme actor will rise from it all and you will know that you are He.

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Breaking the Code of the 12 Disciples

A lot of this I discovered on my own and a lot of it with the help of Neville Goddard. I hope this helps others understand the Bible is an allegory about you. This was my first blog in three parts. I have combined them together. I hope this helps others!!

The Bible is a puzzle and we instinctively know it can be solved. Look at the popularity of anything on it. DaVinci Code, the Bible Code, the Moses Code, the Kabballah Code are all best sellers. Breaking the code of the Bible is the key and it isn’t running the words through a computer program while you imagine certain words popping up and then they do. It is knowing the language and that means going back to original works in Aramaic, Hebrew, Latin, or Greek.

Apostle is apostello in Greek – apo, off; stello, send, meaning “to be sent.” The english translation is “I am sent to you . . .”, (DR). 12 things sent to you if you ask for it but whether you choose to use them or not is up to you.

Disciple is a derivative of discipline. The disciples of Christ never historically lived. They represent 12 disciplines to be disciplined in to become the pattern that is needed to see the signs confirming that you are indeed a fractal of God and therefore the Son of God and your journey is ending.

The names of the twelve disciples reveal the discipline to master. They are: Simon, who was later named Peter, Andrew, James, John, Philip, Bartholomew, Thomas, Matthew, James the son of Alphaeus, Thaddaeus, Simon the Canaanite, and Judas.

The first discipline is Simon or the attribute of hearing. From Σιμων (Simon), the New Testament Greek form of the Hebrew name שִׁמְעוֹן (Shim’on) which means “he has heard”. Peter is derived from the Greek Πετρος (Petros) meaning “stone”. This is a translation used in most versions of the New Testament of the name Cephas, meaning “stone” in Aramaic.

This discipline is the hearing is set in stone. You insist on only allowing your consciousness to hear such impressions or things that you are consciousness of or wish to be the stated desire. I am healthy.

No matter what the outside might suggest, you look sick, or the evidence of his senses, I feel sick, if such suggestions and ideas are not in keeping with that which he hears, I AM healthy, he remains unmoved and set in stone, I don’t know what you are talking about. I am healthy. This is the instruction of your consciousness, I am healthy. You understand that every suggestion you permit to pass the gate will, on reaching your subconsciousness, becomes a reality and manifests in this world. You just healed yourself by not listening or allowing other ‘facts’ to dissuade you.

This is apparent in the presidential election in the US. It did not, and still does not, matter to those who love Trump. He is the man. You can say whatever you want about him they refuse to listen to anything other than he is the best and he is the man. Trump refused to listen to anything other than he was the next president. It didn’t matter what the polls said, how the media treated him and his supporters, nothing could sway them in their belief he was the next president. So he is.

The instruction to Simon is that he should permit only dignified and honorable visitors or impressions to enter the house (consciousness). No mistake can be covered up or hidden from yourself, for everything and everyone in this life tells you when you consciously or unconsciously entertained something.

Example — I allowed someone else to frighten me about my mother. I said my mom was healthy and she didn’t.  For the two days I entertained the thoughts this nurse had told me, I had carrot flies in my carrot patch in the garden and was weepy and more ‘facts’ about the state of my mom’s ‘health’ kept flying at me. Those ‘facts’, flies and tears were my clues I was not in sync. I revised what I had thought and the flies left as did the tears, ‘facts’ and my mom did better. The entire time I was telling the carrots they were loved and healthy and when my husband said look at these flies I said yes but the red wasps are here to take care of them and they were but the flies did not go until I revised the thoughts I had entertained. If my choice had been to spray soapy water on them, man trying to control nature who is giving me what I asked for, they would have died and returned because I allowed my consciousness to hear something it said to the contrary earlier. Get back in the vortex, the groove, and sync.

When Simon by remaining steadfast and revising anything that does not agree with what I AM said, proves himself to be a true and faithful disciple and he receives the name of Peter or the rock, the unmoved disciple, the one who cannot be bribed or convinced by anyone. He is called Simon Peter, the one who faithfully hears the commands of his Lord and all others he hears not. Lalalala – I don’t hear you! At the onset of the ‘facts’ I should have said to myself my mom is healthy. I don’t care what you say and ignore her. I didn’t. It becomes a habit after a while but at first you slip and slide.

Christ — Old English Crīst, from Latin Chrīstus, from Greek khristos anointed one (from khriein to anoint), translating Hebrew māshīah Messiah.

Jesus —  a derivative of Jehovah meaning I AM

It is this Simon Peter in you who discovers the I AM to be Christ, and he is given the keys to heaven, assured knowledge that conscious imagination saves you, and is made the foundation stone upon which the Temple of God rests. That is not a church. It is you. You are the temple where God rests. Buildings must have firm foundations and only the disciplined hearing can, on learning that the I AM is Christ, remain firm and unmoved in the knowledge that I AM Christ and beside ME there is no savior. I AM the Savior. All the facts in the world will not dissuade you because you know you are I AM.

The second one is Peter’s brother, Andrew or courage. Andrew means to turn from the objective world.  As you develop faith in yourself, it automatically calls its brother, courage. Faith in oneself, asking for no man’s help but quietly and alone puts on the consciousness of the desired and in spite of the ‘facts’ to the contrary continues faithfully, patiently waiting in the knowledge that his unseen belief, if persisted, must be realized. It must manifest. You turn within away from what the world is showing you.  Faith develops a courage and strength of character that are beyond the wildest dreams of the undisciplined mind or sleeping man whose faith is in things he can see. It’s not seeing is believing it’s believing is seeing. You can know how it works through the Law of Attraction but that does not give you faith even though it helps.

The faith of the undisciplined man cannot really be called faith. Your perception is your reality. It is not another’s perception that is your reality be that your spouse, boss, friend, neighbor, or leaders. The disciplined one knows the whole world could be taken and yet he would remain faithful in the knowledge that the state of consciousness in which he lives must be realized. This courage is Peter’s brother Andrew, the discipline, to turn within and imagine, to dare, to do and to be silent.

You just keep climbing that ladder, Jacob’s ladder, and one day you arrive to the top. You have shed all conditions and returned to the unconditional state of love you arrived in. You are the baby who smiles so lovingly and laughs with wonder at all. You are journeying home, the long way around and you arrive at last.

I know from experience that some of us are naturals at it and have to lose the ability in order to gain it back and in the process of gaining it back we go beyond what we were doing before. It is different for everyone because we are all different and we are all on different parts of the same road. The road home.

Then come the brothers, James and John, James the just, the righteous judge, and his brother John, the beloved. James means to supplant and John means John means to be gracious.  Justice, to be wise, must be administered with love – gracious, ever turning the other cheek, love for hate, nonviolence for violence. You supplant hate for love.

The disciple James, symbol of a disciplined judgment, when raised to the high office of a supreme judge must be blindfolded so he is not influenced or judges by appearances. Don’t judge a book by its cover. Disciplined judgment is administered by one who is not influenced by appearances and errs on the side of love. The one who has called these brothers to discipleship continues faithful to his command to hear only that which he has been commanded to hear. I am healthy or whatever I AM wants. He supplants the new for the old and does it with love. The person who has this quality disciplined is incapable of hearing and accepting as true anything either of himself or another which does not on the hearing fill his heart with love.

You give something your attention and you can either feel good about it, love, or you can feel bad about it, hate.

These two disciplines are one and inseparable when awakened. Such a disciplined one forgives all men for being that which they are. He knows as a wise judge that every man perfectly expresses that which he is, as man, conscious of being. He knows that upon the changeless foundation of consciousness all manifestation rests, that changes of expression can be brought about only through changes of consciousness. You are what you believe you are.

With neither condemnation nor criticism these disciplined qualities allow everyone to be that which he is. However, although allowing this perfect freedom of choice to all, they are ever watchful to see that they themselves follow consciousness and do this both for others and themselves. It is done with love and joy and none other can be permitted. It is imagining another as you wish them to be and believing they are what you imagine.

The fifth discipline is Philip. Phillip means to love. Phillip asks to be shown the Father. If you are awake you know that the Father is the state of consciousness in which you live, and that this state can be seen only as it is expressed in manifestation. He knows himself to be the perfect likeness or image of that consciousness with which he is identified. So he states, “No man has at any time seen my Father, but I, the son, who dwelleth in his bosom have revealed him; therefore, when you see me, the son, you see my Father, for I come to bear witness of my Father.” I and my Father, consciousness, imagination and its manifestation, God and man, are one.

This aspect when disciplined persists until ideas, ambitions and desires become fulfilled realities. This is the quality which states “Yet in my flesh shall I see God.” It knows how to make the word live, how to give form to the formless. It knows how to consciously manifest. It’s love.

The sixth disciple is Bartholomew. Bartholomew means to plow. The soil is your mind. When you imagine you are plowing the field and sowing seed. This discipline is the imagination. An awakened imagination places you head and shoulders above the average man, giving the appearance of a beacon light in a world of darkness. No quality so separates man from man as does the disciplined imagination. This is the separation of the wheat from the chaff. Those with vivid imaginations have given the most to society which are the artists, scientists, inventors and singers, poets.

To call Bartholomew to discipleship is to have the capacity to conceive ideas that will lift you beyond the limitations of man.

The seventh is called Thomas. Thomas means twin.  It is the twin of Jesus – the opposite side. This discipline doubts or denies every rumor and suggestion that are not in harmony with that which Simon Peter has been commanded to let enter. The person who is conscious of being healthy not because of inherited health, diets or climate, but because he is awakened and knows the state of consciousness in which he lives, will, in spite of the conditions of the world, continue to express health. He could hear through the press, radio and wise men of the world that a virus is sweeping the earth and he would remain unmoved and unimpressed. Thomas, the doubter when disciplined would deny that sickness or anything else which was not in sympathy with the consciousness to which he belonged had any power to affect him.

This discipline of denial protects man from receiving impressions that are not in harmony with his nature. He adopts an attitude of total indifference to all suggestions that are foreign to that which he desires to express. Disciplined denial is not a fight or a struggle but total indifference.

Matthew, the eighth, is the gift of God. Mathew means gift from God. This discipline is total acceptance that man’s desires are gifts of God. The man who has called this disciple into being knows that every desire of his heart is a gift from imagination and that it contains both the power and the plan of its self-expression. Such a man never questions the manner of its manifestation. He knows that the plan of expression, how and when, is never revealed to man for imagination’s ways are past finding out. He fully accepts his desires as gifts already received and goes his way in peace confident that they shall appear.

The ninth disciple is called James the son of Alphaeus. James means to supplant and Alphaeus means to renew. This is the quality of discernment. A clear and ordered mind is the voice which calls this disciple into being. This discipline perceives that which is not revealed to the eye of man. This disciple judges not from appearances because he knows the cause is imagination and from within and so is never misled by appearances.

This aspect has the capacity to interpret that which is seen knowing as within so without. This one knows all are messengers and gift givers.  Discernment or the capacity to diagnose what inside you is creating what you see outside you – that is the quality of James the son of Alphaeus.

Thaddaeus, the tenth, is the disciple of praise, a quality in which the undisciplined man is lacking or non-existent. Thaddaeus means a courageous heart.  Have courage and be thankful for the unseen desire as if it already were.  When this quality of praise and thanksgiving is awake within man, he walks with the words, “Thank you, Father,” ever on his lips. He knows that his thanks for things not seen opens the gates and permits gifts beyond his capacity to receive to be poured upon him.

The man who is not thankful for things received is not likely to be the recipient of many gifts from the same source. Until this quality of the mind is disciplined, man will not see his desires manifest. Praise and thanksgiving are to one’s desires what rain and sun are to the unseen seeds in the soil of the earth.

The eleventh quality called is Simon of Canaan. “Hearing good news.” Simon of Canaan, or Simon from the land of milk and honey, when called to discipleship, is proof that the one who calls this discipline into being has become conscious of  abundance in life. This discipline is incapable of hearing anything other than good news and is well qualified to preach the Gospel or Good news.

Last and the most important one of them all, Judas. Judas means to praise. Iscariot means to be cool as in unmoved.

When this discipline is awake man knows that he must die to that which he was before he can become that which he desires to be. So it is said of this disciple that he committed suicide, the discipline of detachment. This one knows that his I AM or consciousness is his savior, so he lets all other saviors go. This quality when disciplined gives one the strength to let go.

The man who has called Judas into being has learned how to be thankful. to praise his imagination and consciousness and takes his attention away from problems or limitations and to place it upon that which is the solution or savior. “Except ye be born again you cannot in anywise enter the Kingdom of Heaven.” “No greater love hath man than this, that he give his life for a friend.” When man realizes that the desire, if realized, would save and befriend him, he willingly gives up his life or his present conception of himself, for his friend by detaching his consciousness from that which he is conscious of being and assuming the consciousness of that which he desires to be.

The world in its ignorance has maligned Judas believing he was a man who walked the earth.  Judas will, when man awakes from his undisciplined state, be placed on high for God is love and no greater love has a man than this, that he lay down his life for a friend. Until you let go of the old conscious of being, you will not become that which you desire to be; and Judas is the one who accomplishes this through detachment.

Man’s duty is to raise these attributes to the level of discipleship. When this is accomplished man will say, “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.” Timothy 2:4-7

My work is entirely reader-funded. If this work resonates with you and you enjoyed it please consider supporting me on Patreon. It allows me to keep writing and is so appreciated!  Thank you for your support!

Understanding Love

Love is giving your attention to someone or something. Whether it is good or bad doesn’t matter, that is the perception you place upon it. You may love butterflies and they make you feel good and dislike ants they bite and make you feel bad. You may watch and plant flowers for the butterfly and you make pour soap and water on the ants. You are still loving both of them because you give them your attention.

If you wish the ants to depart them thank them for showing you what you dislike, biting you, know they do good by turning the soil, and no longer dwell upon them. They will go. I live in Texas and wood cockroaches, told all my life, are just a part of life here and will get into your home. I do not believe that anymore. I thanked them for showing me what I dislike. I told them there is a compost pile and you can leave the way you came in and enjoy that. The roaches are no longer in my home for the first time in my life here. No cockroaches! They hang out by the compost. LOL It makes me happy!

You have a power within called unconditional love. It doesn’t matter what you feel about it, good or bad, if you give your attention to it, then it comes to be. You are focused on something so you give your attention to it.

Love is not love without a beloved. You have to have something to love it.

For example the military industrial complex and spies. They love enemies. You can’t have a war or someone to spy on if you do not have an enemy. So they plan for them. They make them and someone comes forward to be what they imagined. Someone answered the call and played the role.

Oliver North named Osama bin Laden as the number 1 enemy during senate congressional hearings during the Reagan administration. The US military industrial complex had been turning him into a ‘terrorist’ for many, many, years before he became one. When he fought with the US in Afghanistan he was a freedom fighter, given money and arms to push the evil Russians out. Then he was ignored, not thanked, and he came to be the very thing they imagined he was, a terrorist out to get America.

So who is the monster? The actual monster created or the one who created it?

If you believe you are not worthy of anything, or you are stupid, or you are not good enough, then you are thinking like a victim and things will come to you to show you that, like a cat breaking your new phone or driving into a pot hole you thought wasn’t that bad but killed the tire.

As soon as the war of 1870 ended military heads in Germany began planning the next war. The world had determined after that war and the American Civil war that war in and of itself was too expensive and therefore could not longer be waged. Yet the generals and spies were imagining and planning. The bankers answered the call and took over making war affordable. They got what they imagined and convinced others to believe and it turned into WWI. As soon as that ended, WWII was imagined and planned. The National Security Council admitted the ‘domino’ effect was not factual but went to war in Vietnam based upon it. They sold it and Americans bought it.

You can believe those who say this, that or the other, or you can look for both sides of the coin and realize it’s just a coin.

What do you love? What are you giving your attention to? It’s your choice. Your free will.
You can give your attention to the things you love or you can give it to the things you do not like and it doesn’t matter which one you choose, you gave your attention to it and so it will come to be.

The most difficult thing in the world is realizing you are not a slave, victim, to anyone else. You are doing it to yourself. No one is being mean to you. You are being mean to you.

You are magnificent. No one is like you. You are amazing and brilliant. I do not care what you say or do. I love you. I believe in you.

Don’t do it for me or another. Do it for yourself because there is nothing in the world like you. You are the most special thing in the world and deserve the best.

I know I am and if I am then so are you.

If you know one thing know this. There is one person in this world that loves you, warts and all. One who believes you are the most magnificent thing in the world. I AM the one who loves you and believes in you always.

If I AM magnificent, then so are you. It is that simple as all great discoveries are.

If you enjoy my blog or my books, please consider supporting me at Patreon.  Dog is God Spelled Backwards:101 Notes to Self is available in softback and electronic formats at iUniverseAmazon, and Barnes and NobleAvaleigh’s Amazing Adventures is available in electronic format only at Amazon. Reviews are always appreciated

Being a Victim is a State of Consciousness

Congresswomen, British MPs, Hollywood stars, who knows who is next to come out and say look at me!  I was victimized too!

The real question is are you done being a victim? Are you ready now to be the amazing person you are? Are you ready to think for yourself and do the right thing because it is the right thing to do for you? Or are you following  the crowd?  Do you see it as an opportunity to jump on the bandwagon? Is it an opportunity to exact revenge? Get a little payback?

Being a victim is a state of consciousness and the bullies, the spouse, the neighbor, the rapists, murderers, terrorists, the abusive boss showed up to do whatever it is they did to you. It’s so hard to admit you called them to do it to you. People are just messengers showing you what you believe and imagine and you can’t stop being a victim until you recognize that it is you vibrating out the frequency of a victim. You can’t be a victim without someone to victimize you so they come to show you what you believe.

Someone stood up and said I deserve the best and I am not a victim in anyone’s story much less my own and all the victims come out and say look at me! I am/was a victim too. Are you ready to change and know no one can hurt you unless you allow it? Or are you exacting some type of revenge? If it is revenge then watch out. Thinking ill of another only brings it to bear on you not them.

There are no laws to pass or things to do about it. The ugly came to show you what you imagined and believed and we all do it. We are all victims in some way shape or form. That is what some man told us and we all believed it. It starts from the beginning of your time here with illness. Then it grows to include pestilence, famine, death. The four horsemen. Defeat them and your time here is almost done.

Some examples of victim mentality:

To save a wretch like me

You are just a tiny speck in the universe

You must have a degree

Go to the doctor

Don’t breathe the air, enjoy the sun, drink the water, eat the food – it’s poison and will kill you

There are others smarter than you about everything.

Lay on the couch to get the part

Do what I say or I won’t talk to God for you.

What have you done for me lately?

This place is a womb. You are the Son/Daughter of God and Man. You are magnificent. You made the world you see around you. No rational man knows better than you about you. No one is smarter than you about you. You need no man to talk to God as you are His child and talk to him daily in your imagination.

The question is what have you done lately for you?

The Age of Reason is just another way of telling the same story. It has led us to Quantum Physics and the world denies the results. The world of rational man will tell you that genes control you, you cannot control the weather, there is not enough for all, theories are facts and we are all going to burn and die.

Illness, pestilence, famine, death do not exist. This is a play and that is an illusion. You are in the physical realm that helps you grow and gestate and so you have all your needs met at every moment in time and point in space in your journey.

Your compassion for another locks them into the very state of consciousness they wish to escape. Do not confuse compassion for love. If you love them then you see them as happy and having all their dreams come true. You feed them, clothe them because you would want that if you were in their state of consciousness but you also imagine them happy.

Everyone’s pursuit of happiness is different so just imagine them happy. Imagine the end. That is love.

I have a lovely friend who was in a car wreck and she believes that is when her degenerative disease began. She loves to watch shows on health and bizarre health issues and problems. I imagined her healthy. I revised the wreck and imagined it never happened. I was sure she would heal knowing the Law.

She did not heal. She faded away out of my life. I did it for a neighbor and they sold their house and moved away.  I know it works because it worked for me and my husband and others in my family. I learned though. Her journey is hers alone and she must defeat her own monster. I love her and wish for her to imagine what she wants and not what she fears. I imagine her happy.

Emotional maturity takes a long time to obtain. All that angst and drama. If you believe in illness you will get ill. If you have conflict inside it will show up on the outside in some way. You have to change the inside to change the outside because it is all you. This place is a mirror of you.

You think there are billions but there is only one made up of billions.

Good or bad taken too far are the same thing. It is not very good at all either way.

Worry and doubt show up so no worries, no doubt.

You can’t have a bad without a good so love the bad you see in the world. It just means a good is on the way.

Isn’t it wonderful?

If you enjoy my blog or my books, please consider buying me a cup of coffee or a cup of tea by supporting me at Patreon.  Dog is God Spelled Backwards:101 Notes to Self is available in softback and electronic formats at iUniverseAmazon, and Barnes and NobleAvaleigh’s Amazing Adventures is available in electronic format only at Amazon. Reviews are always appreciated

The Law & the Houston Astros

In 2014 Sports Illustrated had on its cover Houston Astros 2017 World Series Champions. Three years later here we are with the Houston Astros now the 2017 World Series Champions. The writer of the article was interviewed and he stated he was reporting on what the front office told him was ‘the plan’ and it made a lot of sense. He said this is the beginning for the Astros not a one time deal. They will be champions for many years to come.

There is only one Law that rules us all. Imagination creates reality.

The plan. The plan is filling in the details. You imagine it. Then you start to plan and tell others and they help you plan adding to the story but you imagined it first. Ideas came after you imagined having it. Then comes the gut feeling go this way, do that, make that trade, do this or that or the other and you go with it. The plan is what was imagined and the writer added his imaginings.  In May another made the prediction it would be the Astros and the Dodgers. A woman sold prayer beads all season and they had 101 wins. We were writing the story together because we are One being made up of many.

One man imagined it, another added to it, more added to it, adding their beliefs weaving the story that was first imagined by someone. It only takes one to begin the process.

Whoever it was was conscious for a moment in their imagination they had what they wanted, a World Series ring, a parade who knows what it was but someone imagined it. It built and everything and everyone that was needed to make that happen, happened.

It’s subtle. You think the outside is what causes the happy and the woes of the world. It is inside you. You are a projector so tell a good story. Houston likes to tell good stories. We all saw the Law in action for the Super Bowl. We all saw it during Harvey and after, We all saw it with the Astros.

Houston believes Houston is stronger and better for the experiences we have together writing such lovely stories. Houston believes all things are possible and no one can stop us but us.

It is whatever you believe it is and whatever you believe you imagine. You are unconditional love, you imagine what you dislike as well as what you like. It is how you respond, the inside, to what you called that determines the outcome of the story being written. The outside.

We all do it all the time. You are conscious for a moment in your imagination of saying or doing or having what you want and you forget about it. You call it the plan which did not come to you until you imagined the end you wanted.

Once you see the pattern you begin to consciously choose what you think, you prune the vine, and you lose all judgement of others. You realize they are just bringing you the story you are telling yourself. Everything ever written tells you the story of you.

Science calls it quantum physics and the observation effect, the Bible calls it the Law, Ancient Egyptians called it the Eye of Horus, modern times call it Santa Claus. It’s a pattern and it is the same thing over and over again.

We can’t change anything on the outside unless we change the inside. Your free will is to choose what you will love, what you give attention to, what you will imagine and give birth to, good or bad up to you.

You are not allowed to hurt another because that is you in another costume. People are just messengers. No one gets to shoot the messenger. When you try, it backfires every time. You did it to you.

You can change it. You are making it up. It’s a story.

Isn’t it wonderful?

If you enjoy my blog or my books, please consider supporting me at Patreon.  Dog is God Spelled Backwards:101 Notes to Self is available in softback and electronic formats at iUniverseAmazon, and Barnes and NobleAvaleigh’s Amazing Adventures is available in electronic format only at Amazon. Reviews are always appreciated